Full 70 Sunwell Clears <Epoch> Recruiting

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your points are invalid because you're too terrible for them to matter, sry brah, make dk alts to flame me more, keep your failaids on the forums where people can see you.
Grimthunder said:

Refute the 4 points and I will start to care.

But once again, for billionth time, you can't.

All ego and no substance.


Well, I can't refute the 'fact' that leprechauns exist, either. Not if you claim to have seen one.
You know you have great people around you when you check your recruitment thread to find guildies sticking up for their guild against the marauding psychos this game seems to produce at times.





We love you guys and your displays of camaraderie (that is the proper spelling of the word in case you were wondering Grim) are the reason we have such a strong core. /bow

As you can see Grim, I brought more soldiers than you did. Well sir, I must say you have indeed outdone yourself here. For what its worth, I apologize you are still having difficulty accepting the reality that is you are more than a little hmm... How to put it.... Unstable? While I have been working all week since Monday, it seems you have spent your time obsessing over Luminaa and myself, riffling through lists of our character achievements, checking our previous guild history, conjuring up opinions and misinformation regarding our guild, and generally just being a perfect representation of a creepy stalker who just won't quit. Well sir, /golfclap you certainly earn some sort of reward for your diligence and over obsessive and downright insane behavior.

Although I am aware that your actions mean to evoke some sort of negative reaction or emotion from me, the only emotion I would like to convey is indifference. That's right, as you have undoubtedly seen, until this very moment, I have chosen not responded to any of your previous posts neither here nor on the World of Warcraft forums. This my friend, is simply because I could truly care less about your insane and belligerent behavior toward myself and others around me. I only choose to respond now for three reasons:

A) To congratulate my fellow guildies for taking pride enough in their guild to stick up for it and defend it against bored and not too intelligent people such as yourself.


B) To inform you that your feeble attempts at trying to get under my skin by publicly slandering myself, Luminaa, and my guild, have all failed miserably.

and lastly

C) To tell you that I truly feel sorry for you. What it must be like to be such a sad and lonely person with nothing better to do than spend countless hours pissing and moaning and wasting your life, I cannot imagine. My sincerest condolences.

Contrary to what you might think, you have not effected us in any way, shape, or form. Epoch has been running strong for nearly a year now and reasons for that have been previously stated. This guild was here before you, ran smoothly before you, and is continuing to be here after you have gone and run smoothly after you have gone.

Grim, you are but a blip on the screen, and will soon be forgotten. You are a small and insignificant mild annoyance of nothingness that will soon, like anything else that is meaningless and obsolete, find yourself undoubtedly back where you began a little over a week or so ago, by your own actions, $50 bucks lighter, because you are an insane, intolerable and unstable twenty two year old who likely needs to be on some serious medication. We are a guild, not a psych ward. Perhaps in some bout of a hallucinogenic craze where you forgot to take your meds you actually believe that you are in the right by choosing to do what have been doing (that is wasting your time) over this past week, but I can assure you, you are not.

You're twenty two years old, yet the most dominating characteristics of your personality (or lack thereof) are not only shockingly immature and elementary, but now have been documented.

Please allow me to direct your attention to exhibit (A). The following took place last night on the 27th of May. I had been online for a little less than a half an hour for the first time in 4 days which means this individual was "waiting" for me all that time (creepy i know) so that he could do... This.







As you can see, there is not much left for me to say. These pictures speak for themselves. As you can also see I did not respond to your harassing whispers but instead, took it upon myself to submit a report to the proper authorities. With any luck, they should be in correspondence with you soon via email. Other guildies have also told me that you have done more or less the same thing to them as well. These are random people of whom you had no real interaction with yet apparently you chose to harass them in the same way you chose to harass me. The fact that you even went so far in one of your harassing whispers to me as to say that you will come to Austin to track me down and physically assault me pays tribute to the fact that you are simply out of your mind. You're choice to slam Luminaa with sexually explicit comments and creepy references to certain rubber items, along with the lengthy lists of childish names you chose to harass me on should give the game masters all they need to take considerable actions. If not, I have more factual information to supply them with. You will be banned sooner or later, I'll see to it =)

Well Grim, I can't say its been fun but I can say watching you systematically own yourself time and time again has been a truly satisfying experience. This is the first and last post you shall see me of mine as you aren't worth anymore of my time.

You seem mad.

Caio kid

So, because you guys can not refute my points you now post screenshots of random characters spamming vulgarities at you?

Because that's totally my style.

Edit: Best way do slander someone is to make false screenshots I guess and accuse them of being insane.
hey remember that random dk alt? grimplunder? yea... you seem like the angry one to make alts on different servers when something doesnt go your way. and i'll say it one more time, derp, thats all you deserve, maybe even more than you deserve.


every time you post this is how i picture you, it makes me fuzzy on the inside.
but you sir, as a self appointed master troll, might take it upon yourself to name it something inconspicuous, as to not attract attention to your mains with your 12 year old spamming attempts on our "co-GM" once again, derp.

im going to keep posting pictures, because i can, and you're silly.

Macro Spam

Constant Vulgarities

Sexual jokes (nice dildo Lum)

Yelling over vent


Very professional.

Very, very, very professional.

This is from you Grim, and in the screenies Kron posted, I believe you used dildo or something several times. Not something I hear many people say, so I'm gonna say it was you who posted those.

By the way, I want to know why you are such a sexist, saying that you need testicles to run a virtual group of people.

Training dummies =/= Boss DPS. In no way whatsoever, is there a fight where you can stand still and dps and do nothing else in SWP, which is their main raiding content.

You only continue to prove yourself not worthy to be in this guild, and for every 1 person you might get to leave Epoch, they can invite two from applications. You will ultimately lose this battle.

inb4 'u gawt trulld hurp duerp,, u cn nevr beet the profussionul' That is the impression you give me.


This is what you are like on this forum.

Btw Lock, I love your UI :D
Closing this thread, too much flame. @OP: Start a new thread if you like.
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