Fondest moments in 19s

When I stopped being a keyturning bad(my twink was my first toon ever) and keybinding/mouse turning and now raping huntardz.
I remember getting a heal off at 1 hp with 2 hunters and a rogue on me. I still died but I lol'd
back when i had a computer that lagged like hell and spammed a /chicken macro to lag my computer.....good times.

moments where i would have like 10 health with the flag and live are always classic
Back on my 19 warrior I was pushing 3000 hp buffed, but would still get owned quite often by an ally twink gnome hunter named Fearlizz. This is one of those players that mocks you constantly with macros that hurl insults, clapping and laughing at you.

Gradually I got to the point that if I could get ahold of that little fricken gnome, I could win a few. Then came Enti's Quenched Sword. It was the grey sword that warriors were using to tear hunters and rogues up with. Put 2 rends on a hunter and they were going down fast.

I made it my mission to hunt Fearlizz and I did. I owned her ass for several weeks. But all the whiners out there made sure that Blizzard took away my sword, head enchant, leg enchant, boots and pots.

So Fearlizz, if you are out there: Don't see you since 3.2. Come on out, because I have a Tauren hunt now that will own your sorry ass. Good luck with the spider. /chicken.
Sosaye said:
Back on my 19 warrior I was pushing 3000 hp buffed, but would still get owned quite often by an ally twink gnome hunter named Fearlizz. This is one of those players that mocks you constantly with macros that hurl insults, clapping and laughing at you.

Gradually I got to the point that if I could get ahold of that little fricken gnome, I could win a few. Then came Enti's Quenched Sword. It was the grey sword that warriors were using to tear hunters and rogues up with. Put 2 rends on a hunter and they were going down fast.

I made it my mission to hunt Fearlizz and I did. I owned her ass for several weeks. But all the whiners out there made sure that Blizzard took away my sword, head enchant, leg enchant, boots and pots.

So Fearlizz, if you are out there: Don't see you since 3.2. Come on out, because I have a Tauren hunt now that will own your sorry ass. Good luck with the spider. /chicken.

Fail dwarf hunter is fail.

I love owning her ass on my warrior.
This happened not too long ago....




rogue cant rembmer name

Started WSG down 4-10 We were able to hold flag for full 10 min b4 we started to get help.... Was a Blast Surviving Zergs= Uber Fun
Sosaye said:
Back on my 19 warrior I was pushing 3000 hp buffed, but would still get owned quite often by an ally twink gnome hunter named Fearlizz. This is one of those players that mocks you constantly with macros that hurl insults, clapping and laughing at you.

Gradually I got to the point that if I could get ahold of that little fricken gnome, I could win a few. Then came Enti's Quenched Sword. It was the grey sword that warriors were using to tear hunters and rogues up with. Put 2 rends on a hunter and they were going down fast.

I made it my mission to hunt Fearlizz and I did. I owned her ass for several weeks. But all the whiners out there made sure that Blizzard took away my sword, head enchant, leg enchant, boots and pots.

So Fearlizz, if you are out there: Don't see you since 3.2. Come on out, because I have a Tauren hunt now that will own your sorry ass. Good luck with the spider. /chicken.

fearlizz is now a female dwarf hunter on BL. as far as i know she still plays and has around 1600 hp. i knew who you was talking about the second you mentioned the emote spamming.
fearthelock said:
fearlizz is now a female dwarf hunter on BL. as far as i know she still plays and has around 1600 hp. i knew who you was talking about the second you mentioned the emote spamming.

So glad that bitch left shadowburn :D

She prolly got tired of everyone going straight for her..
I had a big addrenaline rush when LOLSiB played vs UF, even though the scheduling got a little sketchy on the day of the match >.<
Sosaye said:
Back on my 19 warrior I was pushing 3000 hp buffed, but would still get owned quite often by an ally twink gnome hunter named Fearlizz. This is one of those players that mocks you constantly with macros that hurl insults, clapping and laughing at you.

Gradually I got to the point that if I could get ahold of that little fricken gnome, I could win a few. Then came Enti's Quenched Sword. It was the grey sword that warriors were using to tear hunters and rogues up with. Put 2 rends on a hunter and they were going down fast.

I made it my mission to hunt Fearlizz and I did. I owned her ass for several weeks. But all the whiners out there made sure that Blizzard took away my sword, head enchant, leg enchant, boots and pots.

So Fearlizz, if you are out there: Don't see you since 3.2. Come on out, because I have a Tauren hunt now that will own your sorry ass. Good luck with the spider. /chicken.

omg >< fearlizz GRRRRRR dam macros~!!!!
My fondest moment of 19 twinking had to be the best 1v1 arena match I've ever played (Stormstrike). While it's been well over a year since this happened, and the shaman who's name I forget has stopped playing, it was still an amazing fight. It lasted for a literal 20 minutes. She started with a little lowbie who I dropped right after it started, then we /bowed to eachother, got our health up, walked away, and started the fight. I was able re-stealth so many times, there was a lot of back and forth; almost wins, almost losses. But in the end I pulled it out and won. Just wish I could remember her name...
Doing my best to CC and put pressure on 2 healers, then vanishing the minute the efc dies.

Also, any time I Disarm a hunter and he backpeddels away from me.

*edit* oh wow, didnt notice this was in the 10-19 section. I guess it would have to be soloing 2 rogues on my level 10 rogue.
Fond moments

Back when old friends still played... (Elementality, you are missed)

When I charged the FC as he dropped the flag to hand it off, and returned it.

Doing 3s/5s for hours on end...

Looking back at how horrible i must have looked when i first played my warrior, lolol

Hamstring spamming (although redundant) every fc druid possible ;)

Critting for over 1k after Debuff system started.

Laughing at people and their horrible playing styles..

Pretty much sums it up :)

Edit: Laughing at how much Enti's rend ticked for.... As i rend spammed every person possible ;)

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