Gear scales now

this is an exciting, but also annoying change. Previously you could use wowhead's item database to figure out what is BiS for your target gear set. Now you need to search forum posts for scaling data.

Resil is almost useless now. Therefore, all PvP heirlooms go into bank storage.

Insignia trinket is tricky. It got both buffed (5min CD --> 2 min CD) and nerfed (it was even slightly better than AGM in terms of resil/stamina, and now it is vastly inferior to AGM).

AGM is BiS once again. (In 5.2 AGM was only BiS when it was not on CD).

Overall, the difference between the well-geared and badly geared players will diminish. Which is good.
No, but some people have P2P monks with F2P chants. Not many though. Since they're killing a hunter, I approve.

The problem with Riot Stick is that you lose eye patch. Most wouldn't have it. I did wonder about it being BiS once, but no one ever tested it out, including me.

i have a sneaking suspicion that Riot Stick > Eyepatch hands down. the heirloom weapons only scale up to 23.xx DPS. unless you want to roll with the GSOJ for offheals, then Riot Stick is BiS. that extra 6 weapon damage is greater than the agility/AP you lose from not having the eyepatch and dredger.

not to mention the crit on the Riot Stick scales up as well.
besides, ferals/guardians can hit cap without the eyepatch.
without scaling,
Riot Stick : 24.7 dps, 8 crit.
Lava Dredger : 21 dps, 7 agi, 4 crit, 4 haste.
Eyepatch : 8 agi, 8 hit.
So : 15 agi, 4 haste, 8 hit vs 3.7 dps, 4 crit.

Dont think Riot Stick is better.

because hit is hard to get for leather users.
1 dps is 14 ap
so ur 15 agi with druids 25% from cat form is about 17 agi which is about 2.5 dos which means. 2.2 dps and 4 crit vs 4 haste. if you still think its better I recommend you go see a doctor.
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1 DPS is worth roughly 14-15 attack power, which is 7 agility. Riot Stick has SIX more DPS than dredger/GSOJ.
which means that Riot Stick is SIGNIFICANTLY (about 60 AP/ 30 agility) better than eyepatch/dredger. and that's INCLUDING the agility on the eyepatch and dredger. PLUS your crit is quite a bit higher with Riot Stick.

i wasn't convinced in 5.2. in 5.3 i absolutely am convinced. Riot Stick is BiS for ferals.
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At this moment in time, its too early say what every classes definitive BiS will be, most items will probably not change much, but with the scaling there's a larger variety of hitting certain percentages (expertise soft cap comes to mind).

So wouldn't it be an advantage for the P2Ps to just XP stop at 20 (assuming they gain the scaling), and add P2P chants? Or is the level 24 gear still more powerful? I do know they share some of the same for BIS ie Sentinel's Medallion.
I think the point was to get the lower levels within a bracket more in line with the highest level within a bracket.
What a time to be back! :D

The best thing about this patch is that: so many decked out 24's (especially those gemmers) would wish that they stayed at 20 instead.
As a F2P level 20 ele shaman, how else did I get that attached screenshot? In other words, that's perhaps one of several occasions where wowhead information is incorrect, especially with freshly available patches.

I see now , the are allowing 20s to use that spell :D !

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