I'm surprised that Blizzard hasn't considered making classic WoW f2p a long time ago. Lots of newer games are f2p that offer services for anywhere from 5-30 dollars and rake in tons of money. To me it proves that Blizzard has been nothing but greedy. I can understand wanting to make money, but at the cost of your subscribers seems illogical. I can remember reading on the forums of people saying "I'm done with your bullshit Blizzard." and 30 people saying 1 person won't make a difference. Everything starts with one person who's determined, and then comes another then another and another. It's led up 900k people dropping subs either by not being able to afford it or by quitting. It's only 1/10th of the numbers Blizz claims are active, but the point still remains that nearly a million people thought that WoW wasn't worth paying for.
As a player that's been around for nearly the full time (been at it since a little before AQ) anyone who has stuck around has definitely put up with some jaw dropping bullshit from the developers and the demand for more money at the risk of pissing off paying customers. It errked me and a lot of other people to see the rep lowered for heroic dungeon keys back in BC. For us that went through the attunements for MC, BWL, Ony, and Black Temple, it was a slap in the face to see that stuff removed and given nothing to say "Thanks for putting up with our shit while we hand it over to new players without the effort you've put into it."
Justice Point gear was was enough to commence brick shitting when people who went through the hassle of learning raids, wiping, and going through guilds in order to down a raid only to see nearly the exact same gear (minus crappy set bonuses) for not even half the trouble. Why bother with Ulduar when you can farm heroics and get good enough gear to step into the next raid?
I can't even begin to get into the vein popping frustration that the need for money by Blizzard has introduced into this game. There have been tons of feature that could have been added to make the game more fun; guild halls, more character customization, newer models, ie; Jaina, Thrall, Varian Wrynn. New BG's instead of the old ones simply re-skinned; Twin Peaks, Battle for Gilneas. if Blizzard really wanted to make money, they'd follow what other gaming companies has done and appealed to the "fun side" of this game.
Games can look good and fail because they have poor playability. While other games that are kinda dinky become raving successes. 1-60 (make it f2p) introduce changes at a price; new skins for characters and weapons. Offer mounts and elite dungeons with top notch gear for a few bucks. But knowing Blizzard, they'd want more than a fair price.