F2P Armory Library

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Seriously how is the AP Arenas page pinned and this one is not?

MODS: Please pin this thread! That is all.

Seriously how is the AP Arenas page pinned and this one is not?

MODS: Please pin this thread! That is all.

There is actually no need for this to be pinned. After an update and when people post in it, it will be high up there again. The frequency is high enough
There is actually no need for this to be pinned. After an update and when people post in it, it will be high up there again. The frequency is high enough

I disagree. This is about the most useful thread for new and longtime members in the F2P community. It is constantly getting buried by QQ threads that people feel the need to post in like it was a chat room. Not to mention that you do such an excellent job at keeping the thread up-to-date and relevant. I visit this thread regularly to look up people's twinks based on their TI names. Also, the equivalent threads are pinned in just about every other bracket's forums, and often sit at the top of pinned threads due to relevancy and usefulness. Your point that your thread is used often enough to bump it to the first page is the all the more reason why it should be pinned.
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