Full 70 Sunwell Clears <Epoch> Recruiting

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About time I saw the conventional troll retreat, it usually takes a good wall of text to force it out.

Enjoy your game, mate. There's a bunch of 70 guilds on Korgath recruiting, you could look there.

much of this probably could have been avoided had you explained the reason for the kick in game or on vent, and removed him when he was online OR even better, given him a chance to leave so the guild didnt see someone gkicked...for morale purposes or something.

macro spamming can be very annoying, especially in a "professional" setting. some people dont mind, but clearly grim had higher expectations and was very annoyed with this and 'screaming' over vent. understandable if you look from his perspective.

also some people, regardless of age, gender, or sexual preference, do NOT like having profanity and sexual jokes in guild or raid chat. again, thinking it was a "professional" establishment, you can see why this might have bothered him. of course people curse and use dirty jokes with friends, but he was a trial and wasnt used to this...and frankly, probably expected higher standards. again, just think from his perspective.

and lastly, the reasons he was kicked are still very vague. i can understand you might not want to delve into that in a recruitment thread of all places, but he obviously feels he was unfairly kicked after a very small amount of time. now he is on a server where he is making enemies (which is his fault basically, but still) and is forced to either ignore people, abandon his twink, or spend 25$ to xfer off. so 50$ deal for what, 24hrs? you can see why he might be annoyed.

thats just some things i have noted with this argument /shrug
Good day, Falkor. Here is my TBH:

You are stating the obvious. There's always a 'might have been', 'might have felt', and yes, I do not put it past someone to be severely put off by all the reasons that you mentioned.

There is also the possibility that you are giving the self-admitted troll too much credit.

The self-admitted troll.

If you had bothered to think your own post through, you'd realize you and Grim have tunnel-visioned into the word 'professional'. We are professional in our execution of raids and guild administration. We are professional with recruitment and loot distribution. We are professional with handling disciplinary issues and flak from other forums.

We are also, unlike your suggestion, professional in our speech and conduct.

But only where and when we have to be, like most normal people. And that place is NOT guild chat/vent. It's during interviews or forums where we get serious.

I'm not sure what sort of guild you're proposing Grimthunder -might- be looking for, but whatever it is, it is not a group of sociable adults, and most certainly not Epoch. I do NOT want to advertise my guild as a sterile place where anything remotely cheeky is hidden away in PMs and party chat.

With all due respect, please stop posting here to increase your post count, because I am not interested in increasing mine. I understand the need to provide a balanced viewpoint in the forums (but honestly, you haven't read the earlier posts thoroughly, have you. It's been said. And someone with 84 posts vs your 2688 has won the grand prize: here).)

Thank you for speaking up for Grimthunder when he has already admitted it was a troll. We appreciate the input. Yes, we can see why he is annoyed; we KNOW a /gkick is going to result in annoyance/anger/hate. We've dealt with it many times. What doesn't always happen is trolling in our recruitment forums, which is the very reason why I'm talking to you on here.

So don't paint us out to be bad people when we have to set things straight on our thread, because that is what you have indirectly done.

Thank you for reading this.

P.S. I read your reply in the other thread. It appears you're on our side anyway, and thank you for that. I was just pointing out what I felt; the above post, in context of the entire argument, made it seem like we had closed the case unjustly.
Yes, I trolled you.

That doesn't change the fact that I was mistreated and that your guild missrepresents itself.

I have only been in one guild where the officers handled themselves like yours do. It was Mass Casualty, the lacking stock of Staghelm.

Good day.
Primaeva said:
I'm not sure what sort of guild you're proposing Grimthunder -might- be looking for, but whatever it is, it is not a group of sociable adults, and most certainly not Epoch. I do NOT want to advertise my guild as a sterile place where anything remotely cheeky is hidden away in PMs and party chat.

well he seeks a place devoid of friendly banter, cursing, the occasional loud noise in vent, or macro. i wasnt suggesting you should change your whole guild for one person, i was just pointing out that seems to be a big issue with him...and it was good he moved on then, he clearly wasnt a good fit. just one thing though, iirc you seem to think all adults are fine with cursing/dirty jokes and i just wanna say that if anything adults are a lot less tolerable (depending on age of said adult)...generally kids have no issues with swearing or making sexual references, or teens/early 20s. but older than that people tend to get old and find things offensive. idk its late and im rambling, just thought you were suggesting all adults take no issue with swearing, etc.

i wholeheartedly agree that in guild people should express themselves, to a certain point. in all my guilds theres a friendly attitude and banter, and its great. but on occasion people have been kicked for being too much in vent or guild. so im with you on that one.

