F2P Community on Moon Guard

Also, about goldshire on Moon Guard. Their is a reason it's refered to as pornshire, def an... "interesting" attraction on this server. Our F2P community is primarily PVP based and don't have much to do with the RP that goes on here. Although some of you guys' comments are dead on, people on this server take RP to the Xtreme.
I think it's very misleading to refer to what the "Pornshire" inhabitants do as roleplaying. Contrary to popular belief, they are not legitimate roleplayers and do not represent Moon Guard's real roleplaying community in the least. The majority are there to either cyber or troll (or both).
Great night of premade guys! Played an intense Moon Guard ally vs AP horde premade, barely pull off a win. Our group here on moon guard is def as some competitive players. And Gidgete is the coolest mage ever! You have to see her play.
wow i want to play with all these people :( i hope blizz make a separate server for all f2p twinks lol yea.. like thats gonna happen
Do you guys actively roleplay? If so I'll head on over, or maybe even get Horde Moonguard going.
Do you guys actively roleplay? If so I'll head on over, or maybe even get Horde Moonguard going.
Only a few of us do, including myself. I think if it weren't for the chat restrictions, a lot more would, as it's difficult to immerse oneself in a story without proper communication. Most of the time, I simply observe -- and there's definitely a lot to observe at most times of the day, whether it be a scheduled event or completely random.
Great night of premade guys! Played an intense Moon Guard ally vs AP horde premade, barely pull off a win. Our group here on moon guard is def as some competitive players. And Gidgete is the coolest mage ever! You have to see her play.

Was a fun battleground, but those two 24s made it difficult on us. Hope to see a full premade from you guys soon! =)
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Screenshot or it didn't happen?!

Acai was the FC for AP. Acai, you were pretty amazing in that game. I think we got really lucky with the last cap. If you had picked up the that last flag i don't think we would have been able to kill you and recapture it before time expired.

Also the 24 shammy did make a difference but he wasnt gear and kind of doing his own thing, gidgete will tell you lol. And he was our only healer but he didnt heal at all.

Look forward to a full premade match.
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I dont want you guys to get the wrong idea Mindy. That stuff does NOT happen throughout the server. It ONLY happens in goldshire. We pretty much have nothing to do with what goes on there. Goldshire is kind of like our Vagas.
Also the 24 shammy did make a difference but he wasnt gear and kind of doing his own thing, gidgete will tell you lol. And he was our only healer but he didnt heal at all.
Yeah, our shaman didn't heal either, I can tell you that.

Healing received by Veint: 0
For some strange reason we have A LOT of ret paladins. Besides wind and reflex (who are great guys) I know five other Ret pallys that are active here. We dont have ANY locks in our group and only one rogue and one warrior that I know of. in terms of races, we have no dwarves in our group at all (one of the coolest races ever). So if you thing is a dwarf rogue lol come join us.
Level 11 dwarf hunter, bringing up the awesomeness :D
But really, i do love this server and haven't had any queue times...yet.
Also the 24 shammy did make a difference but he wasnt gear and kind of doing his own thing, gidgete will tell you lol. And he was our only healer but he didnt heal at all.
The shaman was enhancement, but he could've tossed some heals anyway. He was too preoccupied with whining about how many times I died carrying the flag (despite capping once or twice), and wasting the speed boost to snatch the flag from me only to die in mid every single time.

I'd love to roll with you guys, but I just noticed your server population is pretty full. Do queue times to get on the server get bad at all?
In the past few years I've been on Moon Guard, I've never encountered a log-in queue, not even after content patches.
In the past few years I've been on Moon Guard, I've never encountered a log-in queue, not even after content patches.
This, Moonguard is a great server ive been playing with the people you seen in this thread for a few months now. Some of us rp, some dont. Were all pretty friendly, and when you get bored you can always go to Pornshire for the lulz. I've recently subbed to the game again, and there are a few other p2p's so grouping up isnt an issue.
I have a banker on MG and never had to wait to log in, almost tempted to make a twink there but don't want to deal with rp part.
Acai was the FC for AP. Acai, you were pretty amazing in that game. I think we got really lucky with the last cap. If you had picked up the that last flag i don't think we would have been able to kill you and recapture it before time expired.
Well thank you; I take pride in not dying =)

Hope to see a real premade match soon, and I will have my buffs next time - look forward to a 2300 hp fcer.

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