F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

As far as WSG goes, capping flags and flag returns should be separate. Druids cap flags. Rogues return flags. Standing on the cap zone while three healers spam you is not worth twice as much as killing EFCs and being the one to click.
Paladins, warriors, priests, druids, etc can do both and I think a cap worths twice as much as killing EFCs because a FC is always the main target (in theory :D) of the enemy team and you can only cap 3 times in a game.

I could separate caps and returns, I mostly just merged them to reduce number of lists. Ideally I would like to add a top healers ranking as well, but there are no good metrics on armory.
I think Caps and Returns should stick together, because there are a lot of players who like to do both. A mix of caps & returns it's the best way to encourage people to play objectively.

Yes, healers kind of get screwed as far as BG stats go. No AB flags capped or defended mentioned either. Blizz's fault there. Other possible options for further lists would be WSG/AB total games played/won. KB:HK:death ratios. World HKs and duels. Also, I think the PvP ranking, should be called what it is, a HK ranking. Again, just throwing some ideas out there. Not telling you what to do.

I dont think those stats are a good ideea.. Well.... I know a paladin from US.. He afk a lot from BGs after blowing his cds and before he dies. He doesn't mind if his team is gy farming.. He also likes to pick duels and he has now 100% or 99% win/lose duel ratio.... What do you think about that guys?

With linked accounts, it's no longer really F2P. It would probably be best just to exclude linked accounts from the rankings and keep a pure F2P list.
I think there's a big difference between linked and F2P accounts though, and achievements on a paid account aren't really the same as unlinked accounts..
My thoughts exactly.

All this Rankings Story started one year ago with a modest thread about ACHIEVEMENTS... Imirak created another thread about achievements and he also included a PVP list about HKs. This pvp stuff was a add-on from the start.. and guess what .. some folks didn't want to be on that list, because that list had nothing to do with skill and so on. You had the same problem with the pvp part, but you added some new features :) .. Unfortunately the rankings are still based on the number of HK or influenced by the number of games played or time spent playing bgs. In EU for example.. Horde has now much more healers, loads of 24s, dedicated 24s, rerolls from Alliance, .. more geared players, .. at least one active community (with 24s too)...Well.. A lot of f2p horde players from EU will "spark" in the PVP List.. winning 90% of the games in the EU F2P Bracket atm...

Bottom Line... PVP Rankings.. have more "variables" , problems and inaccuracy than PVE Rankings. Why would you move the PVE Rankings in the # X Post ?
Why you don't want to create a pure F2P Achievement Ranking List ?

I don't agree with separating "pure F2P", for a number of reasons:

  • F2P linked to P2P is still free-to-play, and does not rely on paid subscription (players can also use Scroll of Resurrection to freelly add mounts/pets from old accounts)
Me and Felix..., for example, have paid accounts too, mine's inactive, he is playing his atm, and we didn't linked our trials with paid accounts because it's all about F2P here. I thought this is a list about achievements earned by F2P accounts.

I don't agree with separating "pure F2P", for a number of reasons:

  • Logistically it's difficult to tell if a trial is linked with other accounts

This is our signature : Achievements - Community - World of Warcraft - Very simple. If a players has this on a account-wide achievements display, he is a pure F2P.

I don't agree with separating "pure F2P", for a number of reasons:

  • Many players have linked their trials with paid accounts, and I don't want to discourage players from doing so. Why not take advantage of many nice account-shared mounts, pets and titles?
Taking advantage of nice account-shared mounts, pets and titles have nothing to do with F2P Rankings & Achievements. Those mounts, pets & titles.. were and are earned by paid accounts.

I am planning an update with account-wide achievements PvE rankings as a test. It will be interesting to see who's on top, although I'll change the criteria if there are too many undergeared players.

I understand that some of you didn't had a choice about this.. but what about the rest of us .. who don't want to link their account with a paid one or those who don't have a paid account. They will be in the end of the F2P list for that ? How can you post a F2P Rankings with pure F2Ps in the last spots of the list ?
I think o solution will a be a pure F2P list or a list with F2P that have activated the : Display Only Character Achievements to Others , option, but I don't know how well that option works.

I really apreciate your work here Lofi.. but please do not forget about those players who really put an effort in earning achievements and want to be pure or are pure F2P.
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I don't feel like quoting you thor but I agreed with basically everything you said. With as much work you (lofi) have put into this and looking things up or doing this however you do I'm sure you could easily find a way to spot linked or F2P only accounts. If not I believe what thor posted about lv 20s could be an easy eye test while skimming achievements.