Primaeva said:
With all due respect, please stop posting here to increase your post count, because I am not interested in increasing mine. I understand the need to provide a balanced viewpoint in the forums (but honestly, you haven't read the earlier posts thoroughly, have you. It's been said. And someone with 84 posts vs your 2688 has won the grand prize: here).)

im not posting JUST to increase post count, dont really care about that really, i was just trying to toss my 2cents in here as a semi balanced viewer and perhaps even try to sort things out civilly. i have read the earlier posts throughly, and frankly i wasnt satisfied with that hunters remarks. especially about getting laid off and egging your bosses house. see the one thing i really dont get (and what i think could have defused this whole thing from the start) was that you booted him while he was offline. if you were a good worker, friendly, etc and all of a sudden someone showed up with a letter at midnight saying you were laid off, you might be a bit angry..especially with no explaination. not saying thats exactly what happened, thats just my take on it..most things can be handled by just being straight forward, thats what my suggestion was about in the last post. obviously its not my guild, and you guys handled it as you thought best...but thats just my take on it.

Primaeva said:
Thank you for speaking up for Grimthunder when he has already admitted it was a troll. We appreciate the input. Yes, we can see why he is annoyed; we KNOW a /gkick is going to result in annoyance/anger/hate. We've dealt with it many times. What doesn't always happen is trolling in our recruitment forums, which is the very reason why I'm talking to you on here.

again, was just trying to maybe shed light on his side/convey why he might be a bit ticked off. idk, thought id give him the benefit of the doubt, ah well

Primaeva said:
So don't paint us out to be bad people when we have to set things straight on our thread, because that is what you have indirectly done.

wasnt my intention at all, and if you took it as that, srry. i was just listing some of his grievances, and possible fixes or w/e (obviously you arent going to 'sterilize' gchat or anything, like we said earlier, just pointing out that some people are sensitive beings).

Primaeva said:
Thank you for reading this.

np, bored and got nothin else to do XD

Primaeva said:
P.S. I read your reply in the other thread. It appears you're on our side anyway, and thank you for that. I was just pointing out what I felt; the above post, in context of the entire argument, made it seem like we had closed the case unjustly.

yea pretty much was always on your side, which is why i took that impartial step and tried to show some of his problems and maybe things that could have been done to prevent subsequent trolling

at the end of the day (or the start of the next here) you did what you had to do, and it makes sense. he does seem like he wasnt going to fit in if vent, /ra, /gchat, etc were such thorns in his side. i dont think anyone reading this thread will be put off by what happened...in fact itll prolly open up their eyes to the guild a bit more. e.x. knowing that occasionally theres some cursing/joking between friends, lude jokes and the such...at least if they're opposed to that they wont have to go through the application process and waste money xfering. saves time for both them and you, so in a way this wasnt such a bad event from your end.

well its quarter to 3am, been up since 6am yesterday....so....i hope some of that made sense and that we arent at odds or something now, wasnt trying to troll or start a fight here, was just trying to open a more neutral view point from the he said she said of this guy vs. the guild.
Falkor said:
but older than that people tend to get old and find things offensive. idk its late and im rambling, just thought you were suggesting all adults take no issue with swearing, etc.

at the end of the day (or the start of the next here) you did what you had to do, and it makes sense. he does seem like he wasnt going to fit in if vent, /ra, /gchat, etc were such thorns in his side. i dont think anyone reading this thread will be put off by what happened...in fact itll prolly open up their eyes to the guild a bit more. e.x. knowing that occasionally theres some cursing/joking between friends, lude jokes and the such...at least if they're opposed to that they wont have to go through the application process and waste money xfering. saves time for both them and you, so in a way this wasnt such a bad event from your end.


Fine, you guys want to be immature in chat. Not my guild, not my problem. But don't go and try to describe yourself as a professional guild when the fact is you're extremely casual and laid back to the point where virtually anything goes. I'm sure part of the problem is that everyone overgears the content severely and there is really no need to take any of it seriously.

Here are the problems you've yet to address and actually NEED to adress. This isn't trolling, these are serious grievances against you.

