[Feedback] WPvP Zul'Gurub Event

Around "The Eye" @ TK is bad. Popular area to be because of the vicinity to legacy pvp transmog and its fairly easy to solo for Ashes
I think we should have one more week with zg but with a larger zone in zg than just paths. After that we should try other odd spawning places, but the graveyards would need guards at higher level places, a few 20's can't take an outland mob.
^^^^^ with everyone's advice not much more to say from my part.

To me this was insanely fun having been my first wpvp event xD! Especially since I got to fight oldspike <3


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Possibly use this for the next ZG. For our first ZG both battle locations were very narrow paths and did not really provide a way to "flank" the enemy. This part of ZG might work better as a more open area.


The Red circle is the Horde spawn and Blue circle the Alliance spawn. The lines indicate the limit where the enemy can not go past.

This location is very even as if you follow the Blue arrow from the spawn area the Alliance have a hut for LoS and the Horde following the Red arrow have a double wall thing which is also good for LoS.

And then to the south are 5 more huts which both factions could use.

- - -

However, this might also suffer the same problem in that when one team pushes the other back to the stone then we would need a reset to start the battle over.

Here is another idea to have an objective and keep the teams moving.


Lets say the Blue circle is the Alliance Spawn and the Alliance choose 1 warrior as their "FC". The Warrior would follow the path of blue arrows and go around all the huts and return to the X spot. Completing a circle would give the team 1 point.

Horde could also use the same path and have a X infront of their spawn. Or, the Horde could use the same path but move in the opposite direction.

In this way when one team defeats the other, instead of just waiting at their stone, they would follow their FC and continue scoring points.

Next ZG we should test some Objective style PvP. If the next event lasts for the same amount of time (2 hours and 30 mins) this gives us plenty time to switch locations and test different ideas.

I think some people wanted to use the temple in the middle for something. If you can come up with a good idea then during the next ZG we can test it out.
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Damnit. I forgot the event yesterday, I really wished to join. Are you planning another event?
Next Saturday at the same time:

12 PM Wild Wild West / Aerie Peak (PST)
1 PM Wild West (MST)
2 PM (CST)
3 PM (EST)


21:00 Central EU (CEST)
Ughh i always miss these events because of IRL stuff . .
But . . i think i can make it for next saturday
Can i come? and are there leaders of servers or something ?
Idk ive never done these types of events but it sure looks kewl !
where are the signups?
I'm sure Kochi will post a new one but is evaluating the feedback first. :)

I can't add much btw, I thoroughly enjoyed it, but since the first objective got pretty much ignored, I'm all for a battle in some larger area with LoS, maybe the bat place. :)

Added elements like raid marking someone as FC and having people escort them to complete a circuit of some sound sound great too.
guys there is a blood elf holy paladin I can borrow from a friend
Also got as resto druid.

Can we use thosee

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