Funny rage messages

"Shut the fuck up you stupid free to play leech, 24's twinked this bracket before f2p even existed"

posted before, but still funny to me

Mihej being Mihej

This guy vs. Hixy, who is the spit king?
This is my best: (from cata)

Anyway i reported him and he got a 7day ban for threatening me.. (Talked with the GM)

Annd a more recent one:

This 24 shadowpriest was talking shit in Bgs so i told everyone to report him afk.. Apparently he didn't take it too well.. I still havn't seen that ban land though :(((
You guys have one foot in a grave and the other foot on a banana peel. High blood pressure will be your undoing.
Here is a little advice when the nerd rage begins.

Sit down, place your bare feet together by their soles. Put your elbows on you pelvis, tip of each thumb should be placed on the tip of each middle finger. And recite the words below over and over very slowly until madness subsides. Aum.... Aum......

You guys have one foot in a grave and the other foot on a banana peel. High blood pressure will be your undoing.
Here is a little advice when the nerd rage begins.

Sit down, place your bare feet together by their soles. Put your elbows on you pelvis, tip of each thumb should be placed on the tip of each middle finger. And recite the words below over and over very slowly until madness subsides. Aum.... Aum......


It's called the lotus position you sh!tt e@ting moth faaaaking condomed crettiiinnnn!

That mihej is pure gold!. I wish he played US side.
It's called the lotus position you sh!tt e@ting moth faaaaking condomed crettiiinnnn!

That mihej is pure gold!. I wish he played US side.

I know exactly what it is called, young one. Perhaps you should try it and you would not have the urge to spew such vitriol.
I know exactly what it is called, young one. Perhaps you should try it and you would not have the urge to spew such vitriol.

He was imitating Mihej, playing along with your joke. Let's get back on topic.

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