Game changers?

why you mind ***** me broski.
look ur own mind ****ness led to me being mind **** too so it all canceled out in the end ;]
Well I've played horde for quite a few months now and I've been able to pick up on the major "game changers" on horde side (pretty much anyone from Waw Tawent, especially when grouped with "Pizza").

Who are some of the good ALLIANCE players/names to look out for, like, when they join the game you know there going to put up a fight. Only curious because most games that I've personally played have been completely one sided to the horde.

if you are on BH and only queing when WT is on or are just killer lucky in that you play at same times pizza & friends does, then you will more than likely be getting carried each time.

therefore personally you won't experience much and see when the games are overly one sided in favor of the alliance.

also many of the names posted as game changers are dual rolled and will flip or flip depending where the grass is greener. once you realize who those players are (which is easy) just by checking players at start you know which faction has been winning. such as pizza rolling alliance hunter or discover switched to horde hunter...happens
sax is a prety big gamer changer on paladin
Yeah, gonna disagree here. Either this person has the lowest latency in the world or is just terrible at getting saps off, because I nova this guy out of stealth all the time. I think I might have been ambushed at like ~500 hp once or twice by him though.

Gliiese #2 Horde flag returner to Dasfizzla with his damn 15 or less latency
Das#3 Flag returner never even heard of you
as evidenced above, even the mention of pizza in games puts alliance in to a state of mortal fear
Horde: Mesikammen, Qubez, Eriwen, Smullinator, Opponent, Varran, Dizzah and Noo

Alliance: Irokizashi and Chill

Cárebears ftw
Well i'm always assure that the ally flag will be in safe hands when either Adrylla or Mesikämmen joins the battle, which I know the Horde flag won't be when Redrum or Spoink joins

when mesikämmen joins and pick up the flag i usually leave the bg cus loose, dunno what bg u been in lol

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