First f2p twink to reach 50k HK

It depends on the time of day and group makeup, but yes, I've noticed I am often focus fired. I can heal through most of it, but if not, then no, I'm really not interested in playing a game where I'm not either getting healed or at the very least my team can take out the people attacking me while I heal. It's not rage quitting, I expect the games to be poor, I just go and do something else. From time to time there are good games, fun and enjoyable, challenging. Just like at the other end of the scale there are boring games that are basically walk overs and GY farming fests. That's the nature of random games, they are random. There are enough enjoyable games to keep me going though.
50K is a sick amount in the time up till now that F2P has been introduced. It's like beeing active every single day. 50k is alot and a nice achievement, but reaching these things on a free to play account in such a short time is a little crazy? I mean, is there uberhaubt irl involved and stuff like that?

Don't mind me, im just concerned and don't take this offensive. Free to Play is great but is it worth it to spend so much time on it in a short time like a maniac?

Anyway, gz on getting it.
Don't worry, you'd have to try very hard to offend me. I personally don't make the distinction between F2P, low level, endgame, or anything else for that matter. It's all as important or not as it is to the person behind the screen. I stopped playing WoW when the pre Cat patch came out. It completely destroyed the game, was buggy as hell, made my PC constantly crash, and was just plain broken. I lost all interest in this game then, and didn't touch it for six months. I won't be putting one cent into this game ever again for that reason.

I have had a couple Cat trials, and free game time offers since then, as well as using gold to buy gametime using RaF. If I was interested in maintaining my paid account, it would not cost me anything in real money, because gold is so easy to make, and there are always people offering game time for gold. This is not an issue of money. This is an issue of my interest in the game itself.

Now, you may ask why I would bother coming back? Well, firstly, the nostalgia factor. I always liked Verigan's Fist, and thought it would be interesting to be able to use it in BGs. In 20-29s Corspemaker was just too good not to use, and while I have fond memories of my first character, and getting helped through the quest by a nice higher level paladin, and then just playing the game and regretting having to let it go for something that hits harder. Anyway, the idea that it could be relevant again peaked my interest, and so I came back.

This could have been a temporary situation. Play a few games. Give it up, that kind of thing. Instead, I found myself getting in touch with old friends. Making new ones, and actually enjoying this bracket to the point where I decided I would put the time in to play it. Now, is it worth playing? Only to the point that I personally enjoy it. Beyond that, no. The moment I stop enjoying it, is the moment I give it up. I got a seven day free game time on my paid account recently, and I just wasn't interested at all. All I did was help boost my F2P. I had literally no motivation to bother continuing with it.

Anyway, I'll stick around for now, and if at any point you don't see me, you'll know why. I won't announce it. I will just stop playing. For now though, there's enough there to keep me going.
kám said:
he is not the first

I said grats based on OP. Link achieve timestamps if you know who is first f2p alliance with this "achievement" is.

Facts > Guesses

EDIT: Found

Kale 50k on 9/23/2011 -- in about 600 games = farmer

~not "necessarily" farming... just playing 1 sided games...

Hêéàls 50k on 9/20/2011 -- in about 1000 games = "normal"

~33 games per day if leveled to 20 before mass bg'n...

-- Don't take this the "wrong way" but these numbers are interesting...

Assuming 15 min queue times and approximately 15 minute games as averages we get

(15+15)*33 = 990 minutes per day

which is approximately 16.5 Hours per day.

I'm not saying bots are involved, but if they are not...


[size=+1]Hêéàls is first so far...[/size]
Ahh yes the artillery barrage of graveyard farming hunters have been supported by her many times.

Kinda sad looking at the gear and proffesions, oh well at least it wasnt a hunter.
Deadvulcano said:
I said grats based on OP. Link achieve timestamps if you know who is first f2p alliance with this "achievement" is.

Facts > Guesses

EDIT: Found

Kale 50k on 9/23/2011 -- in about 600 games = farmer

~not "necessarily" farming... just playing 1 sided games...

