US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

Hey guys, I thought I'd drop by and ask for the current state of affairs. When I played this spring and summer the project was pretty much dead while we were only doing (rarely) casual AQ10 runs. I just got intrigued if this project were still alive and was surprised that you guys are still posting.

So, what's up?
Tonight we are transferring the guild to moon guard.

We are almost back to 10+ members. But we are moVing to Moonguard to gear faster and to recruit.

We have scheduled raids every Saturday at 9pm EST.

If you are returning to the project or are newly interested, now is the best time to start participating.

We are finishing up mc40 this saturday. Once we can start recruiting we start progression in BWL
That is great news, it was about time for the guild to move from Spinebreaker. If I find a way to buy US-game time locally I'll surely make a return within the week.
I have almost all of the things I control in order for my mistweaver set. I plan to be bis by the weekend after this one, depending on how lucky I get with embrace of the wind serpent and finding someone with rocket boots xtreme lite learned. I'll be on tomorrow to run dungeons. I need quite a lot of strath service entrance and sunken temple, but I also need brd and scholomance. Once again if you haven't gotten father flame, I have made it my goal have one on every healer in fifty. I will run people that need it.
Before we move, is there anyone who needs items moved over to Moon Guard with the guild?
i looked at my schedule, i will be 30 minutes late to the raid this saturday.
Guys tell me what you think about getting a high level in to clear the 2nd BWL boss, its only a suggestion but the encounter hasn't changed since we last dealed with it and back then we figured we would require 25+ members, so what do you think guys do it legit or skip it for the time being.
Once the guild is over in moonguard, we'll have plenty of time to recruit for the extra 15 people.

I say do it legit or not at all!
Haha that boss is what stopped us last time, but alright if we can recruit enough people in time. If we cant recruit enough though then we will ahve to consider skipping it just to allow progression to continue, cause id say that fight might be harder than cthun and all AQ bosses.
add my realid if you need any runs


EDIT: It's official! Arms Warrior can break 1000 DPS on the level 60 Training Dummy in BiS Gear unbuffed!

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Haha still not enough dps, remember the 1 tank, 2 healer kills every 45 seconds :)

If we can't progress, we don't progress. You remember when AQ10 was hard with the 100% buff? I don't think we brought a 90 to come clear the second boss, why do it now?
That boss is worth the wait!!

2 and ahalf more hours until I get to go home!

That boss was a pain to heal through! Lots of aoe dmg, people are taking damage that you can't heal through.
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Ah we will give it our best attempt but I dont think we can do it until we have over 30 members, you did the maths yourself you said we would need no less than like 25 people, and if we dont have that 25 by the time we get there we cant just wait because the same thing will happen to the project that happened last time, people will get sick and stop showing up. Thanks my reason for skipping it.
confirmed, the +10 stats to chest only works on lvl 50s.

EDIT: I'm going to make a level 50 Guardian Druid(resto off spec). I went ahead and made a build with no enchantments: Hit Cap > Max expertise > Stam.
Think I should change anything around?
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I think I might have to try something. So I have like 800 attack power on my shit geared monk. If an ele shaman can get 60% hit I can get 17% hit and expertise, hit harder than a windwalker, and be able to sustain through the high mana cost of mistweaver melee, all while getting around 400 spellpower. I melee for a ton right now, and I want to see this happen sometime.

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