Game changers?

Oh, I don't either lol, that's why she be on my list.

wat r ur thoughts on theetwink as an addition to the list?

Yeah, gonna disagree here. Either this person has the lowest latency in the world or is just terrible at getting saps off, because I nova this guy out of stealth all the time. I think I might have been ambushed at like ~500 hp once or twice by him though.

Gliiese #2 Horde flag returner to Dasfizzla with his damn 15 or less latency
Curly-Always on the flag repicks.

Trillium-Great with flag returns.

Hotbot-Performing fc role in balance spec, and suceeding.

Pizza-performing fc role as a hunter, locking down graveyard like a boss.

Just a few peaple I noticed while pugging, well I only pug so yeah...They usually affect the win/loss of a pug alot of times, im sure theres a few other peaple too just cant remember them atm.

Oh and maybe browntown.
Curly-Always on the flag repicks.

Trillium-Great with flag returns.

Hotbot-Performing fc role in balance spec, and suceeding.

Pizza-performing fc role as a hunter, locking down graveyard like a boss.

Just a few peaple I noticed while pugging, well I only pug so yeah...They usually affect the win/loss of a pug alot of times, im sure theres a few other peaple too just cant remember them atm.

Oh and maybe browntown.

You seem to be forgetting Wriles, put him under the category of "Epic All Around"
You seem to be forgetting Wriles, put him under the category of "Epic All Around"

Im terrible with names=/ Also I havnt played in like a month so if u were more active recently than I havnt been around. The ones I listed above only stuck in my mind because they prolly did something I remembered, like I remember curly being one of the first rogue who owned me 1v1, he opened up with ambush and then arcane torrented immediatly so I couldnt do ****, and I died, hes one fo the few rogues Iv had trouble from more than once. Also iv returned quite a few flags, or been helping our offense return them, only to have curly repick it like 2 seconds afterwards so thats another reason He stuck in my mind lol, im always like ****!

Pizza stuck in my mind because, well hes pizza. And I have had the honor of being farmed by him quite a few times. I managed to sneak up on him one time while he as farming, I snuck past everyone and did a big ass circle and came up behind him=), then I hit liek 250 damage on him and died.

It was during that one game where he had like 7 healers, and we capped last and won after they farmed us for 15 minutes. Ill never forget that game, I lol'd alot afterwards.

trill stuck in my mind cuz I made his siggy on ti, and iv played a few games with him and noticed him returning the flags.

And I remember hotbot cuz hes like one of the few successful boomkins, and also ends up carrying the flag alot. I considered him a rival when I first started on this guy cuz I was like the only one auctually going after him while my team did god knows what.
I'll tell you if you spell my name right.
JK. ...Uhh he's OK I guess, just really picks up flags the whole time. Is that you or something?
I had to put on some epic speech music before i read this, id like to have u as my bowling coach!

i teach bowling classes sunday and monday, New-age Yoga on tuesday nights and host a talkshow fridays<3
lots of love <3

remember! a good player is not necessarily one who has high arena rankings @ mains and a ton of gold and a dickish attitude! you too can become an asset to your team, all one needs is knowing your strengths and weaknesses.. seek advice from people who you saw in a bg and found to be skilled, and if somebody seeks advice, for the love of god, dont turn them down. a true gamechanger doesn't shine in a bg full of 900 hp rogues by carrying the flag, (necessarily), he takes those 900hp rogues, and molds them into fully geared, strafing, bandage swingin', parkour performin', focus shadowsteppin' weapon of mass destruction! keeping that in mind, i truly look up to players such as Adraylla/Ownaque, i know from first hand experience that setting up a guild on an off-realm isn't an easy task, and hes done wonderfully indeed!

Great post
It's very true we need more people to help out the twinks who are just starting up. The typical attitude among twinks now-a-days is "Get gear or get the f*** out.." It really needs to change... Personally I try to help as many people as possible. More people to Que with right? (and atleast then you know they are getting dece advice)
game changing guilds

horde - WT

ally - MGC

everyone in those guilds are good players that will make it a gg

i think of game changers as ppl that can actually cause fear into the enemy

for example when ally notices pizza on horde i can imagine the first thing they think of is "**** its pizza gg"

not many people can do this but some can

purj - imo one of the best shamans out there ppl know not to **** with him (and atm the only shaman to ever thunderstorm me off roof)

beau - biggest **** you'll ever meet (probably to make up for something) but a good hunter, game changing maybe i know i try and stay away from him

kitn - just ****, stay away him from if possible

ill think of more but its 5am and i cant think

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