F2P Transmog Sets

Lets see some more mogs, armory hasnt updated yet, but i have burnished legs mogged atm. Sleepý @ Moon Guard - Community - World of Warcraft still need better boots. unfortunately i discarded most of my quest rewards long ago, so im stuck with random drops for mogging.

Mog in general is rly nice though yellow isnt my style. Burnished boots, black belt and that sword....that abomination of a sword.....get rid of it!
8/10 (9/10 with burnished boots, hulking belt and that blacksmith sword that sheats on the back)

-1 for mogcolor, race and haircut

Not updated yet. FotL arent visible yet. Needs diff. shoulders and gloves. I guess I rate 7/10 atm but will check later.

switch gloves to molotov, wrists to scouting. dump the shirt and use perhaps burnt leather breeches.

Lets see some more mogs, armory hasnt updated yet, but i have burnished legs mogged atm. Sleepý @ Moon Guard - Community - World of Warcraft still need better boots. unfortunately i discarded most of my quest rewards long ago, so im stuck with random drops for mogging.


you get a few point for the tabard, I do however suggest you swap boots and the fishsticks above them.
I'm open to all mail suggestions for my mog! Im stuck with drops for the most part, apart from a few higher level zones that level 20s are eligible for! (Alliance ofc)

Hulking legs,boots,gloves, belt, dark hair, heavy copper longsword + your Tabard and Shoulders = 10/10
The new mog of my hunter and my mage !

The new mog of my hunter and my mage !

im not feeling it sorry :(

3/10 on both
6/10 for trying tho

Also i see 2cliches in here

A werewolf hunting on a rooftop at night

A pirate/sailer at an ocean setting, she seems to have lost the crew

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