US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

So how is this going to affect our tanks? We still want you to have very high health pools, but you now have like, a few hundred health to play around with. This should be spent on armor and avoidance stats. Thelse and I think that Golem Smasher's Grips will be replacing Gloves of the pathfinder for our plate tanks. You can't get the stam enchant, so I'd go with hit or strength. Paladins are still just troll material. You might be able to tank one add, but you'll get hit for like 2.5k after the damage nerf. Monks are now viable, but you should really just spam the little instant aoe aggro thing when you need aggro instead of an actual rotation. Guardians look decent, probably on par with monks. Warriors are now just gods of tanking. Almost unkillable.

The main gear changes are going to be with healers. I am now calling the resurgence/crit resto shaman build bis. Disc priests will get to go for some more crit, which will help them greatly and improve the survivability of our tanks, as more mitigation is key. The haste builds for resto druid and holy priest are now best in slot, and some haste will be great on mistweavers, but with their mana costs and focus on reactive healing, it won't be that important, and will be mostly for lowering the global cooldown and not chasing breakpoints.

But why is this?
The mobs now hit like small children having a temper tantrum. This means that healers can chill a bit and not spam so many flash heals, meaning more mana efficiency. That means more secondary stats can be used in gear and spirit is sort of going back to the way it was in cata(i.e. not important). On priests I recommend at least 175 spirit, and for others at the minimum 225. I can see about 150 on resto shamans with the resurgence build, but until we have testing of their mana usage I'm not sure of their numbers.

Dps won't have any change really.
If I didn't work so Damn much my sham would already be lvl 50 so I could help test crit build.
If I didn't work so Damn much my sham would already be lvl 50 so I could help test crit build.

If you need any runs feel free to ask me. Also if you need engi help.

But guess who got his BoA mace today. This guy. My sea farer transmog set is complete as well. I just need enchants and my ultra grind goggles(gnomish power goggles). If anyone can help me with enchants or has primals/motes of things get in touch. Holy OP.
Screw you guys. I'll go solo Ossirian! Swagmaster Oncilla can do wuteva since the nerf!
If you need any runs feel free to ask me. Also if you need engi help.

Just hit level 35. Getting like 1 level every 30ish minutes. Eng almost maxed. Already have all my BoE gear. Once my eng is maxed i'll max out my alchemy. Then once my ele and resto sets are finished, i'll hopefully be able to transfer over for the next available MC Raid.
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I discovered this glitch with the floors where my offhand glows really bright, but that's not why this is Important.
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That is indeed the first boss of Molten Core on the ground there. Taken down by 9 people. Nine freakin' people!
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And here he is again. Fifty is in Molten Core right now and like I always say right now is a great time if you're on the fence to join, but now you'd be part of some world first kills as well. We can always help you out, because we need your help.

Also, I'm getting some aldor rep so I can get spellthreads for you guys on spinebreaker. Oncilla can make you hunters your Hit scope now, which is just amazing. I have a lot of mob farming ahead of me(after farming marks for aldor because the quest chains are bugged, I have to farm motes for the majority of my life it seems.)

It was great to see you guys out there and balling. This kill excites me so much, and I hope you all fell the same. Goodnight.

Why is that picture of me attached and how do I remove it.


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Great work today guys. Thanks to everyone who made it today, we did nine man it but this boss was never difficult. We have a few members going on holiday soon, and we need to find replacemnts as soon as possible, so message me either on TI or WoW to find out how you can join <Fifty> today :)

ITS BEEN SEVERAL MONTHS BUT <Fifty> is back into MC40!
got back too late. Just got back maybe 20ish minutes ago. Sorry that I couldn't make it ):

but the hobbit was good :)
I have my aldor rep and the pattern for spellthreads, but I have tailoring to do. I just learned I'll be farming a bit of cloth as well. Then I'll get those goggles, I promise. Already have the second rarest part of them. But yeah it's mob farming fun weekend for me it seems.

We will be having twos and threes arena tournaments in early january, so be sure to get your pvp gear in order. I have pvp chardevs in the guide. This will be the first real fifty pvp event, so make an appearence! I call thelse, no exceptions.
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sorry i didn't come tonight. Just finished my last final and wanted to have some fun. Anyway I have a level 45 mistweaver monk that im going to get to 50 and gear him up. So I will have a healer and a dps.
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Someone probably did the math already on this, so I'll ask: given the extra 15% spell hit healers gain, would that make them viable specs for caster dps at 50 raiding even with the high spell hit cap and missing damage bonuses? 15% hit is like maybe 95 hit rating. Probably not for resto shamans (since elemental shamans get hit from spirit), but what about other healing classes?
In the wise words of Oncilla, No No No No No No, there are several tiers to spell casters viability first we have mages/locks who only rely on hit, they can reach 30% but that makes them him at most 1/3, next we have your idea they can reach possibly around 45%, it better but still nothing realy special, it will still be a frustrating amount of miss, then we hace spriests stacking spirit reaching 50% hit, its better but it is no where near 100% hit, then we have Boomkins-Shammys in that order, with the access to the dragonscale set (not 100% sure about the name) they can reach around 60% which I believe with our old shammy several months ago had decent hit, but sadly after going for this much spirit lacked the sp to do major damage.

Overall spell casters are just not viable, they will never do any amount of damage that could be compared with that of a rogue or a hunter. We havent done a great amount of testing but from the testing we have done expect max dps to be around 200-300. We also have had the situation when for example Galiwix geared his druid for Boomkin had a decent amount of hit, was hitting the 60 dummys pulling 300DPS.... then went into the raid and couldnt hit a thing... then rage quit. Dont take hitting the 60 training dummys to mean much at 50 seeing as you will mainly be versing level 63 mobs. Please if you want to spend time to research or test this be aware that its most likely a waste of time and effort, also if you do decided to do this id advise you that you take your 50 into a 60 raid like AQ10 and have a high level tank, that way you can test your DPS on level appropriate mobs.
Good info. Thanks for the quick response!

Edit: have these numbers been updated for MoP? From what I'm reading, spell hit starts at 6%, and scales upward 3% per level. So to cap vs. level 63 mobs should require 6+(13*3) = 45% spell hit now.
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Ah I have tested shadow on my priest and in Shadow with a total 45% hit. On the 60 dummy I hit 1/2. Of course slightly more hit is available but considering we are attack 63 mobs I cant see a lot. Now I did just realise something, on boss mobs you might find your hit slightly better but again your his chance would be frustrating and make you want to kill yourself. If you want to range DPS I suggest hunter, they seem to be a fun class to play and right now are pulling top DPS in some fights.
<Fifty> We will be forming a group in less than an hour please log on if you can, were going for more MC40 boss kills :)
Driving home right now
Making some steady progress into Mc, downed a few bosses.
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We found out you can fish in lava...
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And even swim in it.
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The last real thing of the night was this inconclusive set of duels between Noah and Thelse. This screenshot is kind of how they went.

I will be gearing up my priest for shadow mostly next week. I'm going to be away most of the day tomorrow and I have exams until Thursday this week. However, then I begin my break, which means a lot of fifty work. If you're not familiar with why I'm again going shadow, I managed to pull 200-300 dps as shadow with 21% hit. I can more than double that, so that means some good dps plus those haste breakpoints I've been going on about for the rest of you.
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sry to afk during the lastish minutes. something came up. Will hopefully have my resto sham geared soon for PvE and PvP!

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