As far as I know the Armory only puts finished BG's into the Statistics.

For example, this toon generally pops out a BG right before it ends, to avoid unwanted XP, and isn't any kind of farmer by any stretch of the imagination (getting flak at times for being purely objective minded):

Fîxxy @ Steamwheedle Cartel - Game - World of Warcraft

The result: over 1k HK's 'in just 6 BG's, OMFG she's a farmer!'

Given what is said about Kale's playstyle (I haven't seen him play personally ofc, as he plays US), I'd wager he has been in more games than those 600 he finished.

But frankly, considering how WoW Achievements in general and HK's especially can be manipulated, I don't see why ppl consider this important, no offense.
heals is a bot, lmao. haven't you guys ever actually been in a game with him?

one of the funniest botters i have ever seen in this game. i love that guy

Deadvulcano said:
I said grats based on OP. Link achieve timestamps if you know who is first f2p alliance with this "achievement" is.

Facts > Guesses

EDIT: Found

Kale 50k on 9/23/2011 -- in about 600 games = farmer

~not "necessarily" farming... just playing 1 sided games...

Hêéàls 50k on 9/20/2011 -- in about 1000 games = "normal"

~33 games per day if leveled to 20 before mass bg'n...

-- Don't take this the "wrong way" but these numbers are interesting...

Assuming 15 min queue times and approximately 15 minute games as averages we get

(15+15)*33 = 990 minutes per day

which is approximately 16.5 Hours per day.

I'm not saying bots are involved, but if they are not...


[size=+1]Hêéàls is first so far...[/size]

Damn thanks for the name, I tried to find him on armory with all those random symbols. I tried for like 20 mins and still no success...


lloydganks1 said:
heals is a bot, lmao. haven't you guys ever actually been in a game with him?

one of the funniest botters i have ever seen in this game. i love that guy


Never seen him as bot so yeah, don't really no about this fact. Let's say... Pic or it didn't happen! =)
Tinkerton said:
As far as I know the Armory only puts finished BG's into the Statistics.

For example, this toon generally pops out a BG right before it ends, to avoid unwanted XP, and isn't any kind of farmer by any stretch of the imagination (getting flak at times for being purely objective minded):

Wait... so leaving a BG to avoid xp gains so that you can continue farming x in a leveling bracket is not considered farming?

As for kale yes, armory only tracks completed BG's in stats. Not sure why "~not necessarily farming... just playing 1 sided games..." caused confusion. Its his play style after all. He even makes an appearance in my latest frost vid, on a 1-sided game none the less.

I only knew it because Hêéàls is in my lastest fire vid.​
if you dont understand that heals is a bot i don't know what to tell you. my friends and i have had a lot of fun at that bot's expense because we've figured out the AI (it's pretty simple).

you should actually watch people play more often. just like in any other game or competition, understanding how your enemies and allies think and act is half the battle


edit: the purpose of pointing out that heals is a bot is because i wanted to clarify that kale is indeed the first legit player to hit 50k (unless i missed something else in this thread). congrats!
I must be a newb but I dont see how or why you would think this is a bot. Maybe an absent minded player, but a bot I dont think so.
In my fire vid Hêéàls can be seen casting a "Holy Light" right in my face. I'm not saying "proof" but its not a good move by any means.

That being said, I'm much more certain that Kale actually cares enough to play his class. His hk count is legit.
have you ever watched him play? have you ever seen a bot before? can't tell if you guys are trolling....? i can never tell on this site, because everyone is so clueless, so i'm probably just getting trolled?

deadvulcano posted the math PROVING that he's a bot if you really care.

i personally have no problems with botting in battlegrounds unless the person is on my team, so don't think that i'm trying to call him out or something. i personally find him hilarious. i'm sure he occasionally plays the account, but 95% of the time, it's a bot. if you really dont "believe" us, watch him yourself next time he's in a game of yours.

