F2P news: Trial extended beyond the level 20 limit? (

I'd be fine paying for that, as long as the bracket is active.

That's the thing though. If F2P can play in more brackets, they'll all be less active than the one we're in at the moment, so maybe XP lock as it is for P2Ps would be a bad idea.

Perhaps if F2Ps got an XP lock, that only worked at the previous cap level(s) when you pay to up your level cap, that would keep the numbers up, by limiting us to just 20, 40 and 60.
When Blizzard play the vague and ambiguous game, I switch off. Don't have time for empty statements that probably won't come to fruition. If any of it does transpire, then and only then will l evaluate it.

Anyway, with f2p WoW there are only two things I care about , balanced pvp (which is a complete joke atm), and variety. If we gained access to EoE and AV, I'd certainly be very happy about that, but not going to get my hopes up. It's Blizzard we're talking about here.

This doesn't exist, especially in this bracket, never has and never will :(
its would just be like when trials could lock at 19s remeber? those trials would then just get reported afk.
if trials bcome capped at 60 it ll be the same thing in the 60-64 bracket.
60-64 p2ps will report trials afk because they will be deadweight to the team.

actually, if Blizz allows profs to 300, it would probably be a lot like the 60 twink guilds early on in TBC.
those guys would roll into AV in full MC gear and just steamroll everyone.

aside BOAs or not, the vast majority of leveling toons are not equipped to handle twinks- even highly restricted trial twinks. i was rolling around Stromgard looking for chests on this toon when an undead warrior and a BE mage tried to gank me. they were both skulls. i killed the warrior once and the mage twice before i screwed up and they got me. (playing on a PvP server is SO FUN when stuff like that happens!) personally, i would LOVE to see a 60 trial cap and 300 profs. i'll freaking destroy people.
A higher cap would be amazing. That, and adding the chance of using the Mailbox would be useful. Even if it's only to send mail to our other toons, just so we don't have to be farming so much honor just to get looms.
I hope they raise it to 60.
60 seems most likely. I suspect we won't hear much more about this until after they assess the damage caused by gw2. Which will likely also have a impact on when some Titan information is announced.

I really want to play a panda monk... but I want to play gw2 far more.
time to make a 44 twink
look blizz will never make trials go to 60 because if they do and u queue for bgs the p2p players in the 60-64 bracket will just report you afk because ur a trial.

Are you kidding me? The 60-64 bracket wont be able to report anyone afk because F2Ps will outnumber P2Ps.

I honestly do not know where your logic comes from hunter. In the last 70 points you've made so far on twinkinfo, you've managed to become the new Johneffer.


If they do raise the level cap to 60, I think it'll completely change this bracket. Not only will it bring back the old school PvP that 60s used to have(with gear/enchantments only being Pre-bc) but PvE will come back too :)
well i pretty sure you would need to pay first just to get to 60... Not only that but they will restrict you to being unable to go into the Outland. Cap professions at 375. Not allow access to dalaran wrath places.

Who knows they still may restrict the mail box, AH and trade chat talking, Guild. Etc. So you will be solo playing until 60 and when you get there you need to sustain yourself in an already some what established bracket with GF'd geared people with Gemmed Gear etc.

I say GL!
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If Blizz raises the cap to 40, I think the new F2P 40-44 bracket will still thrive for a number of reasons:

1) It will attract more P2P players to consider playing F2P exclusively, or at least on the side

2) Instead of getting all the "bads" now in the 20-24 bracket, eg. undergeared 600hp hunters etc, etc, raising the cap to 40 will give those players more chance to actually "learn" the game
(i'm being optimistic)

3) The P2Ps who currently have 24s are likely to bring their toons up to 44
(not exactly a good thing for us, but it'll add to the pool at least)

4) The effort to level a Lv40 toon is really nothing with the new Azeroth. I can comfortably do it in 2 real life days (20-30 hours of gameplay).

A 40-44 probably won't be as "newbie" friendly as the 20-24 trial, but that's also an advantage for us seroius twinkers as it weeds out the 600hp hunters.

I would totally support a Lv40 trial.
Don't realy want that we get epic mounts on 40. People will run 2 times faster then my druid in trevel form. But if we get to 50 lvl we can start runing MC and AQ. And that would be cool and challenging on this lvl. On 60 to do them, it will be easy I think.
2) Instead of getting all the "bads" now in the 20-24 bracket, eg. undergeared 600hp hunters etc, etc, raising the cap to 40 will give those players more chance to actually "learn" the game
(i'm being optimistic)

far too optimistic imo. How many ppl you think make serious research about leveling/gearing as F2P twinks?

My first thought was aww agm wont be bis and my second thought was yay agm wont be bis

On topic - would be nice to get something more out of this game since @ 20, you (more or less) easily come bored with things you can do.
Tasting new BG's, raids (@ 60) and dungeons as F2P would add new level to F2P experience.

However I'm pretty pessimistic about this and I think we won't see F2P level raised at least for 1-2 years.
As someone pointed out, Blizz wants us to taste only a small portion of this game, so that if you like what you see you go and buy full game.
And how will they achieve this by raising F2P level cap?
I would be interested if it became 60. Everything else in between wouldn't really be an upgrade I'm afraid.
Who knows if it will be 40 or 60. I just see the lvl 64 twinks with 450 profs, WotLK Enchants and Gems destroying people though.

id rather it be lvl 40, as p2p 44 druids,shamans, and paladins only get one WotLK gem and BC enchants. and plus the amount of gear you can get at lvl 40 will help level the field of play. oh and some classes will actually be able to kill hunters.

plus we get random bgs, even though WSG is still my favorite id like another one occasionally because AB does not pop at all for me.

i'm looking forward to GW2 also, i will be very butthurt if they don't make australian servers however, id like to play melee occasionally.

Edit: hey swag, guess the WAR thing didn't happen after all :(
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One of the problems I see with raising the levelcap, is the time to gear and set up professions. It'll take a lot more time for obvious reasons and will make rerolling another class less appealing.
One of the problems I see with raising the levelcap, is the time to gear and set up professions. It'll take a lot more time for obvious reasons and will make rerolling another class less appealing.

guess it gives an advantage to the super serious twinks then, kinda like how all the super serious twinks all have double AGM on servers that are not aerie peak. i do see the problem with it however it does give you something to do while waiting for ques to pop, if horde actually has bg ques.

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