GG Twinks VS SuperNova

time 4 gg twinks 2 take their anger and frustration out on f2ps
Re: GG Twinks vs SupaNova (Twitch Stream)

Good game games to everyone involved :) was so good to see our group bounce back from a loss in the first game. Never say die lads! Hope to see more guild vs guild action soon and hopefully we've given the 29 bracket a bit of very welcome and needed attention.

Good game guys, Ameletta contact me quite butt hurt and need to whoop your ass for the final time haha <3 let me know when u want to set up another premade. We are always down for more.

GG <SupaNova>

Best regards
First 29 wargame in a while! cheers!

In case you missed it, i streamed and some what commentated the games. A total of three games were played, a little sloppy start, but you can def see the potential in the bracket. Be sure to check it out on my stream if you missed it or want to watch it again! good stuff to both teams, my hats off to them. Hope to see more soon!

Link. title is wrong cuz im scrub sorry haha

Re: First 29 wargame in a while! cheers!

Was a deffinitly a GG. Im looking forward to more <3

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