this patch is BS..
Y items scale but heirlooms already did from 20-24 in BG and any proper f2p had them,
resiliance is ussles..on my rogue i had all res items but shoulders and i could actualy fell the diference and with recup up could take some rogues got no mobiltiy ,beside 2x ambush for 300 (if no crit and they dont happen that often even with 20+ crit% ) no buff in dmg,,recuperate heals less,,,,,
for Retard frinedly hunters/druids/paladins/shamans/priests this is a good patch
for rest of us normal ppl with no social or mental issues we got F... in the ass
2day all of my games against horde EU was vs paladins druids priests. jumping around overhealing and doing more dmg with bettery moblity,
but i sure love killing them anyway..noob EU horde and fail spanish