Fondest moments in 19s

lol yeah

all my memories are in vegeance, but mostly i remember being repeatedly ganked to no end by shootsya-rexxar and his guild. Also if any of you have ever seen a <proffesors> premade then you know what pain is. As for memories where we actually won it would be killing premades from <MTU> and akama mostly w/ basic pugs (these were not their A teams but, it still was fun). Oh and having myself and 3 twink rogues I "grew up" worshipping in the same BG and keeping up w/ them =)
It was Sunday 3PM in the afternoon and I think 10 or more level 80s were at the Gurubashi Arena to get the chest. They all jumped in and started to fight, so my only chance was trying to just run to the chest and grab the loot, so thats what I did and 10 level 80s were fighting next to me and nobody noticed me I was taking the chest xD, was so funny :p
My fondest moment was omgwtfbbq'ing that level 11 night elf that one time.
Fersure, all of the old Mayhem premades were the shit. <3 Dominate and all the rest of the old teams
Mine was on Vindication. I was on my 19 warrior and we had been in this pug for about 3 hours. I happend to get the flag while their whole team was turtling and went ramp. This was when my warrior was sitting at 3000hp with leg armor, librams, fishing, mining bug, ect. I back strafed all the way out the doorway and went ramp, I had about 4 rogues on me, along with the rest of their team. I popped shield block and threw up my shield spike shield and all I could see on mys screen was yellow numbers everywhere. By the time I got to the bottom of my ramp I was at about 5% health where I was met by Snoopy, our leet pally who threw me a LOH and a Blessing of Freedom, from there it was GG.

The feeling of being able to tank an entire team was awesome. Also the timing of Snoops LOH made me straight nut myself, (not literal). Lol
greatest moment

my greatest moment had to be when i was in a premade way back in the day with <Buffs Plz> on Trollbane that lasted 2 hrs and 45mins. We were about to get capped on, so i grabbed the flag, sprinted across the field, then our team returned our flag. As i was running to the cap spot i saw a rogue about 3 feet in front of me. /cast stealth (flag drops obviously), /cast sap, pick up flag, cap :p

Moral of the story: dont waste trinket :p

but yea it was a great feeling lol, made it seem like we CRUSHED them just because of the way i humiliated that kid. Lol good times.

Also, Merryjr, o' Merryjr. He could solo fc a game for literally as long as he wanted. I managed to kill him with the assistance of a friend once( i got to know his jumps so well from foloing him i got rly good at them:p)

ahh what happened to the old twink days of vengeance my battlegroup feels so dead and i refuse to transfer anywhere till i get my last 675ish rep for exalted!

so many memories there but almost all the players who were w/ me have left already for ruin or have quit >.<
Inc Wall Of Text.

Throughout my 4 years of playing Warcraft, I have had many great experiences. At first, I was pretty bad to say the least, I was one of the biggest noobs for twinking. At that time, and on my server the guild "Tastes Good" was the one to be in. So I would ask them questions, and they would reply with completely retarded answers that didn't help me at all, and I thought they were mean, but now that I look back at it, I realized I was a fucking dumbass :p

Another great moment was the time I met Pizza for the first time. I insta-fell in love with him because of his name (gogogo Pizza) and because he was and still is my idol at hunters. I have never seen anyone perfect their twink like him. If he reads this, big props to you my friend, you made cyclone, cyclone.

Another great moment was back when leg patches and shoulder enchants were still out there, and I was running with 4k health on my hunter (40stam leg patch, 30stam shoulder patch, mining glitch, all health enchants). I was basically a hunter FC. No one could take me down 1v1, although I would hit like a pussy, I would last 10x as long as my opponent.

My first PTR was another great experience, I was surrounded by the best of the best, and I was having the best time of my life. Ofc, I wasn't known back then, and I was getting the shit kicked out of my toon, named Nwc, but you know, it's fair in love and war :p So as the story goes, I met a lot of people that were known in cyclone on the PTR.