1) Why would you ever kick anyone offline. Especially without an explanation. I don't know how you have led all these different guilds without realizing by now that doing that is the absolute worst way to handle it. Now if the person starts to make a scene in /gchat when you ask them to leave, boom kick. But kicking someone offline and then saying only that they're not working out is horseshit.

2) Why would you blatantly lie about so much stuff. Yes, I've been a complete asshole to you since my kick. And guess what, you've been just as bad.

You told me you kicked me for being bad. Well, guess what in my vent interview with Kronolas/Gitterdun/etc he specifacally stated that DPS DOES NOT MATTER. IT IS NOT A DPS RACE. He also said that there is a mage in your guild who does terrible DPS despite being in BiS gear and that you're fine with it, because you like him.

Kronolas also said during the raid in whisper to me that my DPS needed work, but that it was fine for now.

So there's a fair amount of doubletalk concerning performance. Lum comes in here talking shit telling me to get over 3k. Well, do we really want to go over every single member of your guild who can't do that self buffed? I mean c'mon, make up your mind about it FFS.

3) You accuse me of things that I flat out didn't do and that don't even make sense. Like getting on your vent and trying to get your guild members to quit. WTF? If you're really so secure in your position why resort to petty and silly lies?

4) Stop labeling yourself as professional and all that nonsense. Everyone who knows anything about 70 guilds knows that performance wise your guild is the best. Grats, you down severely nerfed content with WotLK gems, enchants, and specs. It's really not that big of a deal. The reason people come to your guild is for comradarie (yes, I mauled that word) and to avoid dealing with level 80s they end up PuGing.

They don't come to be part of a 100+ guild where only 25 people get to do BT and SWP each week where BiS items go for massive amounts of DKP. Yes, there are no alt runs and you are not allowed to PUG those raids.

So, why continue to misrepresent yourselves?

Why can't you come out and say what you are?

Hey, guys, we're Epoch, the top 70 raid guild in the US. We wreck BT and SWP weekly and are always looking for new blood. We're a fun loving guild so don't be a stuck up prick who can't handle a dirty joke. Apply at <snip>.

Is it really that hard?

And why do you get worked up so much when I'm here trying to say "Hey, if you don't want to hear about money shots and a bunch of elitists talk about how great they are, avoid Epoch." If you're cool with that, rock on.

Pretty freaking simple shit son.
Grimthunder said:
Yes, I trolled you.

That doesn't change the fact that I was mistreated and that your guild missrepresents itself.

I have only been in one guild where the officers handled themselves like yours do. It was Mass Casualty, the lacking stock of Staghelm.

Good day.

You just failed at the Trolling Game admitting you trolled

GG You lose =(
Grimthunder said:
So there's a fair amount of doubletalk concerning performance. Lum comes in here talking shit telling me to get over 3k. Well, do we really want to go over every single member of your guild who can't do that self buffed? I mean c'mon, make up your mind about it FFS.

I can do 4k unbuffed I can give you some of mine if you want.
That's cute, now refute my claims against you.

Oh, wait, you can't.

The funny thing is that you're the ones trolling now since you can't counter my comments.

Your GMs couldn't counter them. All you do is post random garbage and lie through your teeth.
Soberlolz said:
our old Shammys were pulling 5.5k-6k that was like a year ago to.

That's cute. Where's the self buffed 500k total damage. Screenshot.

Ignoring the fact Kronolas said at interview DPS DOESN'T MATTER

Ignoring the fact Kronolas said at raid DPS DOESN'T MATTER

Cause you obviously changed policy to DPS DOES MATTER 3k OR GTFO
drlocktopus said:

Hai lover

Yes, it's true, we're in love.

And I was gkicked for the following:

1) Asking Krono to clarify Epoch's DKP (god forbid I ask twice)

2) Asking Krono if Epoch had any active Warlocks or DKs (god forbid I bring that 13% debuff)

3) Say Lum does INSANE dps

4) Asking him how I was doing

I guess friendly conversation is frowned upon.

I should have spammed the trash damage meters yelling GRIMTHUNDER IS NUMBER 1!

Would've fit right in.

and fyi, Krono is the co-GM. Krono and Lum are co-GMs. Get it through yo head.
Hey there qt, i've been around since before epoch broseph, and i can imagine you must have been downs +1 to make kron even consider booting your ass, lol trash dps?


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