[MENTION=19743]Groenboompje[/MENTION] This is REALLY great news. Do you have any preferred date(or period of time)/server?
[MENTION=18405]Baumbart[/MENTION] Same question as above.
I'll probably be leaving sometime mid July but it's nothing set in stone (so the sooner the event takes place the better).
Realm doesn't matter, just tell me where to create a DK and I will.
Do you get the other faction version of these mounts once you buy any of them on the horde/alliance?
Yo, i think im in aswellI just cant on 5-7 July, and best would be on a Sunday i think! If i dc, im gonna cry myself to sleep....
Mol where u been, i still love u and miss you come back!
[MENTION=16540]Fujin0[/MENTION], Theoretically it ISN'T possible. Let me drop some math on you cause I've farmed for over 50+ hours this summer. You get 3.5 honor per kill (3-4 alternating). It takes 45secs to a 1min for one kill. Assuming you get a kill a minute you get 210 honor per hour. If your ratio is 1:1 it will take you about 10 hours to finish. If you want to finish in two hours one person would have to farm FIVE. If you get a kill every 45 secs (pretty hard to do), you get 280 honor per hour for each person you are farming. If the ratio is 1:1 it will take you 7 hours to farm 2k honor. That's why I said 6-8 hours. I didn't even take into account the hour it's going to take to get out of the starting zone.
Don't try misleading people into thinking this is going to be easy and that everyone is going to get a mount within two hours. For one, people are going to get pissed off when it takes 10 hours and secondly the people aren't going to plan accordingly and are going to leave early which will screw up your run.
I find it interesting that you're pushing all those numbers on me, assuming that everyone that has signed up in this thread cares about how long it will actually take in the end and that they're all completely clueless. The people that signed up know, that even just getting out of the starting zone can be tedious and boring, if they weren't up for that, trying to grind 2k honor through camping naked lvl 55s for a few hours would be futile, but I trust in them. I also changed the FAQ on that part, I made it clear, that 'the grind itself' will take at LEAST 2-6 hours, this can also mean at LEAST 6 hours, depending on the amount of people that show up, how fast people can kill shit, etc.
If you think I have been deliberately 'misleading' people into thinking this will make for an easy grind and everyone can get his mount in 2 hours, maybe even with the intention of trying to accuse me of going to do this only for my own benefit, then you're wrong. It's sad to see, that you have no trust in your fellow f2ps, idk how it exactly runs on the US, but I know most of these people and trust in them to not just show up, grind their honor and leave and I am in a position where I can put some consequences behind misbehavior.
Btw, if enough people show up, let's just think about that, we could do BGs and get our 2k honor 10 times as fast as just camp each other in WPvP.