US F2P BRD clear

Hey welcome back @Fat Al ;)

This game is like the Death Star, it always pulls u back in :p

But on topic, I’m guessing it’s unlikely u guys will want to do this early in the morning ur time?:(

I’d probably be more keen for the Vet run though. I don’t have much F2P swagger though I have a priest that could flex some in BRD ;)

But on topic, I’m guessing it’s unlikely u guys will want to do this early in the morning ur time?:(

I’d probably be more keen for the Vet run though. I don’t have much F2P swagger though I have a priest that could flex some in BRD
Hey, no reason that @Chops's run has to be the only one!

Early/Late, Alliance/Horde, US/EU, F2P/VET... start recruiting, everyone! :D

(...and be sure to record it, so I can watch them all in 20min increments over the next few months and imagine that I have time for such awesome stuff!)
Especially since Fat Al is back.
Hey everyone! The time is quickly approaching! Let's get serious about this.

Brewfest runs over three weekends. So we have plenty of time. Are there any folks out there that would be willing to make some "proof of concept" runs? Pally vs warrior tank? Best off heals? What classes can and can't hit mobs/bosses?

A rogue or shaman will be essential, I think. I had completely forgotten about the heals on the final encounter which may render the boss unkillable without a kick.

But we should test this stuff! Who's in?
My subscription just ran out this morning. :(
I'll do some practice runs once I renew in a few days. I have a higher level Warlock (Horde side) if we want to attempt summons.

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