F2P Tournament: NEW ... improved? ... REGISTER HERE.

I just want to say that I do love this idea. It's awesome and I'm glad it's being supported and has interest from a number of prominent people in the community.

One thing that I've thought for this tournament was that it would be easier to not have to queue into other people.

Granted, that would take away the communal aspect of it - but you wouldn't exactly have a shortage of "inputs" to rating changes.

You'd basically use the same scoring set up, with screenshots/etc - but it would be much easier for people to enter and compete when they don't have to communicate and coordinate versus another team. That might be too much of the "PuG" poker though.

Just a thought, because I LOVE this current set up too.

<3 Izac + Cheesetoast
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Izac , i have a question , this toruament... is for pugging /or premading ?
And do i get points by DEFEATING AN REGISTERED player team or random ?

Well the idea is you need to face registered players to get points, so until we have a lot of players the best way to play games is to set them up with other players that are in the tournament

Add Tired @ Aerie Peak. Looks I'll be playing hunter again for a while. Add Brovonlonsky on Aerie Peak as well.

I'll be adding 3 more once I talk to them - tentatively, Wizkidone, Wizkidtwo and I'll find another healer. (Don't add these yet of course).

Alright sounds good, got em listed

I just want to say that I do love this idea.

One thing that I've thought for this tournament was that it would be easier to not have to queue into other people.

Just a thought, because I LOVE this current set up too.

<3 Izac + Cheesetoast

Thanks man! And yes that would help make games easier to set up. And maybe that's something that this tournament will eventually turn into. But for now the goal is to get more competitive team vs team games going. But we're hoping that a lot of solo players will sign up as well and be able to be a part of teams, or else have a way for them to make crossrealm pug teams with Cheesetoast's premade-night thread. We will also revisit the idea of having a match set-up realm where players can find other players to team with. But for now we will just work with what we have

And yes I like the setup a lot too. [MENTION=14218]Lil[/MENTION] had a huge part in helping redesign things to make the tourney better and more likely to work. But we're not there yet, still gotta see how it turns out
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With how much "competitive games" talk that's been going around here lately there should be 30 ppl in this thing. Rather you believe it will work or not, it won't effect you negatively one bit if it works or not so either put up or shut up. If you are someone ranting about competitiveness but then don't sign up for this you must simply be premading against pugs to faceroll.
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I think most people arent trying to put their name in something that won't work if it's going to grant a title like "High Warlord" or "Best of F2P" or whatever. I'm not exactly trying to see what happened in that other official tournament happen again (where two very subpar players won because they had no one else to play against).
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Thanks Lil B) I'm just waiting a few days and then I'm gonna start looking for matches and posting scoreboards.. so I'll get started on creating a leaderboard

I'll also start goin around to different realms and harassing people to sign up soon cause I want this to happen

I think most people arent trying to put their name in something that won't work if it's going to grant a title like "High Warlord" or "Best of F2P" or whatever. I'm not exactly trying to see what happened in that other official tournament happen again (where two very subpar players won because they had no one else to play against).

It's not always the better team or better players that win. Being the best just gives you the best chance. Life doesn't always make sense Biggie

And there's always next season
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With how much "competitive games" talk that's been going around here lately there should be 30 ppl in this thing. Rather you believe it will work or not, it won't effect you negatively one bit if it works or not so either put up or shut up. If you are someone ranting about competitiveness but then don't sign up for this you must simply be premading against pugs to faceroll.

What talk of competitive games.
Thanks Lil B) I'm just waiting a few days and then I'm gonna start looking for matches and posting scoreboards.. so I'll get started on creating a leaderboard

I'll also start goin around to different realms and harassing people to sign up soon cause I want this to happen

It's not always the better team or better players that win. Being the best just gives you the best chance. Life doesn't always make sense Biggie

And there's always next season

Sure, and that's fine. But I'd rather not have two Challenger-challenged paladins win again because they only play against 3 teams and then think they are the best F2Ps in the world.

Also, my team so far is Ultranumb, Brovonlonsky and Tired all @Aerie Peak.
What talk of competitive games.

mainly that bwl thread talking about competitive premades yet not one of them have signed up and are continuing to do 10/5 mans vs pugs (real competitive :rolleyes:). It's not ONLY them however that is the main example and even still people should want something like this. It's fun and interesting and can spice up the dull 24 infested fotm rerolled pugs of this bracket.

If this thing doesn't get off the ground cuz ppl enjoy facerolling pugs while in premades too much myself izac and [MENTION=8222]Kearbear[/MENTION] (are you in this btw?) will just face your team [MENTION=20635]Upswag[/MENTION] and [MENTION=18826]Bop[/MENTION] and spike along with lenny or something alot and it will only be setup games
If you are someone ranting about competitiveness but then don't sign up for this you must simply be premading against pugs to faceroll.

Just to be honest, I have a genuine issue with the implication that just because someone doesn't believe in this tournament, that means they MUST be out to faceroll. That's not only a pretty insulting insinuation, but it's also totally baseless in fact and evidence.

The truth is, lots of people have pointed out lots of reason why the structure of the tournament is unstable, and even in the best of circumstances with the multiple scoring issues, this tournament at best is way, way too influenced by the random chance of the rest of the PUG team. You're doing no service to your project by dismissing its doubters as just a bunch of cowards and/or bullies.

