Just a little tidbit that I posted on one of the guild's Youtube videos: All classic content got a 100% damage and HP buff on beta. If you guys can remain strong until MoP, you might be able to create an authentic experience. There is 1 win/lose issue with this, though. The content will no longer be doable with level 50's. Bosses can already level you in 4 hits just in AQ10. You wouldn't be able to survive anything past the first few bosses of MC no matter how good your healers. But now you can level to 55, or maybe 54(to stay in the 50-54 bracket). Then, you can conquer all sorts of 60 content with an even more authentic experience (since you'll actually be able to bring casters since they'll be able to feasibly stack enough hit to do competitive dps). I'll talk more about this after a few thoughts below about your current situation.
After watching your video and basically timing your raid dps, i figured I'd contribute a little bit of feasibility analysis to your situation.
In your best moam attempt, your raid sustained 1750 dps. Assuming 2 tanks = 1 dps, the average dd pulled 290.75 dps.
Now If you want to kill bigger and badder bosses, I'll do some napkin math to show you number of dps needed.
- Since the dps profile was based off a 90 second burn of moam not moving, a more conservative 250 dps per DD (125 per tank) will be used.
Say you wanted to kill some MC bosses in a reasonable time (5 min, say), here's how many DD you would need (assuming 3 tanks):
- Ranges from as few as 6 on Lucifron to as many as 14 for Rag. These are very conservative estimates on time required, too. It assumes 100% dps uptime.
- So, assuming raid comp is 3 tanks, 5 healers, rest dps, you'll need 15-25 to do MC and get a similar experience to the classic game.
If you wanted to kill a really hefty boss like the Twin Emps, you'd need to following (besides beastly heals & coordination):
- My spreadsheet says at least 13 dps would be needed JUST to dps on the bosses 100% of the time (which would be almost impossible). You would need atleast 5 more to handle bugs. This is to beat the enrage timer assuming the bosses never meet and heal.
- So basically you'd be looking at 4 tanks, 10 healers (the damage would be insane and many heals would be necessary; I don't even see how someone could survive the 1 second shadow bolt spam hitting for 4k) and 18+ DD. Almost a full raid required.
Now, finally, I'll explain why doing it at 50 in MoP will be nigh impossible:
Take nefarian as an example. He is going to have 5.4 million health and melee for around 3.5-4.5k non crushing on plate. According to my spreadsheet, you would need 35 dps to kill just him in 10 minutes (this doesn't include phase 1). Obviously you're going to want about 10 healers and 4 tanks, so that leave you with 26dd. So even if everything goes right and you don't lose a dps throughout the fight, you're looking at a 16 minute kill, which seeing as your healers oomed on moam in under 3 minutes, that's going to be quite the challenge.
So the point I'm going to make with MoP is that 55 would probably be more feasible. Your dps will roughly double, more classes can participate (but I'd still discount monks as they'll just be silly OP), and healers will be able to last longer. I forsee you being able to take a raid of 30 level 50-55 players into bwl and actually having a seriously authentic experience progressing through it.
I hope my wall of text is read and appreciated by someone - I thoroughly look forward to the future of this experiment.