US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

Yeah I'm almost certain you can use pyrium. But wow that's a huge nerf. All spellcaster dps is back to square one. Ret paladins have no hope now. My shadow priest is screwed outside of 40 mans. I'm not making dualfury a tank. I have no gold on bloodhoof, only a few justice points, and no mining. I'd rather if you really need me to tank roll on spinebreaker. I must meditate on my next move. All of my twinks are now the suck. And it seems the best way to fix the fact that in endgame content disc priests are laughed at is by buffing holy. Makes sense. They also nerfed solar beam and glyph of solar beam, so moonkins now somehow suck even more! I need to update the guide I just finished yesterday as well. Happy days. Might just make a hunter or something.
HA! My BOA staff is GF'ed, that's awesome!
Well, after much deep and intense meditation, I have decided on a course of action I will not be dissuaded from. My shadow priest is almost ruined. I won't be able to hit anything, so I would really just bring it to some large raid where a haste buff would benefit the most people. I'm not healing priest. I'm not good at disc and I don't like the cookie cutter playstyle it has in 50. Holy isn't as effective, so I won't be using that. I have a druid on spinebreaker that I intended to be a 19, but I'm thinking of leveling it to 50. Don't worry oncilla, I'll make a replacement twink. I'll be buying mists tomorrow and making a 19 monk. We have a ton of healers already and I will make my druidresto main spec, feral offspec for when we have a full house of disco priests. My ret pally is of course ruined since he can't land exorcism without the chain and will stay at 300 dps forever.
well, after much deep and intense meditation, i have decided on a course of action i will not be dissuaded from. My shadow priest is almost ruined. I won't be able to hit anything, so i would really just bring it to some large raid where a haste buff would benefit the most people. I'm not healing priest. I'm not good at disc and i don't like the cookie cutter playstyle it has in 50. Holy isn't as effective, so i won't be using that. I have a druid on spinebreaker that i intended to be a 19, but i'm thinking of leveling it to 50. Don't worry oncilla, i'll make a replacement twink. I'll be buying mists tomorrow and making a 19 monk. We have a ton of healers already and i will make my druidresto main spec, feral offspec for when we have a full house of disco priests. My ret pally is of course ruined since he can't land exorcism without the chain and will stay at 300 dps forever.

go disc.
1. I hate the disc playstyle. I know it's powerful, but it bores me.
2. I only have the mats/enchants for one pair of rocket boots and other engineering stuffs.
3. I would rather have a twink that can fit multiple roles in a raid environment effectively.
4. I want a class that is nerf resistant. Druids can fit all three roles and both kinds of dps.
5. I played one in the burning crusade and have wanted to return to the class ever since.
6. They output comparable healing to a disc priest. Watch galli's hps some time when he's actually playing. The playstyle is also more engaging.
7. They are very versatile healers, able to easily switch from single target healing to full on raid healing.
8. They offer a huge raid cooldown with tranquility.
9. They have much more freedom in their gear choices than disc priests.
10. Yolo.
Amazing raid today guys, that was great, for those who didnt come we downed Kurinaxx skipped Rajaxx and downed Buru, we also got up to Ayaniss but due to the late start of the raid we decided to stop after 1 attempt, leaving it up for possible raids this weekend.

We are clearly getting more numbers seeing as how we had another full raid today. Which means we only have a few more weeks ahead of us before we get into MC40.

Here are some screenshots of the raid tonight.
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I will make a more detailed post tomorrow. Thanks guys talk to you later :)


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Was thinking of rolling a Draenei Huntard over on Spinebreaker to do this, if I do who should I contact in game? Not sure how active I can be but this definitely has interested me for awhile.
Was thinking of rolling a Draenei Huntard over on Spinebreaker to do this, if I do who should I contact in game? Not sure how active I can be but this definitely has interested me for awhile.

Hit me, Thelse, Resume, or Bubble up.
Was thinking of rolling a Draenei Huntard over on Spinebreaker to do this, if I do who should I contact in game? Not sure how active I can be but this definitely has interested me for awhile.
Add my realid

Thelse wheres the longer post you promised? Liar. I don't know if I should associate myself with people of such low moral caliber.
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Thelse has access to our bank's gear and gold now. Fiddled with ranks a bit. He can also promote/demote/etc. Also made that Ossirian video public.
Thanks Thirk, guys message me on WoW or Twinkinfo if you require funding and we will have a talk. Edwaaardo I was planning on it but then decided there was not much else to say it was a great raid.
Funding on Spinebreaker

Must be located on Spinebreaker in the <Fifty> guild, have most easily accessible pieces of gear and must have some to a few <Fifty> raids.

Some classes/specs are not included because of just how unviable they are, although I have missed some and I’m aware of these please make a post if you want me to add them to the list.

Prot Warrior (Gnome) - 1500 Gold

Brewmaster Monks (Gnome) – No amount decided yet, more testing required before we can confirm the viability of this spec.

Disc Priest (Gnome) – 1250 Gold

Resto Druid – 1250 Gold

Resto Shammy – 1150 Gold

Mistweaver Monks (Gnome) – 1250 Gold

Banish Warlock (Gnome) – 1000 Gold

Hunter – 750 Gold

Rogue (Gnome) – 750 Gold

Enhancement Shammy – 600 Gold

Holy Paladin – 500 Gold

Ret Paladin – 250 Gold

These are only trial amounts, if you want me to reconsider the amounts or want a class/spec to be added please message me on WoW ( or TwinkInfo.
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The living steel nerf really hurt enchantment shamans, not as bad as ret pallies, but I would demote them to 600g. I think feral should have like 700 because it's going to be inherently better than those with some sort of spell/spell proc, plus they can heal people every couple of seconds.
Haha we might need the physical vulnerability debuff or the potent slows for some fights down the line, but yeah don't offer them an incentive to main spec retribution. Tell them if they must be a paladin go holy and probably keep a ret set. In all honesty I have bubble so we're not looking for ret pallies for those kind of fights. These would be like if a 40man boss had an enrage phase so crazy we needed to sacrifice one good dps to make sure everyone is doing more damage to get it down before it wipes us.
All are valid points, I agree with Edwaaardo with shammy and feral but until we do more feral testing im not going to be putting an amount up, Edwaaardo how much DPS can you see them hitting?

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