F2P 19 Wargame Battlegrounds and Arenas

^_^ i think this would be a good way for me to work on my pvp skillz :)

^.^ now my question is how many people still actively play lvl19 f2p pvp on AP and if i make a toon for this propose will i find many other lvl19 f2p twinks to join in BG, WSG or Arena?

basically how active is this bracket and if i were to make a toon for this will i find many other f2p players willing to do battle often?
^_^ i think this would be a good way for me to work on my pvp skillz :)

^.^ now my question is how many people still actively play lvl19 f2p pvp on AP and if i make a toon for this propose will i find many other lvl19 f2p twinks to join in BG, WSG or Arena?

basically how active is this bracket and if i were to make a toon for this will i find many other f2p players willing to do battle often?

To answer half of your questions... 19 f2p's don't que for bgs/wsg, unless it's done in wargame form... I'm not completely sure how many still play sadly.
pretty sure you can
basically how active is this bracket and if i were to make a toon for this will i find many other f2p players willing to do battle often?

This is not a bracket or even really twinking, but a project on one server. Sadly, it's not currently very active, since we lost some participants. :(

Also, some people don't want to play with the current templates due to balance issues, so these might get reworked. I don't know when we will be able to pick this up again, but please all keep your 19s so it will hopefully be soon. :)
^_^ well count me in Yde

ill be making a lvl19 pvp as soon as you update the templates

^.^ and thank you very much for trying to get this started i think it will be great for new players such as myself to get acquainted with pvp and also it would be fun not being out-geared when starting out in pvp also if this gets big i plan on making a few training toons on separate battle net accounts to be able to lend to people so they can try different UI add-on setups and key-binding methods(if i could even just peak at a a few high lvl pro's key binding setups and what they normally used for addon/macro set up's i would be in heaven! well at least it would take me alot less time to feel conformable with my system of play for wow pvp)

if you an think of any good guides to this extent pleas link them here it would be of great help to me seeing that i want this done before i start Grinding in game or farming for items or whatever achieving Bis is called lol.

thanks for your great work on this lvl19 pvp thing you got going here and also for any helpful tips or links you may be able to provide

If I see enough people rolling on AP with 19s, I might even put some work into an addon to help 'queue' for wargames.

Please post in here if you're interested in rolling a reserve 19, it's faster than gearing a twink.

I'd like some suggestions on creating/modifying gear templates for MoP! Possibly no stat items for healers at all?
I still have my warrior/en shaman. This is probably the best PVP experience i've had in this game/and the only balanced play I've had in a LONG time (which is saying a lot coming from a 6 year WoW vet). Sadly after the first week, it was me and the same other 4 people doing arenas over and over. The same people kept winning and other people lost interest.
This is why I said if there was enough interest to start with, I'd try to get an addon made to help with queueing. Because you can't really do anything else on an xp-on 19, the addon could allow you to queue while playing another character, and if a player had several 19s, pick the ones you'd be willing to play on (to give the addon a hand building groups that don't stack classes/healers). Once enough people had queued, everyone would be notified, and as soon as they log in the right characters, they could be formed into groups.
This sounds awesome, i might roll a char to participate. I have a question: I need to make an American battle.net account to play on Aerie Peak US, right? Im on a European account right now, so im guessing that the Aerie Peak im seeing is the wrong one.
I'd do this, although i think rets/fury/ehnc should be able to use blue weapons becuase of how bad their damage is.

I think everyone should be getting the same gearsets, based around items to get them hit capped for equal level, then blue, green and white items for all the other slots, so we can play around with rebalancing, without anyone needing to get anything that gives XP in future. It's not the kind of thing that'll work with just an armory. Something more like a levelling guide with a list of items to keep hold of would be better.

This sounds awesome, i might roll a char to participate. I have a question: I need to make an American battle.net account to play on Aerie Peak US, right? Im on a European account right now, so im guessing that the Aerie Peak im seeing is the wrong one.

The first thing I thought when you said 'roll a char' is 'this isn't GW2.' XD

Yeah, you need a separate bnet account to play on the US servers (stupid isn't it). I think someone worked out how to swap one WoW install to work between both regions, now that realmlist.wtf changes don't work.
I think this is a great idea and I would love to do this. Not sure if I have the time but I might just make a toon to try it out. I would really like a rogue set as well, to bring down the damage, seeing how they are good utility players.
WTB f2p 19's that actually try to fully twink out without dinging.

It's not only about the full twinkage but about the fairness (that's why hunters weren't allowed in Cata) - I think healers and maybe druids, rogues and prot-palies should have to play with even lower-lvl gear because they do good dmg/healing even without any notable equipment
WTB f2p 19's that actually try to fully twink out without dinging.

Fair enough I got to level 10 on a planned 19 f2p a few months ago but when the site with the guides went down I lost motivation and games seemed to die off anyway.

But now with the IMO great class balance situation I'll try to find time to finish a 19. Are the gear lists still out there somewhere?

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