I'd like to propose a return to Aerie Peak. Both Horde and Alliance. Using the addon https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/f2paddon and forming groups.
Lets get back to the days of 40 online each-side.
I suggest we form daily wargames vs eachother. Horde vs Alliance. With that big a community on either side we should have some really solid games going at all times. I'm not going to setup specific times, IMO that never works. It's a sign on, join, get in a wargame type deal.
I'd like to propose the following wargame restrictions:
No Surv or MM Hunter
No Arms Warrior
20's only
That's it. I don't think disc is that broken at 20 but we can look at it later. I'd like to encourage people to even reroll a new starter account. Grind the gear, like the old days. Make it mean something. But I'm not going to gimp people out of plate/mail helms so play as you like.
I'm going to gear for wpvp. Not messing around with gray items or broken wand stats, so boring. But play as you like, stat difference is next to nothing. I'd hope we get to a point for some massive wpvp with chants/gear that matters.
Lets get back to the days of 40 online each-side.
I suggest we form daily wargames vs eachother. Horde vs Alliance. With that big a community on either side we should have some really solid games going at all times. I'm not going to setup specific times, IMO that never works. It's a sign on, join, get in a wargame type deal.
I'd like to propose the following wargame restrictions:
No Surv or MM Hunter
No Arms Warrior
20's only
That's it. I don't think disc is that broken at 20 but we can look at it later. I'd like to encourage people to even reroll a new starter account. Grind the gear, like the old days. Make it mean something. But I'm not going to gimp people out of plate/mail helms so play as you like.
I'm going to gear for wpvp. Not messing around with gray items or broken wand stats, so boring. But play as you like, stat difference is next to nothing. I'd hope we get to a point for some massive wpvp with chants/gear that matters.
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