The horde MB are F2P and got 50k on September 4th 2011. They are first. The reason I have 600 games and so many more HKs is that I play mid. I rarely die. I quit many games before completion. I've been in several games with 200+ HKs. I would say 100+ would be average. That said, I've also been in games where I joined at the end or there is a fast win or loss.
lloydganks1 said:
deadvulcano posted the math PROVING that he's a bot if you really care.


Proof and speculation are two very different things. If botting was a punishable crime would you convict based on this "proof" alone?

Just trying to help you out so you dont look like such an arrogant asshole.
uh, yeah, i've got proof - i've witnessed him botting firsthand dozens of times. since you can "convict" based on witness testimony - there you go! want me to swear in under oath?! lmao

i can give you the exact algorithms that his bot uses. he will cast flash at 70%, another flash around 40, and will cast holy light around 15-20%. every single time. he will keep himself topped off with word of glory if he doesn't dip below ~70.

it's a very simple bot - if you want to bot yourself, it's easy to find on the internet. i'm surprised more people don't do it to get their BOAs.

lloydganks1 said:
uh, yeah, i've got proof - i've witnessed him botting firsthand dozens of times. since you can "convict" based on witness testimony - there you go! want me to swear in under oath?! lmao

i can give you the exact algorithms that his bot uses. he will cast flash at 70%, another flash around 40, and will cast holy light around 15-20%. every single time. he will keep himself topped off with word of glory if he doesn't dip below ~70.

it's a very simple bot - if you want to bot yourself, it's easy to find on the internet. i'm surprised more people don't do it to get their BOAs.


Damn you are very tough and do everything so you are right. Can be abit annoying here at TI but it's good in life for some things ^^

Maybe you're right, I just said from my perspective. Only seen him 3 times so I can't say much but everytime I've talked to him and a had good time discussing things.
Hiidden said:
Damn you are very tough and do everything so you are right. Can be abit annoying here at TI but it's good in life for some things ^^

Maybe you're right, I just said from my perspective. Only seen him 3 times so I can't say much but everytime I've talked to him and a had good time discussing things.

lol, fair enough. i have also seen him playing when he is clearly not botting, as i said above. but the vast majority of the time he is. the sad thing is, im pretty sure that awful bot is *still* more useful to the team than like half of horde sub-1k hp pugs....
Deadvulcano said:
Wait... so leaving a BG to avoid xp gains

can have any sort of reasoning behind it.

I won't bore you with Thomasian theology but simply put leaving a BG to avoid XP in itself is a neutral act, it's the player behaviour during the time in-battle that decides wether or not the person is playing to the objectives or not, a jerk or whatever.

You might have noticed it is an Alliance toon.

F2P-cap PvP as Alliance in EU sucks monkey balls, as basically people have to wait 20+ minutes, only to end-up with...people who get their jollies by GY/spawn-camping and have no idea what to do when they are unable to do so, whine about wanting to farm and other crap in chat, and other things those that like objective-aimed PvP (=Battlegrounds) care little about.

One might say it is a bit better as Horde (shorter queues and more mature players), but because of the gear-imbalance and 'asymetric warfare' (Horde playing CtF, Alliance playing Camp the Yard) those games tend to consist of wasting time by being camped/fighting off campers for a large portion of the game - meaning you don't so much make 'fun' characters you like to play as characters that can weather that shit.

Of course WoW PvP in general now sucks monkey balls (I could easily list the causes but they are either already known to readers, or part of the My lvl 24 hunter twink - YouTube crowd that will never get it), but at least in XP_On there is more Faction balance and the queues are shorter than F2P cap, something that isn't likely to change anytime soon as Alliance as a rule is too dumb and/or doesn't care it has those awful queues because of their behaviour.

Also, the idea of a F2P toon being 'farming god-mode' in the BoA Battlegrounds is rather comical, that might only happen (and tbh I still don't see that happening EU wise) if they put capped Starter Account toons in the XP-On queues.

(And ofc the chances of it ever happening in Emberstorm/Glutsturm are zero, even though the level of play of 'ze Germans' has dropped considerably since they 'half-merged' the Battlegroups and drowned the game with Heirlooms)

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