My last favorite moment so far was finally (after 3 years) getting invited to the guild tastes good. Although it was innactive, and no one barely ever played inthe guild, it was a legendary guild, I had my memories with that guild, and they finally accepted me. The guy that invited me said that he would never see the day that it even crossed his mind that I would be getting an invite. It was more of long term quest for me to get into Taste Good rather than an active guild that plays all the time, it was an old guild with history of mayhem in Perenolde and Cyclone.

Wall of Text Crits for alot.
Twinkytoes said:
Inc Wall Of Text.

Throughout my 4 years of playing Warcraft, I have had many great experiences. At first, I was pretty bad to say the least, I was one of the biggest noobs for twinking. At that time, and on my server the guild "Tastes Good" was the one to be in. So I would ask them questions, and they would reply with completely retarded answers that didn't help me at all, and I thought they were mean, but now that I look back at it, I realized I was a fucking dumbass :p

Another great moment was the time I met Pizza for the first time. I insta-fell in love with him because of his name (gogogo Pizza) and because he was and still is my idol at hunters. I have never seen anyone perfect their twink like him. If he reads this, big props to you my friend, you made cyclone, cyclone.

Another great moment was back when leg patches and shoulder enchants were still out there, and I was running with 4k health on my hunter (40stam leg patch, 30stam shoulder patch, mining glitch, all health enchants). I was basically a hunter FC. No one could take me down 1v1, although I would hit like a pussy, I would last 10x as long as my opponent.

My first PTR was another great experience, I was surrounded by the best of the best, and I was having the best time of my life. Ofc, I wasn't known back then, and I was getting the shit kicked out of my toon, named Nwc, but you know, it's fair in love and war :p So as the story goes, I met a lot of people that were known in cyclone on the PTR.

My last favorite moment so far was finally (after 3 years) getting invited to the guild tastes good. Although it was innactive, and no one barely ever played inthe guild, it was a legendary guild, I had my memories with that guild, and they finally accepted me. The guy that invited me said that he would never see the day that it even crossed his mind that I would be getting an invite. It was more of long term quest for me to get into Taste Good rather than an active guild that plays all the time, it was an old guild with history of mayhem in Perenolde and Cyclone.

Wall of Text Crits for alot.


Twinkytoes said:
Wall of Text Crits for alot.

that crit may have killed your 4k hunter xD

mine's getting wrecking ball, when me and a healer dominated mid whilst a camp was going on on both sides (our warlock FC had decided to go for damage control)
The first couple of times a green fish dropped on fishing comp on sundays.

Each time I did something beneficial for the team in wsg and got aknowledged for it.

Far back on my first lvl 19 twink where I used to raid lakeshire in the early mornings/ l8 nights, and stumbled over some lvl 25+'s .. killed them and then boom a skulls mage comes rushing on a mount. I got spooked and in fear I charged in on sprint and whent beserk .... turned out he was a lvl 52 newb and after agm and 1 first aid he died xD

Making my own twinkguild wiht a good twink friend called Litharia (palla).

Joining the awesome twinks in coa, and now Blackout bg.

and I could go on.. love the twinking^^
My fondest moment:

-Fishing hat

-Fishing boots

-ogre trinket

-10 lvl rogue twink whit 100% dodge

-Full Classganon Mage 3.0 patch

-My old 19 pally whit 4k+ hp Lay of Hand !!

-Que WSG and 2-4 shot dancingroot :D:D:D:D
Shazzrah said:
Back in the day we used to have a skilled FC named Martyrious, who was always able to keep running the flag solo in pugs forever basically.

Managing to keep up with him, and very rarely solo kill him would be one of my more fond moments at 19.

He still plays >.< Even as a healer its hard keeping up with him :>
the day i realized there was a whole nother level of twinking above my head and my battlegroup.

the day i made it to that level of twinking

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