US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

It's good. Backlash is good. Because where there is Backlash, there will be someone to rub it! There's a lot of hate but a lot of people are impressed. Combined, that will give this thread a lot of activity feed. People are going to read that thread and realize that we exist.

Getting our name out is the best thing right now. We're going into BWL then AQ40, we need as many people as we can get.
That was possibly the strangest <Fifty> raid we have ever had.
I think everyone was suprised by how that raid went. We downed the first boss through a bug that shouldnt of happened that made the fight harder, but in doing so garenteed us the kill. Then we have the 2nd boss, we did 1 try and it will obviously require a few more healer and DPS. The problem in that fight was that we did not have the required raid heals nessicary for the fight so we couldnt keep the raid up. We will be back in there next weekend and hopefuly give it another try. We didnt take a screenshot of the boss fight but id rather save that till we can get a fully legit boss kill, thanks everyone that showed up, I understand that its a Sunday and I appreciate that you all took the time to attend.
Can I join youz guys? I read the part about not getting funded. I miss raiding old dungeons and can make whatever race/class you guys are short on. I've been away since Cata came out but know how to do my research. I just came back to 39's but need something else to kill some time on.
Can I join youz guys? I read the part about not getting funded. I miss raiding old dungeons and can make whatever race/class you guys are short on. I've been away since Cata came out but know how to do my research. I just came back to 39's but need something else to kill some time on.

Yeah of course! Right now we need either more DPS or More heals. Also this project is Cross-Realm, so if you want to you can roll a toon on your home server. But there are a lot of great benefits to having your toon on Spinebreaker:)

Viable DPS are:

Feral Druids
Hunters(most ppl go survival)
Monks(needs more testing before we confirm they are viable DPS)

The only two Caster DPS that come close at all to achieving enough hit rating to actually do any decent DPS are Ele Shamans and Shadow priests. However we are currently only looking for one Shadow Priest. This is because shadow priests bring the 5% haste buff to the raid. We do not want anymore than 1 shadow priest in the group for future Raids.

We are also looking for an active Warlock. Warlocks do not have enough hit rating at all to do any viable DPS. However they do bring Group Summonings, Banish, Battle Rez, Health Stones, and Curse of Enfeeblement. We are currently looking for only one Warlock. We do not currently want anymore than 1 Warlock in the group for future Raids.

As well as DPS, we also need Heals!

All healing classes are viable. So if you wanted to roll a Healer, feel free to go any class you wanted.

Currently, Disc priests put out the most HPS and Healing Done on average.

If you wanted to roll a Tank, that's fine. However we are in more need of DPS/Heals than Tanks.

Currently there are only 3 viable Tanks.

Protection Warriors
Brewmaster Monks
Guardian Druids

Protection Warriors are the best for main tanking. Nothing will come close to a warrior's tanking.
Brewmaster Monks are great for fights with a lot of mobs. This is because Monks have the best threat generation and more importantly, AoE threat generation. However they do not have a taunt.
Guardian Druids are excellent offtanks.

Guardian Druids....Their Single-Target Threat Generation is proficent. They do have a taunt. The thing that is different about Protection Warriors and Guardian Druids is that a protection warrior can pop a lot of CDs to reduce their dmg taken all the way up to 60% while druids can only do up to 20%. But the major difference between the two is a BiS Guardian Druid will rarely take any damage from being able to dodge and self heal. This means that they can complete dodge an entire attack while Warriors can only reduce the damage taken. Sometimes a Guardian Druid may take a big hit once in awhile while Protection Warriors will take more frequent damage but not as large.

Ideally, we'd want more Prot warriors than Monk/Druids. But the two are all definitely viable tanks.
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Oh So they do O_O

Idk why I was under the impression that they didnt.

Why was I constantly being told that they dont have any form of taunt that works other than dizzy haze?
Haha I dont know but they have a lot of taunts, they have a general taunt, Dizzying Haze, and a kinda charge/taunt that dusnt work on raid mobs.
Hi, I can make a healer. Are there any class buffs the raid needs?
In terms of race, do you always choose gnome?

Yes. You'll want the high int trinkets. So Priests and Monks should always go Gnome. Otherwise, you'd choose Panda for the increase in food buff. For paladins, go Draenei.
I decided to make a Paladin. In terms of race, Draenei vs. Human. The HoT and shadow resist are nice, but do some boss fights have the need for the PvP trinket effect, and I can still have 2 int trinkets equipped?
Humans also have a nice spirit buff and diplomacy for grinding, but it's up to you. Gift of the Naaru fills a nice extended movement niche. Theres no real foreseeable need for a pvp trinket, but it's always nice and we do a lot of pvp. Just a warning that pallies have serious mana issues and your playstyle will either be decent healing and mana issues or low healing and longevity, an issue our other healers don't really have. I rerolled a while ago, I think mists ruined paladins.
Resto Druids are overall viable healers. They definitely benefit the raid. Not necessarily by their buffs, but by their raw Healing.

If you do not have access heirlooms, I suggest you to join a level 25 guild at level 1. Make sure the guild has the following achievements:

Master Crafter - Achievement - World of Warcraft
Working Better as a Team - Achievement - World of Warcraft

Then start questing, only do dungeons for the quests; then stop doing them.

Once you've reached level 13, Start doing BGs only until you're level 15. Then continue to quest. Then once you're level 18, continue to do more BGs until you're level 20. Then do more quests.

Basically, you want to be 1 level below the max level allowed in ur battleground. Then do nothing but bgs until you get to the next level separation. This way you can farm up enough honor to buy any BoA gear you want. Once you've capped your honor, trade it in for justice points. Rinse and repeat.

Once you've gotten exalted with your guild. I suggest you continue to farm Honor through BGs until you've gotten all your BoA gear you need.

At this point, you will continue to farm honor. Use your honor points to buy the mats for this:

Embersilk Bag - Item - World of Warcraft

These sell for about 600g each. Very easy to farm and easy sellers. You can use this gold to buy any BoA gear that requires gold.
Oh btw, don't buy the BoA Cloaks, the Cloak of Coordination is BiS.

Hope this helps!
They lost tranquility recently, but yeah they do nice single target and raid healing. Heirlooms aren't super important but I recommend, if you're coming to spinebreaker, making a dk and developing a love for pvp or doing what Cer said since the heirloom weapons give so much spellpower. You have danger of ooming though still and if you like having longevity disc priests and rshamans almost never oom, even during mana draining mechanics.
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Man I'm so excited! As soon as I get my Sha'tar trinket and Major Rejuvenation Potion; infinite mana X_X
Thanks for all your help MrCer, you've given me some great info and leads so I can research on my own.

BTW happy new year everyone!
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