I'd say this : Karma is a bitch.
- Don't want to be gy camped? /afk.
- Don't gy camp. It's not so fun and remember that this smelly orc is actually a nice human.
- Spamming /rofl and doing guffaws might be fun for you, but it irritates person on the other side. Besides, you spam the chat and your friends can't communicate.
- Learn basic words in spanish / portuguese. It's not gonna take long, for example bandera (flag), or mina (mines - AB). Saying "learn eng spanish fucks" is not gonna help anyone.
- Hypocrisy is bad right? So if you sub don't play as 24 to gy farm.
- Don't judge people by the class they play.
- See a comunicative yet undergeared guy in a bg? Send em over to twinkinfo.
- Heal / cleanse are not selfcast only. No, you can cast em on others even if you are prot! (huh?)
I guess that's all from me, cya