<Fifty> Classic Raiding Project


<Classic Raiding Project>

Cheak out our video

Due to Thirkfifty being unavailable for the coming months and the recent boost in the number of <Fifty> members I have decided to start a new up to date thread that will hopefully assist people considering joining <Fifty>, and assist current members of the project.

Over the last year the <Fifty> raiding project has had its challenges and its succeses, currently we are recruiting to take down the BWL bosses ahead of us. In order to do this we are going to need a large amount of players who are dedicated to progressing through classic raid content and eventualy reaching AQ40.

<Fifty> is a US based classic raiding project, dedicated to clearing classic raid content while also providing the challenge and difficulty that someone back in Classic would have faced. We only raid with level 50 characters and this makes the experience much more challenging, instead of using less than 10 level 60s to clear an instance like BWL, <Fifty> requires a lot more people with greater knowledge of the fights and a great deal of preperation.

Currently Recruiting:

With the recent changes to raiding content (the MoP change being reverted concerning damage) our options on classes you can select to raid at 50 have increased, sadly Paladin tanks are still not viable.
Here is a complete list of class/specs that have brief notes on viability. These are in order of viability:
Id just like to point out these are personal views please look at Edwaaardos guide for more detail.

(Health-Passive Damage Reduction-Armor-Avoidance)
Prot Warriors-
Best tanking class at 50 and no other class can be compared to these monsters.
Brewmaster Monks-A good tanking class however from personal testing the major problem is expertise, they can hit cap easy but getting anything past 10 expertise is nearly imposible. Id adivise if you are planning on rolling a monk be aware that it will be incredibly annoying to see dodge and parry pop up on your screen most of the time (70%).
Guardian Druids-Never cheaked these before but some very brief testing proved that they can have a lot of avoidance and could possibly be extremly viable. More in deatil though. They lack health (9k I believe is cap buffed), They have passive damage reduction but only 12% from meele (warriors have 25%), Armor is extremly good. And avoidance is realy good as well. Overall a good class but still in risk of being 1 shot and just like monks lack the required expertise.
Prot Paladin-Not Viable.


Disc priest-A great overall healer that has a HoT and large single target heals. They also have big absorb moves that are very important at 50.
Resto Druid-
A good healing class that has a huge amount of HoTs and are great for single target healing and are decent raid heals as well.
Mistweaver Monk-
Best single target healing available class, less required since the damage reduction in a recent hot fix but still a great healing class and we welcome anyone to want to roll these into the project.
Resto Shammy-
Cer has proven this class to be extremly good and are on par with druids and monks.
Holy Pally-The worst healers at 50 but through a lot of practise and absolute BiS gear can match other healers in certain fights unless you are desperate to roll a Pally please consider a differnt healer..

Meele DPS

Rogue-One of the top DPS classes at 50 and defeintly are the best meele DPS class.
Feral Druids-
Only recently tested at 50 and turns out that they are decent, just like a rogue just without gnome trinkets.
Arms Warrior-Average DPS class that dusnt hit bad DPS but isnt a Rogue, has an OP 20% move though.
Ret Paladin-
Due to a lot of abilitys usinging spell hit these are very unviable please do not roll these unless you are willing to have miss/dodge/parry on your screen 80% of the time.
Ranged DPS

Hunter-One of the best overall DPS classes at 50 expect to cap damage on this class.
Elemental Shammy-
Please do not roll these unless you absolutly have to play this class, you have to be aware that you will only be hitting 1/3 attacks even with the BiS gear.
Shadow Priest-
Please do not roll these unless you absolutly have to play this class, you have to be aware that you will only be hitting 1/3 attacks even with the BiS gear.

Overall class viability (rated from 1-10 with 1 being least viable and 10 being most viable)


What we need at the moment

With progresion into BWL begining and the challenge becoming suddenly a lot more intense we are desperatly looking for more DPS and more raid healers to keep up the raid in AOE situations, if you want to roll a DPS please roll a hunter,rogue,feral druid. If you want to roll a healer we need them mainly in this priority considering what boss we are on Druid, Priest, Shaman, Monk.


With <Fifty> preparing to return to MC40 in the coming weeks I have decided to add a more efficent leadership sytem to the project.
There will be groups of 5 people all lead by someone with a lot of experience in <Fifty> they will be your group leader and if you have any questions about anything to do with <Fifty> please take it up with them.

Group 1
-Thelse (Project leader atm)(Oldarcos@hotmail.com)

Group 2

-Resume (Officer)(long time member of <Fifty>)

Group 3
-Filix (Officer)(another long term member of <Fifty>)
Cer (Officer)(Consumables vendor)

Group 4
-Oncilla (Officer)(Main tank)

Group 5 (gearing group, for players currently gearing/leveling in <Fifty>)
-Edwaaardo (Officer)(Autor of <Fifty> gear guide)(atkeddie@gmail.com)

Before I fill out Edwaaardos group I would like some form of content either on TI or in WoW that they are currently leveling or gearing.

There are also some people I would like some form of contact from to know if they are still in the project or not (so if i should include you in the roster or not):

People returning to <Fifty> in a few months:

Boss downed so far in MoP

Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (6/6)
General Rajaxx
Buru the Gorger
Ayamiss the Hunter

Ossirian the Unscarred

Molten Core (10/10)

Baron Geddon

Golemagg the Incinerator
Sulfuron Harbinger
Majordomo Executus

Blackwing Lair (1/8)
Razorgore the Untamed
Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
Broodlord Lashlayer

My real id: Oldarcos@hotmail.com
<Fifty> website
<Fifty> gearing guide
EU <Fifty>
Origional <Fifty> thread
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I am reachable via Skype as always: geokoder is my username.
Yea I actualy wrote a bit after ur name, but it didnt load 4 whatever reason tahts also a list 4 people who we expect 2 return.

