US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

Ya'll need two resto shamans. 1 for mana tide and one for spirit link.


or just two spirit links for the win...
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400+ on Target dummy is good, I do ~300 on my rogue, and from what Ive noticed dps on the AQ10 raid bosses was more then the dps on target dummy.
We got a fairly new group tonight but only managed to down the first boss due to insufficient heals.

We could really use some more healers at this point.
Hey gratz on first boss guys.
Good to see new people getting into it and remember that it wont be long till we get into MC40 content so gear your guys up. :)
Finally!!!!!!!!!!!! My Str goggles finally got made<3<3<3

Inc faction/server transfer :)
Alright guys ive been doing some thinking as to what the ideal group to go into 40 mans would be. Before I go into it id like to say that this is the ideal group for much harder raids (like AQ40 which will require alot of work once we reach it). Also we dont expect to have a full group of 40 people making it to each raid day until late BWL, however, we dont know.

5 Tanks, most likely 4 Warriors tank and 1 Pally tank.

12 Healers, this is a mix of tank healers and raid heals as well as additional rolls that healers will have (such as making sure tanks have Inspiration or Ancestral healing on them)

3 Dispelers, (Healers) these people will have the roll of dispelling the raid (alot of the boss fights in MC, BWL and AQ40 have debuffs that have to be dispelled ASAP and having healers specificly set to dispel seems like the best way to handle them). Some bosses will require no dispellers but some will require more than the suggested 3 in this post, such as Chromaggus.

20 DPS, this will be a mix of mainly hunters but also afew rogues with idealy 1 mage for buff and 1 walock for soulstones, remember this is the ideal group so I dont expect to get a group this well suited until we get stuck on a boss in the future.

Another few things to note...
-We will probably require 2 resto shamans to have both totems and 1 elemental shaman for their totem.
-Since pallys are the class taking the most damage in AQ10 we can expect this trend to continue so a resto shaman with Ancestral healing (that as well as the 10% damage reduction also buffs HP by 10%) will help alot for pally survival.

If there is anything you think I have missed or misunderstood please tell me.

I would like to know if spirit link totem stacks with Inspiration and Ancestral healing (im awear that Inspiration and Ancestral healing do not stack though).
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holy pally for aura mastery. ele shammy dps, more totems =good. especially 10% more spell power totem. a bit of druids for rebirth.
Yea we will probably need at least 1 holy pally for concentration aura (maybe a dispeler) :)
Yea i included 3 shammys, taht should give us all the totems plus the unique 1s. Im not sure about druids we havent realy tested them in depth, so far healings not amazing, I cant imagine a tank but might work. Feral DPS works well I hear and im not sure about boomkin.
holy pally for aura mastery. ele shammy dps, more totems =good. especially 10% more spell power totem. a bit of druids for rebirth.

Keep in mind that Paladins don't get resist aura until 70 something now, so aura mastery isn't very strong. Shamans with the glyph are the only source of the high resist buff afaik.
My enhance shaman is coming along decently, still need some gear but even with ~19% hit it pulls pretty respectable training dummy dps. Should be higher by the weekend if there's a spot :)

I haven't done any of these so maybe I'm wrong, but the numbers being quoted for HP/Damage/Etc all seem fairly in line with vanilla raiding numbers from AQ40/Naxx era....would we really need 12-15 healers? that's a LOT. 8 is more in line with what was used back then. 5 tanks is more than you would use on the vast majority of fights as well (In fact...given that Naxx is off the table I can't think of a significant amount of fights that use more than 3 or so).
I just started a priest for healing purposes. My main is a resto shaman so I am not new to the healing scene. I rolled on my home server as that iswhere all my resources are located. Hopefully we can all get together crossrealm to gear up.
Yea we will probably need at least 1 holy pally for concentration aura (maybe a dispeler) :)
Im not sure about druids we havent realy tested them in depth, so far healings not amazing, I cant imagine a tank but might work. Feral DPS works well I hear and im not sure about boomkin.

