Wait how are you going to determine the number of 24s in the game from screenshots.
The old-fashioned way. Alt code guides and armory B)
Wait how are you going to determine the number of 24s in the game from screenshots.
The old-fashioned way. Alt code guides and armory B)
perhaps at some point you have to just stop and reevaluate the soundness of your overall structure?
Ok so here's what I have to say. This tournament cannot and will not be perfect:
As organisers, we thought the pre-tournament thread would be a great way for people to add their insight into the "could-go-wrongs", the "Rules", the ranking system and how it would all fit into the the way we like to think about our BG's. The thing is, not every idea and opinion will work together, there are too many variables. Because of this, there will always be a large part of the community who feels unsatisfied with the the final decisions that are made. We can't make the perfect tourney and I'm sorry for that.
But we will try. The only way to fix mistakes is to experience them first-hand. So if you're having doubts about the tourney, just see this as a big ongoing experiment (with prizes). We want this to be fair as much as you do and the only way we might have a chance of reaching that goal is if you're behind us and participate. We want to see you play in competitive games, get better as teams, give each other constructive feedback, meet other f2p's interested in this competitive aspect along the road etc., etc.
This coming Friday the 14th the "official" rules (as of yet) will be released and the tourney will begin. It doesn't have to be too serious, but don't hold back in queueing with a friend or two as your team. The more people that participate, the more we will learn about how to improve. Good luck and see you on Friday
Thank you Kincaide, I appreciate your responses and I know you're trying to help make the tourney successful. There are many things that can go wrong, but we're just going to go ahead with the tourney and see how it turns out.
So how do you account for non-participant assistance?
Do you automatically become a "team" if anyone on your side of the battlefield is registered in the tournament?
Are we registering participants, or are we registering specific teams? If my 2-man team queues and there just happens to be another 2-man team on our side and a single 2-man team on the opposition, how many points does each of the six individuals get if my side wins? If my side loses?
We simplified it to just registering participants, not teams
If your side wins all 4 of you would get 20 points + 10 points for each of your caps, and the 2 man team would get 20 points for each of their caps (it's double points per cap in a losing game). If the 2 man team wins they'd get 40 points + 10 points per cap, and the 4 of you would each get 20 points per cap
So the scoring for capping, I'm unclear on. Are the points given A) to the participant if said participant caps, B) to all participants if any of the participants cap, or C) to all participants if anyone on their team, whether they're in the tournament or not, caps?
If it's C, then does that mean that two 2-man teams can queue up to face each other, do nothing in the BG, and in a 3/2 game they would automatically get 50/40 points respectively? So the best strategy for four people (or two with multiple accounts, or even one with 4 accounts) would be to queue for as many games as possible, simulqueueing with the other side, and just soaking up whatever victories fall in their lap?
Yes, but all points that you earn will be averaged by the number of games you played so that it's not about quantity. You want to win games against bigger teams and get 3 caps
So wait, if all games are averaged, then the only way to win is by just happening to get queued against a larger opponent team. The only way to raise your average game score is to maximize points in each individual game, which means deliberately facing a larger team with a smaller team. Is it deliberate, or unintentional, that this encourages people to queue with the fewest teammates, and thus the tournament actually discourages group social play? Why would anyone queue with or stay in a game with more than the minimum number of two, if queueing with more automatically lowers your average and thus your chances of winning the tournament?
You get the same points for beating a 4s team with 4 people as you do for beating a 4s team with 3 people. Whatever size team you need to get the job done with however many people you're willing to help earn points with B)
We thought about adding the rule that your team can't be 4 or more larger in size than the other team. But I don't think that's going to be a problem
Game theory
skip out of any game
We will do our best to catch /afkers. If we do, that's a zero point game for them and that'll hurt their average.
Okay, I didn't see that in the rules. Thanks for addressing all my posts, I'm going to bed now.