F2P Dks

I came to an interesting conclusion:

1. We all play World of Warcraft I don't know about 4 hours a day.
2. Blizzard being a profit organization, notices you 'NOT' paying and your playing so long on your account
3. Thus Blizzard might have made it a feature to entice you to buy the game.
4. Otherwise it is a glitch/bug and don't tamper with it.
How will they fix it? Since we technically have 55 characters that are locked and Wrath is added to the battle chest, what will stop us from making DKs?
I'm suspicious I took the moral high-ground in the beginning but this is starting to seem like a marketing scheme by Blizzard, better start grinding in the Holidays :p
How will they fix it? Since we technically have 55 characters that are locked and Wrath is added to the battle chest, what will stop us from making DKs?
seriously? uh, how about the same way they stop f2p's from doing pet battles....or just checking to see if you're a paid subscriber before showing the DK option? REALLY simple stuff, Blizz just has to notice (and care about) what's going on.
seriously? uh, how about the same way they stop f2p's from doing pet battles....or just checking to see if you're a paid subscriber before showing the DK option? REALLY simple stuff, Blizz just has to notice (and care about) what's going on.

I was trolling....
I'm suspicious I took the moral high-ground in the beginning but this is starting to seem like a marketing scheme by Blizzard, better start grinding in the Holidays :p
i haven't done it yet...not for moral reasons, but because its taken me almost a year and a half to get my gear (with some grandfather'd stuff) and I don't want to risk my toon's life in the [imo] not-so-likely event that blizz bans any f2p's with a DK on their account.
all you ruined was blizzard's viral marketing campaign for black friday.
There are 10mio paying subscribers and you think their ultimate goal is to get money from 9,000 f2p accounts? Thats a little unrealistic imo...

Twinking is to be the best you can be, through any means neccesary.
That is one opinion I dont share. Why dont you just hack wow then? It is a possible way to improve your twink and since terms of use have to stand back in order to let you have the full twinking experience, I'm curiously waiting for your trying ways.
Things that werent meant to be availible but benefitted the twinking scene through the years
1. Leg armor's (now taken out so clearly were not intentional but created the "golden era" of twinking)
2. Librams (an integral part of twinking till the same cull that arrived during Wotlk)
3. Stamina resilience shoulder enchants on Boa's
4. 450 Proffesions giving classes that were underpowered a chance to shine
5. Last but not least, Arena grand master?! have you forgotten? when first implemented was intended to be a lvl 60 trinket with the first quest being accepted at level 35. One of the only lasting signature items of twinking left today.

So over all i think your points are invalid.

my fifteen hundred cents
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You are not getting my point. People were able to get everything you listed without violating the terms of use. E.g. AGM: Maybe it was intended to be a lvl 60s trinket, but they made it available for characters on every level. Because of that, it is completely fine to use it on your lvl 20 twink.
I don't think anyone's opinion has changed. That said, credit where credit is due.

Just to add, once you have created a DK on this server, you then have a level 55 on your account and can create a DK on any server. The same rules apply though, you can create it, then log in... Once. Of course you can delete it and create a new one. Expect this to be fixed soon. It will be possible to get level 40 mounts. It will also be possible, assuming you have the time or luck, to get Deathcharger's Reins - Item - World of Warcraft among others.

If you create a new starter account, you can use the DK to run yourself through dungeons or AGM. It won't help against 90s, but will help you crush leveling noobs.

Nice comment and a great story behind Deathcharger's Reins - Item - World of Warcraft i decided just to do some dung`s on my dk when suddenly i saw i was in stratholme (where the mount drops) i told my group the hole time `oh yeah i so hope my mount drops that would be cool after a while i did some bad dps the called me noobie, but as we all now..noobies are the ones with the most luck! we reached baron rivendare fighting him i kept staring at his beatiful mount when we killed him the mount dropped all poeple rolled on it and i won they were so mad:p
a trial getting a super mount wich some poeple have been farming for years,
After 1 day i got my title jenkins some awesome companion lot`s of achievements and epic mounts...
I checked the drop rate it is about 0.7% ( that`s what wowhead says )
I`m not good at math and to lazy to get my calculator how much luck did i got getting a super mount while doing the dungoun for the first time in my entire life? u do the math i`m going to show of my mount

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/dentarg/Zhendian/simple `yea yeah i know i`m not BiS but i`m sure the most stunning paladin ever lifed with a super mount
might have been answered before, but are pet battles unlocked for DK's?

edit: note, you can also use the new DK to farm Sporeggar rep for your real F2P. It will take you many DK's though spread over several days. People can farm Sporeggar rep to exalted in under 8 hours, but that's with a much higher level toon. It'll take awhile with a low level DK....assuming they don't fix it before you grind all the rep.

...for a tabard, cooking recipe, and pet.
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