F2P Dks

Hi guys, just talked to a GM about it and he told me, it is not intentional (of course). They are working to fix this problem. I also asked him, if there are any consequences to expect, he told me, that I dont have to be afraid, because I didnt expliod the bug drastically (I basically logged in, did 2-3 quests and deleted my character), but they are going from account to account and will evaluade everyones exliod respectively. He couldnt tell me what others have to expect, but I assume they will punish intnetional exploids maybe by banning, locking oder suspending.

^^^ some people are just retarded...
Blizzard Entertainment, ruining any sort of fun in game experiences since 2004. Good thing they fix anything as quickly as possible that doesn't need fixing at all.
You expect blizz to look at EACH AND EVERY trial account that did this? If they do and feel like banning or locking a toon (about as likely as them raising our gold cap to 100g) for using something that THEY FUCKED UP ON then so be it. I can't say I won't pay cause I don't already lol but if they lock my Lìl for using something they fucked up on and getting the most out of it then I had a nice run
The GM told me they are checking every account, all I can say to that. As I wrote, it is just an assumption - maybe there will be no consequences and you can run, ride and jump as a proud Jenkins and no one will care^^
If they ban every account that do this, they're going to ban over 9000 trial accounts. I tell people every time in BGs and many more F2P players in Aerie Peak. Blizzard wouldn't ban that many people.


Why would you tell a GM about it? Afaik none has reported the bug before. They use the "we are looking to fixing the problem" every time. You just ruined it!
Afaik they were aware of this already, but they would have found it out anyway sooner or later...
And I apparently ruined what? An exploit? oO Interesting pov...
Afaik they were aware of this already, but they would have found it out anyway sooner or later...
And I apparently ruined what? An exploit? oO Interesting pov...

How do you know they were aware of this already? Also how is simply creating a DK an exploit?
He told me, they were working on it. You dont have to believe it, I am. But how do you know they didnt?
I posted it before, but just for you:
3. Rules Related to Game Play.(...)Nonetheless, certain acts go beyond what is "fair" and are considered serious violations of these Terms of Use. Those acts include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

(1) Using or exploiting errors in design, features which have not been documented, and/or "program bugs" to gain access that is otherwise not available(...)

Blizzard Entertainment: World of Warcraft Terms of Use
They did not force you to make a dk, you decided to do it on your own. That being said, it mainly is your fault. Maybe nothing more will happen, but you loosing the achievements you completed. Again he could not tell me, what will happen, but in my opinion they are right to punish in some way. If not, good for you. :)
Afaik they were aware of this already, but they would have found it out anyway sooner or later...
And I apparently ruined what? An exploit? oO Interesting pov...

all you ruined was blizzard's viral marketing campaign for black friday. good thing you ran to mommy to stop all this madness - lord knows they didn't figure it out 6 months ago when they were not only told about it but had 55 DK brazillians running around. way to ostracize yourself for no reason whatsoever.
He hasn't ostracised himself. This isn't a school playground. Bjorke's point is valid. If blizzard want to take the time to go through every f2p account and ban/delete/whatever those that took advantage of a bug allowing them to do something they should have paid to be able to do, then we can't really complain. It doesn't matter if that glitch is their fault in the first place: It's their game, we contribute nothing of any worth to them, and we chose to take advantage. It's like stealing fruit from outside a greengrocers and thinking it's alright because it wasn't inside the shop...
He hasn't ostracised himself.

yes he has

This isn't a school playground.

yes it is

Bjorke's point is valid.

no it isnt

If blizzard want to take the time to go through every f2p account and

they wont

It doesn't matter if that glitch is their fault in the first place:

this is actually true

we contribute nothing of any worth to them,

you contribute nothing because you have nothing. your job is to tell your parents how cool it is to be a murder knight so "santa" will bring you a battlechest

and we chose to take advantage

we take advantage of nothing. the trial accounts are the product of blizzard marketing. we signed nothing promising to buy something or leave. a lot of these people are already paid subscribers, anyway.

It's like stealing fruit from outside a greengrocers and thinking it's alright because it wasn't inside the shop...

a better similie would be to say you are taking two sausage links from the sample table at the grocery store. there is a really long sign behind the table that is constantly updated and far too long to read when you are shopping. a little blurb in that sign says "Limit 1 per Customer - if you take two we might ban you from shopping here for life. or not." Most of you are also too young to be legally held responsible for double-fisting sausages. (lulz)
Bjorke, to put it to its simplest point, you are the reason twinking is no longer the great community it used to be. Twinking is to be the best you can be, through any means neccesary. You are a loser. If you have nothing better to do that suck up to blizzard, i feel entirely sorry for you as a human being.
Bjorke, to put it to its simplest point, you are the reason twinking is no longer the great community it used to be. Twinking is to be the best you can be, through any means neccesary. You are a loser. If you have nothing better to do that suck up to blizzard, i feel entirely sorry for you as a human being.

diz post wus az unecasari az me spelin iz nao - seriously, I may have a different view on rolling dks for mounts (and only the factions ones at that) than he/she has, but I won't be as a low as you...

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