Then reciving TCG as a gift doesn't mean you aren't f2p anymore either?
Being in a group is not the same kind of "gift" as receiving a TCG come on you know that.
Then reciving TCG as a gift doesn't mean you aren't f2p anymore either?
But in both situations you aren't giving blizzard money but someone else is.
Both award a virtual gift that doesnt award an achivment.
i fell you are going off topic. F2P+F2P is obv kosher according to you people. I'm just trying to get some insight in the mind of you "purists" to see wtf is going on up there.
Lol I could see that, and you lead me to this point.
Question, if say you use a 10 day trial to get a warlock or a paladin to 60, and get your level 60 mount (charger/dread steed), will your linked f2p account be able to use them if you create a warlock or paladin?
butttt what if u stealllllll the tcg card from the box...... you are still f2p as you havent put money in but you also happen to have a nice mount or something
What if you steal prepaid game cards and get free subscription time? That's kind of ridiculous to still consider that Free To Play even though it technically is, but since you're still linked you really can't just prove to us online that you "haven't" paid money on subscription time. Everyone just assumes you haven't stolen anything and that's a different topic anyway.
Why do you bring up the discussion -.-
F2P DK should be able to learn Mechano-Hog - Item - World of Warcraft or Mekgineer's Chopper - Item - World of Warcraft from Blingtron4000.
But I don't think anyone can confirm this.
I'm a little late to this thread, but I think I can answer this. Although I haven't tried a 10 day trial, I have warlocks on both a free and paid account. The Dreadsteed does not even appear on my mount list from the free account. It appears you must be a level 40+ warlock to ride the Dreadsteed.Question, if say you use a 10 day trial to get a warlock or a paladin to 60, and get your level 60 mount (charger/dread steed), will your linked f2p account be able to use them if you create a warlock or paladin?
Hey guys before I start to grind on my f2p deathknight on moongaurd I need to know something, are 'albino drakes' usable by f2p accounts?
If I get the 50 mounts achievement what will happen will it go in the mail or in my bag? and can I ride it on my 20.
Some guy on aerie peak called deej said that you could.
let me know guys, thanx <3