pally would be nice if denounce worked too, just bring one to spam that and help with dispels as well

idk if theres enough spirit + hit gear available for boomkins to be viable, but the other issue might be bosses having too much resistance as well. but if they could get the hit they might do well since the ele shams seem to do good dps

feral tank should make a nice meat shield with high hp and respectable dodge/armor

feral dps on the other hand should suck so im not sure where u heard it works well. i say that b/c they have almost no core abilities for dps at 50, including no access to rip or savage roar. even the talents they can get aren't ideal as blood in the water, rend and tear and berserk are flat out of reach and king of the jungle/primal madness arent going to be had either. the only upsides talent-wise are nuturing instincts to get 20% more heals on you, and survival instincts to keep you alive in hairy situations since dead dps = no dps. in theory dps should be pretty shit with all that considered + a rotation consisting of shred/mangle spam while keeping rake up and using ferocious bite, but if someone has solid #'s then go for it
in MoP tho feral dps could be anywhere from viable to OP as the only thing a 50 would miss out on is ravage and mastery.

I haven't done any of these so maybe I'm wrong, but the numbers being quoted for HP/Damage/Etc all seem fairly in line with vanilla raiding numbers from AQ40/Naxx era....would we really need 12-15 healers? that's a LOT. 8 is more in line with what was used back then. 5 tanks is more than you would use on the vast majority of fights as well (In fact...given that Naxx is off the table I can't think of a significant amount of fights that use more than 3 or so).

dps may be close to what they were doing back then, and hp is close...but resistance, avoidance, regen, etc numbers are lower which means you need more tanks in case of death by crushing blow instagib and you need more healers to not pressure them too hard and go oom too fast
Falkor is almost completely right as usual, except for the denounce spam. In our experience Crushing Blows can't crit, and considering we get Crushing Blows about 90%+ of the time denounce isn't very helpful (we have taken a HPally in to test this out).
i will be amazed if we get enough to do MC or BWL. it will be a ton of fun just we need so many more, with last night proving we need alot of healers too.

how comes the aq10 video?
AQ video is being worked on, along with the website.

We're currently lacking Heals and Tanks more than DPS at the moment.

I'm aiming to expand raid times next to Friday 8PM, Sat/Sun 6PM, and Monday 8PM.
Yea I reckon our damage is fairly similar to what people were pulling late BWL or early AQ. HP is lower, on the Project Feenix server tanks have around 10k HP in AQ40 and DPS/Healers have much less HP (if Project Feenix is accurate we are about 3k HP lower than raiders at the time fully buffed.
testing my shaman as enhance, with 19.80% hit mostly from boa weapons with the pyrium weapon chains (5.28% hit per) and 6% hit from being enhance and 1% for being space goat and a few items with hit, hardly a full or complete set of gear. What ever i picked up when i was trying to put together a ele set.

so testing on the lvl 60 target dummy i casted 50 flame shocks and of those 50 only 10 hit, 80% miss rate. flame shock ticked 58 times with 1 crit. So once it is applied i dont think the ticks can miss but they can crit.

cant get far enough down the tree to get Maelstrom weapon so lvl 50 enhance shamans shouldnt be casting lightning bolt or chain lightning since we cant get the free casts. Unleash Elements is a lvl 81 skill so we dont have that either, which leaves us 3 attacks pretty much; stormstrike, lava lash and shock (flame to get dot up and earth till dot about to fall off)

** will update in a few min after a few more tests on dummy in current gear

stormstrike and lava lash seem to have a 88% hit chance (50 hits min) with them only being dodge (only have 4 expertise atm)
lightning shield proc'ed 54 times but 78% miss chance but seems it can crit since 4 of the 12 hits did
melee hits (392), first of all they didnt hit for shit think max hit was 26, but 296 hits (ALL GLANCING) 71 misses and 25 dodges (again need more expertise)

pretty sure i need alot more hit to get rid of the glancing blows and get actual hits. seems glancing hits are 75% less then normal hit
what % of hit are our rogues running with? suppose i could try to armory a few and check. none linked on first page even have as much hit as my shaman in 1/2 a gear set. wonder if rogues have more attacks so their white hits arent so important, never much liked rogue class myself.

have to go and get: (got off ah for 1500g) up to 12 expetise now
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Geeze, you really payed 1500g for those Edgemasters? I haven't paid more than 250g for any of mine and I have about 5 or 6.
Geeze, you really payed 1500g for those Edgemasters? I haven't paid more than 250g for any of mine and I have about 5 or 6.

stormrage is a freaking huge server and even so they hardly ever show up on the AH, and what else am i suppose to do with 220k gold? already spent 75k on rags mount so 1500g is nothing really
Faction changing to alliance to get my last few items.

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