US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

BREAKING: <FIFTY> is now level 25!
Well now I gotta server transfer. It's official. Btw grats on using that lvl 1 trick lol, i can't believe it worked so fast.
Well now I gotta server transfer. It's official. Btw grats on using that lvl 1 trick lol, i can't believe it worked so fast.
Nah I used something else.

9 characters, took about 2 hours.
Yep Fifty is now level 25 lets get this project up and running again. Me and Thirk are hoping for one raid night before the release of MoP so wether its on this weekend or next will depend on how mnay people are logged on at the set time. Testing is pretty much complete, we have come up with some very crazy strats like doing 15k healing on a disc priest in 1 second, will tell you more later on. Thirk believes he can pull off 10k HP unbuffed which will make raids bareable no doupt. We would like to at least reach the first boss of AQ10 ASAP to see what the damage is like. Anyway from what im seeing now we are ready to continue raiding and are just waiting on numbers. PS website is almost ready, will post more about later on).

Thats it for now guys keep up the gearing and just stay in contact. Please add me to real ID if you havent already, either me or Thirk can tell you more about gearing and teh changes in MoP. :)
To anyone intending on rolling a shockadin, your viability just got another massive nerf. Holy shock's damage was nerfed big time in a recent hotfix. I got on a non twink 69 holy paladin to see it for myself. It was criting without the glyph for 8k damage, and now it is within the neighborhood of 2k crits. The glyph of holy shock and glyph of harsh words will be your only hope. Good to see a raid coming, I intend on getting my engineering over with today, 40-70 skillups needed depending on my choice of head slot. Good luck everyone
bear tanks are looking pretty viable.
I was taking care of things in real life related to last weekend's events. Sorry that I wasn't online.
No worries. We did a bit more testing and realised a few things.
1.Priest healing is probably top.
2.Druid healing is very good as well, if not as good as priest.
3.Pally healing has teh potential to be a good thing sinc ebeacon can keep both tanks capped.
4.First mob in AQ10 is now childs play.
5.Ideal group is probaly 2 warrior tanks (unsure bout other tanking classes but warriors appear to be able to get more hp than druids) 2 priests 1 healing each tank, druid or pally as thirk heal to keep raid capped and to spam heal tanks when not healing raid.
6.I believe that dps having bandages will help a lot(4k self heals over 5 sec is amazing and will save healers a lot of time.
7.We need to recruit 1 more warrior tank and a priest healer who can get geared and level asap.
Sorry I haven't been able to raid. I fucked up my iPhone (as you know, Thirk) My atrix had dead spots in the touchscreen, so it wouldn't do shit, and I have limited internet. I'm getting a new iPhone Monday or Tuesday, and I'll patch it then, and then I'll be ready to go. If Resume has been using my account, that's great, I'm glad to see it going to some use. Sorry about this, thelse and Thirk. I hope to be tanking soon.
As much as I hate to admit it, and as much as I want to blame gear, pallies aren't looking swell. I can get more spellpower, I had cogspinner goggles of spirit on and not gnomish power goggles, but the spellpower scaling on pally heals is non existent if there is any. Al most all of my gear was broken and my shocks healed for about 100 less than they were previously. Also, my flashes are terribly expensive. I can get at the most twenty chained in combat, and I watched galli in his tank set spam regrowth, and he regened almost all of the mana used by the end of the cast with no spirit stacking. On the bright side, we were talking about a healer per tank and a raid healer, and I think a pally would dominate that role through holy radiance and beacon of light. Just bacon one tank and heal the other. Two people healed at the same time. It could allow me to be more mana efficient because I would have a little slack to shock and eternal flame, which don't use much mana(none for flame). And then melee takes a big aoe hit? No problem! Holy radiance. Done. The more that I think about it the more I think that pallies are just not meant to flash spam. I want to try essence of eranikus' shade in place of power of the high chief to just get more casts, and I really just want to try two solid healers and me on raid to see the effect. I don't want to reroll, but if my plan doesn't work then let's face it, pallies are just not cut out for it and I'll go ret or try to get the hang of priest (the reason I rolled pally was because I understand the class way more than the others). Finally I'm Bubbleblowin by the way, and it's a safe bet if you see someone somewhere named edwaaardo or edwaardo it's probably me. Good job guys tonight, long live fifty.

Extremely successful first raid night. Downed first boss with 8 people despite the massive damage buffs. AQ10 is back on the progression table. Lets keep it rolling out guys.

<FIFTY> is back!
Thanks Edwaaardo, I realy didnt want to say that during the raid. Thye still have their uses and will be very important in MC/BWL/AQ40. Druids are now as good if not better than priests and can do some serious burst healing when required. Overall a very successful TESTING day with the defeat of the first AQ10 boss. Also tried Rajaxx who is 1 of teh hardest fights int he instance and he does not seem like a to big problem.

Fifty is always looking for more recruits and anyone who rolls on spinebreaker can expect assistance with gearing. However we expect them to be available after the first few weeks of Pandaria because we would like to continue progressing asap.
Something you guys might consider - streaming a 5 man ubrs run. With the damage buff you guys should have a ton of fun in there.
Thats a good idea actualy , Might do taht tomorrow :)

I have to say that for a 100% damage increase we are doing amazingly (some may argue its not a whole 100% increase but idk)

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