F2P Rankings: Achievements, HKs, and more!

I don't know if you mean yes it does lock 24s out of starter edition, or no it doesn't. If you make a monk do you mean it locks the monk out of starter edition or you can still use it? I hope all those codes are used up and no more will be provided.

There is a way to get them, but I hope no one will ever do it again. any char with lvl 21+ on f2p gets locked.
Why do those codes not work after 24 hours? Aren't they supposed to last 30 days or more?

they are bought with empty account so after 24h they undo getting you back to f2p.
Your account gets locked, and even if it's easy to unlock blizz is not stupid and they will get it someday and you can lose ur acc.
they are bought with empty account so after 24h they undo getting you back to f2p.
Your account gets locked, and even if it's easy to unlock blizz is not stupid and they will get it someday and you can lose ur acc.

I was just wondering because I never heard of something like this. Remember I'm a pure F2P don't worry.
Thanks! That fits and explains a lot!

Next time you have question, the answer is probably in the first post.


Last Updated 08/31/2013

Character-Only Achiv Rankings
  • Achievement Points + Feats of Strength
  • Mounts Collected
  • Pets Collected (Per Character)
  • Exalted Reputations
  • Cooking Recipes
  • Alchemy Recipes

Note: In order to be listed in this ranking you must
enable display of character-only achievements in the
Interface Display options.
Pure F2P Achiv Rankings
  • Achievement Points + Feats of Strength
  • Mounts Collected
    [*]Pets Collected (Per Character)
  • Exalted Reputations
  • Cooking Recipes
  • Alchemy Recipes

Note: "Pure F2P" means not linked with any P2P account.
Note: Only one of your linked F2P characters will be listed.
See Max Achieves Possible for a comprehensive
list of all achievements obtainable on a pure F2P.

WSG Flag Cap Rankings
  • Flags Captured (Per Game)
  • Flags Returned (Per Game)
  • WSG Victories / Total
  • WSG Honor Kills / (HK/D Ratio)
  • AB Honor Kills / (HK/D Ratio)
WSG Flag Return Rankings
  • Flags Returned (Per Game)
  • Flags Captured (Per Game)
  • WSG Victories / Total
  • WSG Killing Blows / (K/D Ratio)
  • AB Killing Blows / (K/D Ratio)
Honor Kill Rankings
  • Honorable Kills
  • Killing Blows (Kill/Death Ratio)
  • WSG Killing Blow Percentage
  • AB Killing Blow Percentage
  • WSG Victories / Total
  • AB Victories / AB Total
Post Index
#1 - This post
#2 - World-wide PvE Rankings - Character-Only Achivs, Pure F2P Achivs
#3 - US PvP Ranking
s - TOP 100 Flag Caps, Flag Returns & Honor Kills
#4 - EU PvP Rankings - TOP 100 Flag Caps, Flag Returns & Honour Kills
#8 - LEGACY F2P PvE Rankings
Legend of rare items
Legend for PvE rankings
Note: If your trial is linked with your P2P you must display character-only
achievements from interface options in order to be listed in PvE rankings.
Rules and restrictictions
  • Only level 20 players on free-to-play Starter Edition accounts will be listed (or level 20 P2P that plays with F2P restrictions).
  • No naming players as "bads" or bots. I present the raw data so that you can form your own opinions, but please leave them out of this thread.
  • No complaining, whining, flaming or trolling. Please keep your comments/suggestions constructive.


How can I add characters to the list?

Please send me a PM with the wow armory URL(s) to add. Don't worry about sending duplicate or removed characters, as it will not affect the final listing.

How can I help out?
Help find players who are missing by inspecting players at the beginning of battlegrounds. Also, please let me know your ideas for changes or new listings.

How can I be removed?
If for whatever reason you do not want to be listed, please send me a PM with the wow armory URL(s) to remove. Do not ask to be removed in the thread.
Something seems to have gone wrong, all races are blue in the achivment rankings.
Thanks for pointing out the problem with Horde/Ally colors - I will have it fixed for the next update. I had regenerated the PvE rankings to remove per-character pets collected (since it is no longer available) and now see the faction was not being saved to the database. All stats were captured on Saturday.

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Also [MENTION=1027]lofi[/MENTION], [MENTION=15875]samscraft[/MENTION] is on place 33 and 37 on acc wide achivments. they are on the same acc, the mount differ is the paladin mount.
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