I plan to add more just after all that im a little tired so expect more tomorrow :)

My US example Priest :cool:
I based my gear upon your gnome.
I have a love "hate" relationship with your armory profile ;)

I'm grinding ZF every evening in order to get "The Robes of Insgith" and watching the AH closely.
Sadley its almost inpossible to grind it or to buy it for 24k !!! on AH... on other server it is between 4k-10k.

Still need some ring updates, rest of the gear i'm very happy with :)

Hoping we find enough players in the EU for this project.
I'm ready for it :)

GL with the MC content, I would love to join you all today ! but i'm from EU so would be hard ;)

Greetz Springheals
Thats fine man your priest is looking pretty good, when your raiding you tend not to notice how much mana you are regening or how much you are healing for. I have 2 sets of gear one of them has got a lot of spirit and allows me to spam flash heal for 5 minutes flat and still have around 600 sp, my other set has around 800 sp and can still cast flash light for around 3 miuntes. I tend to just use my spirit set since the heals are still realy big. If I ever get some time I may look at my gear and put some theory into it but what iv got right now works. You should also know that however good your dps are it will realy make the boss fights go quickly, <Fifty> is currently downing the swarmguards pre Kurinaxx in less that 15 seconds which is good since they have a cleave ability that is timed with auto attack so they instantly do 8k damage on the tank.
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After some testing we did today we have decided that Prot Pallys are just not viable at all, our current monks and warrior tanks are getting hit for 1.5k damage a hit (down form the 3k they were getting hit for 1 weeks ago), today we tested a partialy geared prot pally with 7k hp and 50% armor (everything apart from hp that would be the same as BiS), sadly the Paladin was being hit for 2.8k a shot which is the same amount as Warriors were getting hit for pre the damage reduction, paladins cant reach near thehp of warriors as well (not having access to the gnome trinkets). I must apologise to everyone that wanted to roll a Prot Pally, they are just to much of a liability to have tanking adds.
Just hit level 47 on my resto shaman.
Eng/Alch is at 300.
Cooking is at 110.

Once I'm level 50 and fully geared for Resto PvE and Resto PvP, i'll transfer over and play my shaman as my main.
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Holy Crap the Galiswag is returning, Edwaaardo will be pleased, gues you wanted to be part of that Molten Core action again :)
Good shit! We downed three world first bosses today! Garr, Shazzrah and Baron Geddon! Video and screenshots will be posted later!
Quote of the day:

Thelse: "Holy Shit Cer(sir), you are actually out healing me"
Alright guys, clearly today was one of the best raids <Fifty> has ever had if not the best one!
Id like to start by addressing a few things that we tested in the Molten Core today.

Firstly, Shaman healing is OP! From Cers pressence in the raid today on his Shammy we saw how the buffs that they bring to the raid in addition to the raw healing power they have makes them into something possibly stronger than Priests or Druids. From what I noticed theyre heals arnt as large as Priest or Druids but they make up for this with Hots and some nice instant heal abilitys. They provide 10% Spell Power to raid members which makes healers a lot more stronger. They also have the Ansestral Healing (not sure about the name) ability which provides the MT with an additional 800HP. They also have Reincarnation which while in MC is great. There are more benefits and would take me a while to adress but these are the major things.

Secondly, Warlock Banish, im honestly not sure about this ability and though it was useful for a select group of trash mobs (people who came to the raid will know who), its usefulness didnt extend to Garr who we expected would be a huge challenge without Warlocks and yet we did it without a single Warlock. So im unsure if we require warlocks, I know in the situations that we decided to use a lock in could instead be easier if we replaced that lock with another tank or healer. So I will end this part saying that we are not looking for locks as we are nearing the end of MC and although they are useful in certain situations theyre usefulness will run out in BWL and AQ40, also their DPS is very low, however as always we are still researching possible spell caster DPS.

These things aside todays raid was amazing and everyone who attended can thank themselves for our successes today. The raid started slowly as our raids usualy do, summons taking a slightly longer time than usual, however peoples patience was rewarded by us clearing all the trash up to Garr and then realising "Oh Crap... Hes not there" after reforming the raid we got a higher level to resummon and clear the trash that we had to reset in order to get the bosses to appear. With the slow start of the raid, peoples patients was again put to the test in around 4-5 wipes to Baron Geddon, however once we understood the fight and all the abilitys (and also thanks to Karma) we manged to down the Baron. After that we decided to give Shazzrah a try. I had been saying that it was an easy fight but nobody could have anticipated just how easy :) put simply we downed him first try. After that LOL storm we decided to give Garr another try (<Fifty>s arch nemesis) and after 2 wipes Fava decided to log over to his tank (healer going to a tank) and so with 3 healers (Priest, Shammy and a Pally) and 3 tanks, oh and 4 DPS (thats right we 10 manned it!) we took on the fight that has been plagueing us for well over 5 months, anyway we got the kill with tanks going down to less than 100 HP multiple times in the fight.

These are World First kills and is completly due to the dedication of the 10 people (and afew other who showed up for brief minutes:))who raided today. We are currently looking into getting a decent stream and will be filming all boss kills from now on.


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