Fondest moments in 19s

Twinkytoes said:
Inc Wall Of Text.

Throughout my 4 years of playing Warcraft, I have had many great experiences. At first, I was pretty bad to say the least, I was one of the biggest noobs for twinking. At that time, and on my server the guild "Tastes Good" was the one to be in. So I would ask them questions, and they would reply with completely retarded answers that didn't help me at all, and I thought they were mean, but now that I look back at it, I realized I was a fucking dumbass :p

Another great moment was the time I met Pizza for the first time. I insta-fell in love with him because of his name (gogogo Pizza) and because he was and still is my idol at hunters. I have never seen anyone perfect their twink like him. If he reads this, big props to you my friend, you made cyclone, cyclone.

Another great moment was back when leg patches and shoulder enchants were still out there, and I was running with 4k health on my hunter (40stam leg patch, 30stam shoulder patch, mining glitch, all health enchants). I was basically a hunter FC. No one could take me down 1v1, although I would hit like a pussy, I would last 10x as long as my opponent.

My first PTR was another great experience, I was surrounded by the best of the best, and I was having the best time of my life. Ofc, I wasn't known back then, and I was getting the shit kicked out of my toon, named Nwc, but you know, it's fair in love and war :p So as the story goes, I met a lot of people that were known in cyclone on the PTR.

My last favorite moment so far was finally (after 3 years) getting invited to the guild tastes good. Although it was innactive, and no one barely ever played inthe guild, it was a legendary guild, I had my memories with that guild, and they finally accepted me. The guy that invited me said that he would never see the day that it even crossed his mind that I would be getting an invite. It was more of long term quest for me to get into Taste Good rather than an active guild that plays all the time, it was an old guild with history of mayhem in Perenolde and Cyclone.

Wall of Text Crits for alot.

You almost forgot the moment you saw "Rawrimalion Joins the guild." you then shat brix. :D
When I realized that hunters started to backpeddle as soon as they saw my warrior coming.

And when I was angry for some random reason, I lured a bad warrior into a deserted corner and proceeded to CC him around in a small circle for the duration of the match, emote spamming the hell out of him. What can I say, I made a mage to be an asshole.
My days back in FT (when netehercleft and shoulderchanters, without proffs), if anyone reading this from FT, you guys were definatly the nicest group of people i've met in wow. Thanks for everything =), also ive changed my name to Thegreenblur so you won't know who i really am...
It's a shame that so many people here remember the 'good old days' as being exploited BoAs, Enti's and 450 profs...
Quara said:
It's a shame that so many people here remember the 'good old days' as being exploited BoAs, Enti's and 450 profs...

To me, the good old days are something like this...

Being able to solo VC at level 10

Breaking the dodge % cap at level 10, (which was rumored to be 95%)

Getting 10k HKS on a level ten before WOTLK hits.

Collecting 2 AGMS and Fishing Boots before WOTLK hits.

Yea, this is around the 2.3 and onward era.

Yes, the days of 450 profs, enti's, exploited BoAs,and exploited leg armors were pretty fun. But nothing can compare to the good old, the OLD days where level 1's could hit 100% dodge, where level 10 hunters could shoot two arrows a second with 50% crit (before 450 profs), where level 10 rogues and warriors would be immune to melee...

Ah, I miss those days...
There was a really long WSG and it was 2-2 both teams guarded flags.

They were passing flag and i grabbed it to win the game. Rofl'd for 18 hours straight.

The time i solo'd 3 twink rogues.

Fishing Hat.

Anytime i juke players over the horde tunnel fence XP
Tha good ole days! I ain't talking about proffesions, but the good old Vanilla WoW right after cross ques were introduced.
Cptheals said:
Tha good ole days! I ain't talking about proffesions, but the good old Vanilla WoW right after cross ques were introduced.

Problem is, we are only a handfull few of those actually back. Most people playing wow now a days ("Now a days = BC and after") never experienced the true glory days of wow.

But I do like the way twinking is now adays. Is abit more like vanilla, besides BoAs, professions etc. :)

Good old days, where fiery on wep ment you were a serious twink, and most rogues ran cruelbarbs with Fiery / Crusader etc haha. Good times.

One screenshot that especially comes to mind :rolleyes:


Now THAT be oldschool :p


PRE-CROSS server WSGs at 19 ;o

Hamcake said:
Nice binds.

Cleveland, you're pathetic. Im sorry to say, you seriously got nothing better to do then go around making negative posts?

Yes, It was 4 years ago, everyone was a bloody noob back then. But I guess you wouldn't know since you're another one of them new kids.
Been playing 8 months now... best moment was when I got my Explorer title, one of the first twinks ever to do it, pre-3.1 even. No hacks, no cheats, just run-die-ress-repeat. I come from a little game called RuneScape, I know how to no-life grind. =P

I'm just glad this thread is so popular its so cool to read the stories here!

Hugs n' Kisses Crilly!
Back in the days of shoulder enchants, leg patches, and mining buffs, I ran WSG as a resto druid with an FC druid friend of mine.

I had 200 spell power, 1800 health, and 1300 mana.

He had 3400 health. Unbuffed.

Two words: We facerolled.
wtb more stories of real oldschool twinking :(

The days of discovering Arena Grand Master didn't have a level requirement. Of thinking "No way you gonna get that on a level 19! Gonna be so many 60's there!"

The days of finding Arctic buckler and Glacial stone.

The days of level 19 rogues having 100% avoidance, etc. I'm not one of them who considders the "days" of having 4k unbuffed hp for oldschool :(. That was like a year ago, not that long ago.

Any truely oldschool good old stories out there? gief! :p

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