F2P Armory Library

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Hi, I just wanted to say, I came over to Aerie Peak after finding this community here... I was happy twinking on my old server that I used to p2p on, but when I learned what you guys were doing on AP, I just had to switch. Wargames? Why yes, I don't mind if I do have an extra helping of that, thanks!

So far, I have created two new f2p twinks on Aerie Peak. Eventually I'll get around to listing all of them in my sig or something, but for now, please add the following characters to the list:

Kincaide, human fury warrior

Bellerousse, human subtlety rogue
f2pftw said:
^^ ty " iaccidentallytwink", i play with my gf.:p

as do i, "you're" point?

One of you should be playing a healer.
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