F2P Traveler's Log Guide

Edited edit: I just realized that the actual KP still needs to come from the DMF. RiP.
Ye, sadly its too late to do the DMF stuff

Still curious about tips on how to get the picnic stuff done.
I recommend joining the xpoff discord and looking for someone else who also needs it, then you can just group up and go to each spot and sit at each others picnics
Still curious about tips on how to get the picnic stuff done.
Need the Romantic Picnic Basket
Have to go to each of the 6 getaway locations and use the basket with someone else present to right-click your basket (or you right-click their basket).
2 of the 6 getaway locations only come from the daily quest. Although, you can get to Feralas and Grizzly Hills locations without using the getaway portal.
The basket has a 3 min. cooldown.
Need the Romantic Picnic Basket
Have to go to each of the 6 getaway locations and use the basket with someone else present to right-click your basket (or you right-click their basket).
2 of the 6 getaway locations only come from the daily quest. Although, you can get to Feralas and Grizzly Hills locations without using the getaway portal.
The basket has a 3 min. cooldown.
Thanks, I thought I was doing it right. Did you get a buddy to grab the different locations with you? I set mine up at Feralas on a daily day and nobody clicked for at least 30 mins. Just invisible f2p things :/

As an aside, I know how to prepare for next month's DMF at least xD

Takes me 10-12 minutes of /played to get to level 5, run to Goldshire, grab the FP, inn and skinning and tame a pet.


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Thanks, I thought I was doing it right. Did you get a buddy to grab the different locations with you? I set mine up at Feralas on a daily day and nobody clicked for at least 30 mins.
Yes, had a friend to go, ungrouped. Can create a 2nd acct or try the Discord as mentioned above.
Pandaria Skinning, herbing (presumably mining too then) and fishing do not appear to give credit. I'm busy doing the Pandaria intro quests in Pandaria timeline. I'll try others later.

Edit: I've tested Pandaria, Current (BFA?) and Shadowlands timelines for resource gathering and quest credit. None give - can't be arsed to try the others right now.
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For me, no combination of present/pandaria chromie time and warmode on/off yielded any credit towards traveler's log tasks. Fishing in Pandaria also doesn't seem to give credit.
While I'm here, I wanted to say many thanks to both @Brihan and @Conzil for all the testing, sharing and general awesomeness that you do, your efforts are truly appreciated!
For me, no combination of present/pandaria chromie time and warmode on/off yielded any credit towards traveler's log tasks. Fishing in Pandaria also doesn't seem to give credit.
Thanks for testing these, just the hippogryph event left now.

While I'm here, I wanted to say many thanks to both @Brihan and @Conzil for all the testing, sharing and general awesomeness that you do, your efforts are truly appreciated!

Strange, for me, neither hatching the egg, nor using the spectral feather gave credit...
Edit: Nevermind, I went back to check whether I was in present timeline or not, it still shows 975/1000 points, but i was able to loot the remaining 200 tenders, got the love witch transmog and all that. ^^
Strange, for me, neither hatching the egg, nor using the spectral feather gave credit...
Edit: Nevermind, I went back to check whether I was in present timeline or not, it still shows 975/1000 points, but i was able to loot the remaining 200 tenders, got the love witch transmog and all that. ^^

there was no notification but the task was accepted
yeah, i got it now, i’m trying to figure out how you got that mount.
which timeline were you at, warmode on/off, and are you a pure f2p or a vet?
I did both at the same time and got credit for neither. After relogging, I just got credit for the hatchling, not the feather. I killed the elite a second time and used the feather again. Even after another relog no completion.

I cancelled the 5d buff and started the whole process again. Again no credit on using the feather, even after a few relogs.

Damn glitchy log stuff... I will try with an alt, hopefully I've got one that can solo Lorth.

All of this done in current timeline, WM off.

EDIT: It seems that the feather activity does not award credit. I got the 150 from the hatching, and am exactly 150 short for the witch's garb. Not sure if it makes sense to try different timelines and WM settings.


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