Funny rage messages


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Ok so me and a friend were quing 2s skirmishes and he had to go, the last few games we kept getting into double 29 BM monk and we were sick of them so we started afking them. After my friend left i decided to farm warbringers for my lvl 20 and was tabbed on my 100. The wisper is from one of the 29 BMs while I was tabbed on my other toon. :)

why is this not a thing again though

private servers is a nono on TI u boob ^^

Was lvling a mage
This warrior (Flamingtable) and another warr (Slays) just talked sooooo much shit.I told them I was a Brazilian. All in order


and I'd say there is a difference in getting rage messages and trolling ppl into raging.. might just be me tho

only like girls who smoke Weed,
I guess you could say I have
High Standards?

lul i prefer non smoking but joint rolling au-pairs.. easy cum easy go, makes room for the next ho ^^
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