US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

Are monks legal?

Of course. This isn't one of those 60 guilds that says you have to do what we had in vanilla. We wouldn't get anywhere. If something is off limits, it's because it just doesn't perform well in the situation, such as combat rogues.
Yea if you raid with <FIFTY> you will realise that we need all the help we can get, so nothing is illegal at 50.

For those that havent raided with us and want to know about the difficulty, ill tell you now. Firstly MoP brought in a 100% increase in the damage done by raid bosses and trash within 60 raids, as of this point we havent seen a 100% health increase in and raid bosses/trash. <Fifty> raiding difficulty is as near to classic difficulty as your going to get, back in Cata the difficulty was easy enough to continuously progress with enough people, now in Panda we are going to require a lot more people to progress through Molten Core. As an example, in Cata we could clear through Molten Core with 15-20 people (this excludes certain bosses), however now in MoP it appears that we are going to require near to 20-30 people to full clear MC40. No doupt we will need the full 40 for BWL and AQ40, id also like to add that of this point we have had a few problems with 2 bosses in AQ10, General Rajaxx and Ossirian (Ossirian we havent attepted yet, prelimanary testing has shown that he will hit for 4k on a fully geared tank) however we believe that with a more accurate raid setup we will have very little problems. It is important to note that in raid ranking AQ10 is possibly the most difficult raid we can do with a full group compared to other raids. For any more questions about raid difficultly please private message me.
Yeah, what thelse said. It seems we need more hit on brewmasters as they have some active mitigation through blackout kick. Obviously the expertise weapon chain is needed, but is mongoose superior to pyrium? I know the hit is needed, but just using the loom shoulders would probably get you to 10%.

Just so everybody knows, the only people that need to go all out hit are casters, and only use the casters that are viable. If you are a non dual wield melee class you need 17%, if you are dual world but have no procs or need for rage than you can stay a 17%. For the other I mentioned, you need like 25% hit but don't start using really bad gear to get there. Tanks need like 10% which is pretty easy, and then you go strait health.
Got my new brewmaster to like lvl30 last night.

If it ends up being a crappy tank ill still play it as dps.
We will be raiding on Saturday, November 10, 2012 in America or Sunday, November 11, 2012 in Oceania. If everyone could make a conscious effort to attend it would be greatly appreciated. We really need to raid.

I know we have some new people, so I'll go thorough our raid procedures. You don't need bis gear unless you're a tank. You just have to be level 50. Feel free to come on down, we mostly need numbers. We group up around 6 o'clock Eastern Standard Time. Everyone must have ventrilo. Get in vent even if you don't have a mic. Joking around is permitted outside of combat, but please be serious otherwise, even during trash. Do not afk during the raid, ninja pull, troll, use excessive profanity(some is okay, but dear god don't be like pubbly). Blame wipes on thelse.

Come down. I'll be there, thelse will be there, magic will be there. Hope to see you all there.
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Great post, nothing else to say realy, yea guys please show up if your still in the project, we need to raid guys :)
So on Monday, America, the greatest country in the history of the world, is having Veteran's Day. This means I have a three day weekend and would be up to raid on America Sunday as well.
Yea im on study leave now so that works for me, good to see at turn out to that raid as well, notoriousthf what was your characters name again and hows the gearing going?
Alright guys, I know we have a few new people in the project and they probably dont have any 50 real ids, if you plan on coming to our raid tomorrow please add my real id it doesnt matter about your gear, we will probably have a few slots open :) (this kinda excludes tanks, but healers and dps are fine if they are not 100% bis).
Okay we have currently attending:
Tom or john on thelse priest
Doop. Huntin.
If you can make it message me on ti
I'll be using some haste gear to get a couple more ticks on my eternal flame. And I'll be using eternal flame even though they buffed shield. I want to try haste breakpoints.
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10 um John I may need you on my account playing healer thelse seeing as tom is to busy studying, I gues we will see :)
Um Peachy we have been doing well so far, we have progressed into AQ killing all bosses except Rajaxx (adds with 100% damage increase are bastards) but no doupt we will be able to beat them using the long fight method. We have tested MC. Thirk has had some problems lately and hasnt been on in last few weeks im currently recruiting and as of right now we have should have enough people to raid, im also currently cheaking on old <Fifty> members and seeing how active they are, this has been working well lately.

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