As a battlefield strategist I'm trained to look at situations in terms of victory conditions, and looking at the victory conditions here, I've decided it's best not to engage. This is just one lowly person's opinion, I'll grant you, and my opinion counts for very little. However, please refrain from dismissing my opinion and deigning to tell me my "real" reasons for making it.

Still <3 you though.
Just to be honest, I have a genuine issue with the implication that just because someone doesn't believe in this tournament, that means they MUST be out to faceroll. That's not only a pretty insulting insinuation, but it's also totally baseless in fact and evidence.

The truth is, lots of people have pointed out lots of reason why the structure of the tournament is unstable, and even in the best of circumstances with the multiple scoring issues, this tournament at best is way, way too influenced by the random chance of the rest of the PUG team. You're doing no service to your project by dismissing its doubters as just a bunch of cowards and/or bullies.

As a battlefield strategist I'm trained to look at situations in terms of victory conditions, and looking at the victory conditions here, I've decided it's best not to engage. This is just one lowly person's opinion, I'll grant you, and my opinion counts for very little. However, please refrain from dismissing my opinion and deigning to tell me my "real" reasons for making it.

Still <3 you though.

I never said that if you didn't believe in this you must want to faceroll. I said if you rant and rave about having competitive games then you dismiss the chance of a tournament that may or may not bring competitive games that must mean you don't really want those competitive games as much as you say (I mean you in general not you specifically). Simple fact is this tourney is based on RNG and luck of the pug. This isn't endgame or anything someone should take professionaly or too seriously it's just for fun and really only has scoring to be able to base a winner at the end of it. The winner does NOT mean they are the best.

This bracket is made around pugs let me say that again. PUGS not premades. This isn't meant and never will be meant to be a premading bracket, and to whoever thinks differently you are sadly in the wrong bracket. I think a tourney like this that factors in pugs and tries to effectively score (I personally think the scoring is pretty good considering the randomness you can get from pug to pug) based on those pugs is a great idea to get competitive games. Pugs bring the most intense bgs, pugs bring the best bgs, pugs bring the most fun. Sitting in skype with 9 other people facing 10 other people who are sitting in skype just waiting to pick you off if you step 5 feet out of line is boring, the excitingness is trying to lead that spanish rogue to efc to get that clutch return or working with that pug that hates you for a common goal (a win).

There is no reason not to sign up for this tourney. Lets look at the options (ill try and name them all)

You read this and dont sign up and premade to faceroll pugs
you read this and dont sign up and pug and get unstable bgs
you read this and dont sign up and this tourney is a smashing sucess
you read this and dont sign up and this tourney is a utter failure
you read this and sign up and get competitive premade V. premade games
you read this and sign up and get competitive pugs
you read this and sign up and this tourney is a smashing sucess
you read this and sign up and this tourney is a utter failure

If you want to have competitive bgs please tell me where it will hurt you if you signed up for this? (this time you is specific to you) I know you don't care about the bragging rights or the prize or the titles but I would like to think you find close bgs fun and if this has a good chance of bring those close bgs or atleast upping the chance of getting in close bgs, why turn it down based on a simple doubt? I made my point earlier specifically to BWL not to everyone. BWL are the people who made that competitive premade night a few weeks ago. BWL is the new "it" realm. BWL are running 5/10 mans constantly against pugs yet there isn't one BWL person in this tourney. They are who I said to put up or shut up, not you or anyone else kin :) Although I still would like you and other people to join this and give it a chance before dismissing it
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this tournament at best is way, way too influenced by the random chance of the rest of the PUG team.

As a battlefield strategist I'm trained to look at situations in terms of victory conditions, and looking at the victory conditions here, I've decided it's best not to engage.

Any battlefield strategist can plan for what they know is coming Kincaide. Sometimes you don't get to plan your wars. Sometimes you get ambushed and you have to improvise
Any battlefield strategist can plan for what they know is coming Kincaide. Sometimes you don't get to plan your wars. Sometimes you get ambushed and you have to improvise

Yes. And sometimes you can see a battle, since we're extending the analogy, and you can see before entering the battle that there are too many factors in the battle over which you have no influence, so you can decide to not engage that battle. I'm glad you understand my position on the matter.

Now, if that cute little pug puppy is available as a reward for winning this tournament, then I might change my mind. Because THAT would be deliciously appropriate.
There is no reason not to sign up for this tourney. Lets look at the options (ill try and name them all)

You read this, and want it to be something great, but then take an honest hard look at how many games you've had in the last month that weren't completely ruined by the infestation of Horde 24s, and realize that winning as Alliance, especially with the scoring requirements being averaged over all games, is nigh impossible, and you only have one Horde toon which is on AP which has become... well, a different place from what it used to be, and you honestly assess how much additional frustration it would be to add on top of the already demoralizing situation if the games actually -counted- for something (or counted against as the case may be) and decide that you just don't need that kind of anxiety.

I think you missed that one. Again, I'm just ranting my own little opinions and I could stop at any time... I just don't like how you're still pigeonholing people's motivations. Sorry. This is your tournament, I'll keep quiet.

...I was serious about the pug vanity pet though.

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