
it sure ain't easy waking 3:00/6:00 in the morning, looting chests. bravo

in case this is sarcasm, i can tell you either haven't hit puberty yet, or haven't been a teenager for a long time. 06.00 is srs bzznzz.
first loot achiev: Dec 5th 2008

grand master acheiv: Feb 25th 2011

all solo on populated realm.

probably could have gotten it faster if i wanted to pay for protection, but soloing it was half the fun
i hate how disrespectful people can be in this brackets' forum. congrats on your first agm. to the people flaming you, remember how great it felt to get your first agm? let him have this.
That is so sad, I've gotten 6 agms solo in 1 week. (as if agms are hard to get)

Not on one account on one Realm and on a lowbie you didn't (unless you're counting the day of the week you started as part of the "week" doing it the NEXT week, i.e. mon-sun then mon again). You only have access to 8 AM's per day, at 7 days that's a total of just less than 5 AGM's at the end of the 7th day. And if you were able to attain the chest loot every 3 hrs, every single day, for 8 consecutive days then you sir are on the lowest pop Realm on the planet (care to divulge this wonderfully NO-pop Realm you're on?). Even on the "Free Transfer" Realms there are multiple times per day where there are 85's looting the chest, I know because I transferred to one recently trying to get mine. People need to stop bashing others trying to get even one AGM. Just because YOU are on a retardedly low pop Realm doesn't mean we all are. Some are stuck on Realms so high pop that they can't even get to the Arena floor without dying.
Not on one account on one Realm and on a lowbie you didn't (unless you're counting the day of the week you started as part of the "week" doing it the NEXT week, i.e. mon-sun then mon again). You only have access to 8 AM's per day, at 7 days that's a total of just less than 5 AGM's at the end of the 7th day. And if you were able to attain the chest loot every 3 hrs, every single day, for 8 consecutive days then you sir are on the lowest pop Realm on the planet (care to divulge this wonderfully NO-pop Realm you're on?). Even on the "Free Transfer" Realms there are multiple times per day where there are 85's looting the chest, I know because I transferred to one recently trying to get mine. People need to stop bashing others trying to get even one AGM. Just because YOU are on a retardedly low pop Realm doesn't mean we all are. Some are stuck on Realms so high pop that they can't even get to the Arena floor without dying.

perhaps the man is either stupid, or meant the green trinket <3 smile.
perhaps the man is either stupid, or meant the green trinket <3 smile.

Yeah it's gotta be he got 6 Arena Master trinks, not 6 Arena Grand Master trinks in one week solo, which is definitely doable even without being on a low pop Realm.

EDIT: For those of you whom may not fully understand the way it works, you personally have to loot the chest on the 3rd hour to gain access to ONE Arena Master Trinket. You then personally have to re-loot that same chest 11 more times to get ONE Arena Grand Master Trinket. The AM is level 35 and is basically junk, the AGM has no level req and is freaking OP at lower levels.

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