Including a meta list of both F2P and linked accounts would be stupid imo. You would mine as well start a thread in the 80-85 forum if you do that. This always was before about showing off what you have occomplished or what you managed to achieve in various fields. It maybe selfish and I understand it's your list and your work but I for one would hate a list to go up on here with some random person with 5k achievement points from their linked account to look like they put more effort or time then I have into their trial.

I think the achievement list should have a F2P only section and if you did link to set it to character only achievements. If someone linked and they lose out on some of those account achievements while displaying only character ones then I guess that's a downside.

I think there should be an option for the pvp section for some kind of vote for removing BOTS. Nothing about a person being a bad just if they are a bot or not as I'm sure 99% of the people on here knows those 3 hunts are dews bots and don't deserve to be on this list.

I think the ratio thing is neat and a good feature to have a list about. I think though that there should be more emphasis on the % per bg. Yes I may have the highest score but I only have a measly 176% compared to earl who's all the way down at 21st with 245%. Having the highest score be #1 is basically just like another pvp list as the person with the most bgs played should have the highest score if they're objective.

As for the 2:1 cap:return ratio I think that is right. Caps are more important then returns. There can be 20 returns in a bg but only 3 caps. Caps are also much harder then getting a return.

All in all I'd like this to continue how it did in cata (some of this reasoning is because i wanna catch felix >:]) and if you add linked accounts
Be sure to change the title to P2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more! when you do.
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You guys made a strong case for keeping a "pure F2P" list for achievement point rankings. More importantly, Thor demonstrated how logistically it can be done.

There are still a couple of issues to be dealt with:

  • Players with linked accounts who turn on display of character only achieves, will lose out on credit for a number of account-wide achievements. (myself included)
  • Players with linked trials (but not linked to P2P) can use account-wide achievements towards all their toons.
  • No way to force players to display character-only achievements, or view from armory if not selected in-game by the player.

Please elaborate if you have any solutions for the above. In the meantime I will post the "P2P Rankings" since I have already captured the data.
It's difficult. There are certain players (like myself) who were had linked accounts all the way back in WotLK and didn't really have a choice in whether or not to link accounts. I think the 'PvE' rankings are important to have, but not if its simply a list of who has spent the most time achievement-hunting on their main.

Blizzard effectively made 'single player' achievements obselete. If they added a way to view 'achievements earned solely by the character' (including account wide achievements from one character - i.e. HK achievements) then maybe this could be started up again. As it is, there's not really a point to continue the PvE rankings, especially not if clearly P2P characters can extremely outnumber F2Ps.

I'm not sure; I'm kind of rambling because I'm unsure exactly where I stand on this. I definitely don't think it's right or fair to have the list dominated by P2P players though.
I definitely don't think it's right or fair to have the list dominated by P2P players though.

Never saw jump once before pre MoP even in the top 25 now he's #1.. I see it pretty simple. Either take out the PvE list completely or try to make only trial accounts because a list having a toon with 13k all because a linked account shouldn't be in a thread named "F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!"
I have removed the new PvE rankings until I can find a reliable way to measure single-character achievements. Legacy PvE rankings will live on in the bottom posts!

There is still some single-character statistic data available on armory (e.g. HKs, # exalted reps, # cooking recipes, etc). I may try to come up with PvE scoring system based on what's available. Of course no system will be perfect and I expect any metric I come up with to be controversial!
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Updated WSG/HK lists and added new characters. Still working on a "PvE depth" formula.
Hks can still be seen as personal hks on armory in the bottom left corner so no point removing those
Yes i would just like to emphasize a fiew names from the list that made most of these numbers possible, wether it's kills/flags/wins.

Ofc it's about the healers that contribute to atleast 90% of those BG's, and without them we really are nothing ....

So here are a couple of names from the Horde side EU that make a difference in a BG and allowing us to rank highly :

Kraud,Celestys,Memento,Palamici,Aieons,Casonus,Redundanthim,Mertze,Vacariu,Jazaine,Samscraft,Nutbreaker,Nalembler,Bybzz,Neryan,Britni,Tehpriest,Matejica,Zantaras,and many others.

I find each and everyone of these names a jewel in this bracket because everyone of them makes a difference,knows his/hers class and gives his/hers best every BG they enter - and thus making all of us shine more.

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When should I have my rare items equipped to get them to show on the rankings? Fishing hat, ROP, mag mantle (funny I know), etc aren't showing for Deftspecter.

And obviously only F2P accounts should be considered for PVE rankings. If you have a F2P linked to a payed its not kosher, sucks but Bliz ruined that for you.
When should I have my rare items equipped to get them to show on the rankings? Fishing hat, ROP, mag mantle (funny I know), etc aren't showing for Deftspecter.

And obviously only F2P accounts should be considered for PVE rankings. If you have a F2P linked to a payed its not kosher, sucks but Bliz ruined that for you.

equipp them when u log out.

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