EU+US F2P & Vet Rankings!

Do you think Hardcore rankings are a good idea?

  • Yes, and I will try to participate

  • I don't mind them

  • No, they should be removed (please state reasons)

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Hey @Crystalpall , could you include me in the "Character Only Achievement Rankings" as VET?

Also, I think this thread should be on lvl20s, and not on f2ps.

Pic1 ^órnikus -> 4480 but see below

Pic2 ^


Pic3 ^


Pic4 ^


Pic5 ^

But I have some questions:

For this "Character Only Achievement Rankings", do you use the pic3 number (the number on the right, 4390)? (this number is not adding the blue achievements (binded on account), even if your 20 gots them alone, as it can be seen in pic4).
Or do you use for this section direcly the armory number (pic2, 4480)?


For this "Account Wide Achievement Rankings", do you use the armory number (pic2, 4480)? Or do you use the full acount number (pic 3, so 11960)? If the answer here is the 2nd one, then I think that it has not sense to add in this section the VETs.

Also, I think that both are bugged sometimes (armory number and comparing achievs number), and iirc you know it, but I do not know if you use any other way of checking it.


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Hello Crystalpall. Good job on the initiative. You can include me (eu/magtheridon/elunifeimos) pure f2p with 5925 as of today.
This rating though is only nice to know, but not really serious. It's even less correct and objective than comparing apples to oranges. That is why I voted only 'I do not mind'. And I am not talking about the fact that some 'f2p' must actually be vets as they have achievements that are clearly impossible to obtain at level 20. That can be fixed by verifying and moving them to a separate list. There is a bigger problem that prevents creation of an objective rating. Imho, the real distinguishing criteria for achievement with a limited abilities character (like f2p) is whether it was done solo or in group. Even the 'hardcore' rating progress would be rather easy if you are always accompanied/buffed by a top-level friend(s). I have a lot of respect for the current leaders (Eichi et al), but we progress in very different conditions. I cannot enjoy e.g. being teleported to Argus and collect achievements while just staying as corpse there while a top-level friend slays demons for me. Instead I enjoy doing my achievements pure solo and that's 95% of my total. The only exceptions were 4 teleports (Deepholm, Quel'Danas, Isle of Thunder and Tol Barad), that together gave me around 300 points. Subtract that and you get a 'pure solo f2p' category, you may also call it 'non-twink f2p'. Btw this category distinction is clearly made in my Guide (as 'yellow' and 'orange' achievements) which everyone is always welcome to read and comment on.
TL;DR it's impossible to have an objective rating with vet, twink and pure solo mixed together
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This rating though is only nice to know, but not really serious. It's not even like comparing apples to oranges, even less correct and objective. That is why I voted only 'I do not mind'. Imho, the real distinguishing criteria for achievement on a limited abilities character (like f2p) is whether it was done solo or group. Even the 'hardcore' rating progress would be rather easy if you are always accompanied/buffed by a couple of top-level friends. I have a lot of respect for the current leaders Tenshin and A-chi, but we progress in very different conditions. I did 95% of my achievements pure solo and that's the game I enjoy. The only exceptions were 4 teleports (Deepholm, Quel'Danas, Isle of Thunder and Tol Barad), that together gave me smth like 300 points. Subtract that and you get a 'pure solo f2p' category, you may also call it 'non-twink f2p'. Some guys may enjoy e.g. being teleported to Argus and collect achievements while just remaining dead there as top-level friends slay demons for them, but not me. Once again, big respect to Tenshin and A-chi, but I enjoy a different sport. Btw this category distinction is clearly made in my Guide which you are always welcome to read and comment on.
No no, Eichi.))
Holy shit, bro! That's a lot of hks.
But this guy dont want to add me to this list for years. I would be 2nd on HKs and in top 10 on most of the stuff. As Starter Edition.

PS: Even first, cuz the russian guy dont exist anymore in the WoWs Armory.
[doublepost=1589071936,1589069525][/doublepost]Crystalpall was last seen:
Yesterday at 2:06 PM

You cant hide , mate ;)
If you cant/wont update this F2P/Vet ranking anymore, just say so.... or give it to another guy.
You are active everyday but this isnt updated for years. Update it or step aside and allow another guy to do it.
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I would be 2nd on HKs and in top 10 on most of the stuff

Firstly, Gratz for your HK's but i want to say a few things about past.
Maratian farmed these HK's before 40 men's released and when healing was stupidly overpowered. (Mostly Late Catac. and early Pandaria period) Holy Paladins and Resto Druids were healing like the God. It was really to hard to kill someone in bg's in these days.

Your Hk's are great as number @Kaløyan but Maratian deserves the most crazy and legendary F2P player title.
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Firstly, Gratz for your HK's but i want to say a few things about past.
Maratian farmed these HK's before 40 men's released and when healing was stupidly overpowered. (Mostly Late Catac. and early Pandaria period) Holy Paladins and Resto Druids were healing like the God. It was really to hard to kill someone in bg's in these days.

Your Hk's are great as number @Kaløyan but Maratian deserves the most crazy and legendary F2P player title.
Dunno what he deserve but he dont exist anymore " "

And Im heading to 200k KBs in BGs anyway.

Maratian dont have even 10k. He just stayed in stealth in BGs, I played alongside with him a few expansions ago.

At least I deserve to be on 2nd place in this stats list. For now ... :p I`ll be over 500k in a few months.
[doublepost=1589076928,1589076209][/doublepost]I know I`m a whiny pig, but its not fair if you dont accept my achievements. We are all equal, at all... Or not?
[doublepost=1589077884][/doublepost]I respect the nub "Alphasky". Dont make me to show you videos how I humiliating him in 20s BGs. Just put me in 2nd place. (for now). I have a lot of videos.
[doublepost=1589079831][/doublepost]I told you I would never make another video about XPOFF shits, but no! This thread makes me angry! I`ll must speak it out in a video!
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