I think for Eu there was a maintenance around 3:00 AM, and I think they screwed something, because as of this morning my vet account is marked as inactive.....yesterday around 10:00 PM i was able to acces my lvl 41 DH, sooo.....sould I make a ticket or wait for something to happen?
Hi Friends,

Blizzard just gave us all free game time - auto added do not get in a pickle and level randomly! It almost happen to me mid BG! I had to afk asap!

Make sure to go to xpoff vendor right now!!!! DO NOT BG! I REPEAT DO NOT BG until you turn your xp back off as blizzard auto gave us all game time!!!!!


Childish Gankino

well fuck. RIP my druid :'((
This update does not effect any pure f2p accounts that never had any playtime.
I finished Stormhiem and i did not level up.
However there's something very peculiar about the whole free thing, Tirisfal forest had updated to BFA version. I never had that before on my game, but ever since that free game time that Blizzard made, Undercity became ruined and the current version of what happened after the war. Same goes to Silithus and Teldrasil. (Note i never saw those before, all those zones were still the vanilla ones before the update about free gametime)
Worst part: The 20 that I overleveld is the one with the 850+ darkmoon fair prize tickets!
I'll never get that Blimp at this rate...
Aaargh! Thanks for the heads up.

Had just logged in to my (only) 20 & read this just as the game launched. Can confirm my experience bar was there but no damage done. Phew.

I am a vet & all my alts are available.

NOW It tells me it's a free weekend at login!!!
Small update, my ticket to have my twink Yiix deleveled from 21 to 20 was denied due to it not being a 'bug' despite my account not having had a subscription in several years.

(first) request denied.

"Technical limitations"
Another PR fail on blizzards part not discussing upcoming changes ahead of time.

Imagine you run a multi-dollar company. Wouldn't you want people to know a free weekend is coming ahead of time so you could get a more organized and active "free time" event. as well as allow word of mouth to do its thing so your player base could increase more?

What do I know I'm not a multi-dollaraire
"Multi-Millioniaire comepany"
>Fails to render 20 vs 20 PVP BG, and World PVP
"Some Private Server"
>Does that just fine.
Fine Day to all you people.
Another PR fail on blizzards part not discussing upcoming changes ahead of time.

Imagine you run a multi-dollar company. Wouldn't you want people to know a free weekend is coming ahead of time so you could get a more organized and active "free time" event. as well as allow word of mouth to do its thing so your player base could increase more?

What do I know I'm not a multi-dollaraire
The "im not a twink" answer to this is if you got a notice that a free weekend was coming, but you hadnt played in years and couldnt do anything about it now, chances are you'd forget in a couple days. But if you got an email on a friday that'd you been given a free weekend to revisit your toons and could immediately log-in and play, theres a higher chance you'll re-sub. Plus the lead generation of interested parties is better. It helps Blizz differentiate and prune their email list of people who just open their mail and people who open their mail and then take an actionable step.

But I just work for a marketing firm. What do I know?

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