US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

Edwaaardo, you beautiful genius, how much DPS can you see them hitting?

They have less potential attack power than rogues, but that doesn't stop hunters. They have three offensive cooldowns, which is pretty crazy. They have no spells to land, making them inherently better than ret or enhancement. They have several cool passives, like omen of clarity is back (free attack), and there's an identical passive to assassination which gives an extra combo point when you crit. Then there's the free, instant cast healing touch (spellpower increased by agility) that's kind of like selfless healer, which on bubble saved me and the tank on multiple occaisions. The one thing I worry about is their best stat is mastery by so much (you even ignore hit and expertise for it), so I'm at a loss of how to compensate with our gear. I would rank their dps below assassination and hunters (who seem to have lost about 200 dps to the dodge nerf), but close behind and above enhancement and ret by a long ways. Somewhere in the range of 800-600 dps in optimal circumstances.
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It has come to my attention that people are noticing how slowly I'm leveling onetreeheal. Allow me to clarify. I have had a ridiculous amount of idiots in my dungeon queues. I'm not exaggerating when I say I've not had a dungeon without someone so bad at this game they made it almost impossible to complete the dungeon. Here's a small and incomplete list of the most notable ones:
-Several clickers in full heirlooms(!?)
-A holy paladin tank
-A warrior tank in intellect gear that didn't attack the mobs, just ran past and didn't stop pulling.
-A melee elemental shaman
-A feral druid in caster form pulling 13 dps by literally hitting things with his staff.
-A tank that refused to pull mobs.
-Plenty of dps that thought that they were the ones that pulled.
-A whole party while I was tanking deadmines who would run ahead of me and pull the whole room. If you're not familiar with druid tanking at that level, you have two abilities (both single target, one with a cooldown) and a taunt
-More feral druids who thought they dps in bear form than you can imagine.
-A fury warrior with an intellect shield
-So many locks with voidwalker out, most refusing to put it away.
-A ret paladin tank with an intellect held in off hand item and a white mace.
And my personal favorite, a hunter in wailing caverns that thought hunter was a pet-less, melee dps class. But that's not all. After dying for whatever reason, he used the spirit guide and rezzed in orgrimar.
After being bombarded by stupidity for several days, I saw only two options: Quit wow forever and go on a homicidal rampage or respec feral and quest. Grudgingly I chose the second one, which is a bit slower than dungeon queuing, but faster than standing in stormwind with dungeon deserter for more time than you spent in the actual dungeon.
That's the worst luck I've ever heard. Usually my groups are just slow but get it done eventually
Pardon me asking, but I see a lot of talk about Ret paladins being a neccessity for the 4% physical damage taken debuff, but is there anything that would prevent a hunter from simply taming a ravager?

As far as I can tell, there are several low level ravagers to tame, and Ravage (the actual pet debuff) only requires level 20.
Pardon me asking, but I see a lot of talk about Ret paladins being a neccessity for the 4% physical damage taken debuff, but is there anything that would prevent a hunter from simply taming a ravager?

As far as I can tell, there are several low level ravagers to tame, and Ravage (the actual pet debuff) only requires level 20.

Ohh probably. I don't know many of the hunter pet abilities. The main point is ret pallies are bad
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Me being sat on.
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And here's after I solo'd Moam.

Great raid tonight. It's not the same without galliswag, but having Thirk there really helped my nostalgia.


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Nice raid tonight, hope we get into MC very soon
Great raid fellas, was great to see thirk back after all his real life problems, hopefully he'll be able to make it for other raids. The DPS tonight was OUSTANDING I couldn't believe how fast we were downing stuff, we downed the first boss in one try! Keep it up, I'll try to recruit numbers, everyone else should also try to recruit and we can attempt to get into MC very shortly.
Sorry I couldn't make it last night. Got home late. However I'm done with finals on Monday and then its winter break. So i should be able to make almost every raid.
I love the momentum we've had this weekend. There's no doubt in my mind that we can down ossirian and rajaxx with the groups we've had recently, and we'll be doing molten core in no time. We have enough healing, damage and tank health to do these fights, we just need everything to go perfectly. I only have one screenshot, and I, like inner fire, forgot to put it up. Expect it in about 12 hours.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of the charitable tristan, my engineering has gone from 16 to 382 in just one day. I didn't just mooch his stuff the whole time. Spent a good hour farming cobalt without cold weather flying. I have most of the mats for rocket boots, and I'm about 500 justice points from the heirloom weapon I need, so my twink should be pulling some better numbers.

I formally refuse to play disc on that priest. Holy has great utility that can be overlooked easily, and it's the perfect counter to aoe. Spirit of redemption has prevented several deaths and full wipes I have noticed.

Lastly great raid, and if anyone wants to join feel free. It's great fun and we're on the verge big things and world firsts.
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Again! An amazing raid today we have cleared out AQ10 and only Ossirian remains! Today we downed Buru then went onto Ayamiss and finishing with some Ossirian attempts that left us feeling certain we could get the kill in the coming week. Initial testing (Thirk getting hit once, 2 months ago) brought up the question that he may hit far to much damage to be tankable but today we proved that that was incorrect. We got him down to 45% on our best attempt and similar to the kill pre MoP it is obvious that practise makes perfect for that fight.
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I feel like it should be mentioned that both the Buru and Ayamiss kills were done on the first attempt, seriously good work on both of those today guys!
I think what really helped us is that me and oncilla know each others tanking playstyle so we don't mess each other up or one tanks too much of the other, real great work today! Every attempt besides ossarian was done first attempt.
Also here's a WSG screenshot of the horde graveyard after fifty takes over ;)

Also here's a screenshot of ossarian at 194k so close!
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Yeah, Tristan and I also use the same keybinds and stuff. Now all I need is a chopper and we can down Ossirian.
Can you get in to the darkmoon faire at level one? I want to get a bunch of those cheap bags and I was thinking just make a bunch of humans and send them down goldshire.

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