First thoughts on level 29 bracket

Yeah. Ally are just big suck. I have an Alliance twink and while it's fun to wreck people, it's not fun to lose game after game because the rest of the team have no idea what to do. There's people that run into Horde over and over again alone and it's clear some of them have no idea what their class does. While I do feel like it's up to the twinks to actually guide and push Ally to be up-to-par with Horde, it will take someone with alot of patience to actually do so. For me, I'd rather wait that 3-4 mins more for a game where I can roflstomp noobs rather than continually 5 min queue into losses
is this EU ? if so add me on real id ill qeue with you i play fury warrior,resto shaman and frost mage and i also have a 20 rogue
i also got some nice friends on my list who are allways down to play some games.

together we will crush em ! FOR THE ALLIANCE !!
I've seen a lot of people complain about alliance outnumbering horde aswell. I don't think it's unbalanced at all.
Yes, this is true and its common to see multiple premade groups on one horde team. Alliance has twinks that queue but the majority of the people in bg's u get paired with are levelers on alliance that don't know what they are doing
shitted on this 6 arcane premade
all the nontwinks in ally bracket are just running around like chickens with their heads cut off. when its a equal amount of twinks and its balanced it gets good, but i you and 3 other twinks are facing a 5man with all of the rest of your players being clueless, its kinda frustrating since their like "hurr durr lets go try to 1v7 because i can do that at max level *autism noises*". Btw Almond if your out there holy shit dude your a god 100% props
I think communication is more of a problem than twinks. You can have a team of twinks, but if no one reads text or knows to coordinate your efforts to kill their healers first, you're not going to get very far.
This forum perfectly illustrates what has happened to this bracket since BFA got released. The problem isn't horde premades, it's the ally twinks joining the horde side because they can't compete. I play both horde and alliance on 29's and although the win % on the ally side is lower, it makes for games that are actually fun. Ultimately it's not about winning every game because you can kill bad players, or levelers, or just out twink the other team. It's about creating a relatively balanced competitive environment for all of us to enjoy. As someone who organizes regular premades on horde and alliance, it's not always about the quantity of twinks on your team that matters, it's about the quality of those twinks. A 5 man ally twink premade of Gladiator players can usually beat two 5 man horde premades of average players. CC matters, pillars matter, coordination matters, communication matters, juking matters, addons matter, timely switches matter, off heals matter, peels matter and playing objectively matter. If you play ally and are struggling to compete with the horde, don't compound the problem by joining horde, encourage your friends to join you, spread the word about 29's, recruit people, improve your skills, and face the challenge. I'm going to post screenshots to illustrate the point that 2-3 29 ally twinks can compete versus 5+ horde twinks and still win despite the odds stacked against them.
[doublepost=1549179683,1549179318][/doublepost]Also I want to add that, by joining horde you are making the queue's longer for everyone including yourself.


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what has happened to this bracket since BFA got released.

Hate to break it to you but it's been like that ever since the beginning. Those type just stopped when the levelers left.

You just notice it more now because that type is flocking back to "pwn noobs"...
I think the problem is that the only way to compete is with a hardcore, dedicated, and coordinated, premade team, or playing against terrible competition. In my experience with sub-max level pvp, there's 3 kinds of players.

1) Casual. They aren't particularly relevant, because even if they were coordinated, they wouldn't be able to do much, anyway.

2) Hardcore casual. This is where I would be. Players who do a reasonable job to twink their character's gear, but not being part of a dedicated pvp guild, lack the coordination to compete. I usually find enough similar players to make a difference, but most other hardcore casuals don't care about communication and coordination, so even if the effort is made, it usually falls on deaf ears.

3) Hardcore. The players who are dedicated to this bracket with their character for the foreseeable future. This seems really pointless to me, outside of max level. There's no rated matches, no significant reward, no stakes, imbalanced classes (impossible to avoid), and mostly a lack of significant competition. Sure, I want to play to win, but I don't want to stay in any low level bracket forever, nor do I want to commit to a guild just to have a decent shot at a single facet of the game.

Unfortunately, I don't see a way around this problem. You can't just ban communication between players, nor can you force players to make an effort to coordinate.
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What happened to the bracket is 90% of the F2P base left with the state template system which enabled them to compete far more then 'gear matters again' BFA. And most of them were alliance, believe me as a horde player I remember, every single game enemy unit frames were green/white and brown. But at least it was competitve.
i love all the "the problem is" posts

Its as if almost low level was designed for new players still learning their class/BGs/WoW mechanics in general :000
What happened to the bracket is 90% of the F2P base left with the state template system which enabled them to compete far more then 'gear matters again' BFA. And most of them were alliance, believe me as a horde player I remember, every single game enemy unit frames were green/white and brown. But at least it was competitve.
That's a very good point to make.
i love all the "the problem is" posts

Its as if almost low level was designed for new players still learning their class/BGs/WoW mechanics in general :000
its a crazy concept that even light can grasp

yet ppl still complain lmao

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