testing my shaman as enhance, with 19.80% hit mostly from boa weapons with the pyrium weapon chains (5.28% hit per) and 6% hit from being enhance and 1% for being space goat and a few items with hit, hardly a full or complete set of gear. What ever i picked up when i was trying to put together a ele set.
so testing on the lvl 60 target dummy i casted 50 flame shocks and of those 50 only 10 hit, 80% miss rate. flame shock ticked 58 times with 1 crit. So once it is applied i dont think the ticks can miss but they can crit.
cant get far enough down the tree to get Maelstrom weapon so lvl 50 enhance shamans shouldnt be casting lightning bolt or chain lightning since we cant get the free casts. Unleash Elements is a lvl 81 skill so we dont have that either, which leaves us 3 attacks pretty much; stormstrike, lava lash and shock (flame to get dot up and earth till dot about to fall off)
** will update in a few min after a few more tests on dummy in current gear
stormstrike and lava lash seem to have a 88% hit chance (50 hits min) with them only being dodge (only have 4 expertise atm)
lightning shield proc'ed 54 times but 78% miss chance but seems it can crit since 4 of the 12 hits did
melee hits (392), first of all they didnt hit for shit think max hit was 26, but 296 hits (ALL GLANCING) 71 misses and 25 dodges (again need more expertise)
pretty sure i need alot more hit to get rid of the glancing blows and get actual hits. seems glancing hits are 75% less then normal hit
what % of hit are our rogues running with? suppose i could try to armory a few and check. none linked on first page even have as much hit as my shaman in 1/2 a gear set. wonder if rogues have more attacks so their white hits arent so important, never much liked rogue class myself.
have to go and get:
http://www.wowhead.com/item=14551 (got off ah for 1500g) up to 12 expetise now