Just to be honest, I have a genuine issue with the implication that just because someone doesn't believe in this tournament, that means they MUST be out to faceroll. That's not only a pretty insulting insinuation, but it's also totally baseless in fact and evidence.
The truth is, lots of people have pointed out lots of reason why the structure of the tournament is unstable, and even in the best of circumstances with the multiple scoring issues, this tournament at best is way, way too influenced by the random chance of the rest of the PUG team. You're doing no service to your project by dismissing its doubters as just a bunch of cowards and/or bullies.
As a battlefield strategist I'm trained to look at situations in terms of victory conditions, and looking at the victory conditions here, I've decided it's best not to engage. This is just one lowly person's opinion, I'll grant you, and my opinion counts for very little. However, please refrain from dismissing my opinion and deigning to tell me my "real" reasons for making it.
Still <3 you though.
I never said that if you didn't believe in this you must want to faceroll. I said if you rant and rave about having competitive games then you dismiss the chance of a tournament that may or may not bring competitive games that must mean you don't really want those competitive games as much as you say (I mean you in general not you specifically). Simple fact is this tourney is based on RNG and luck of the pug. This isn't endgame or anything someone should take professionaly or too seriously it's just for fun and really only has scoring to be able to base a winner at the end of it. The winner does NOT mean they are the best.
This bracket is made around pugs let me say that again.
PUGS not premades. This isn't meant and never will be meant to be a premading bracket, and to whoever thinks differently you are sadly in the wrong bracket. I think a tourney like this that factors in pugs and tries to effectively score (I personally think the scoring is pretty good considering the randomness you can get from pug to pug) based on those pugs is a great idea to get competitive games. Pugs bring the most intense bgs, pugs bring the best bgs, pugs bring the most fun. Sitting in skype with 9 other people facing 10 other people who are sitting in skype just waiting to pick you off if you step 5 feet out of line is boring, the excitingness is trying to lead that spanish rogue to efc to get that clutch return or working with that pug that hates you for a common goal (a win).
There is no reason not to sign up for this tourney. Lets look at the options (ill try and name them all)
You read this and dont sign up and premade to faceroll pugs
you read this and dont sign up and pug and get unstable bgs
you read this and dont sign up and this tourney is a smashing sucess
you read this and dont sign up and this tourney is a utter failure
you read this and sign up and get competitive premade V. premade games
you read this and sign up and get competitive pugs
you read this and sign up and this tourney is a smashing sucess
you read this and sign up and this tourney is a utter failure
If you want to have competitive bgs please tell me where it will hurt you if you signed up for this? (this time you is specific to you) I know you don't care about the bragging rights or the prize or the titles but I would like to think you find close bgs fun and if this has a good chance of bring those close bgs or atleast upping the chance of getting in close bgs, why turn it down based on a simple doubt? I made my point earlier specifically to BWL not to everyone. BWL are the people who made that competitive premade night a few weeks ago. BWL is the new "it" realm. BWL are running 5/10 mans constantly against pugs yet there isn't
one BWL person in this tourney.
They are who I said to put up or shut up, not you or anyone else kin

Although I still would like you and other people to join this and give it a chance before dismissing it