F2P 10v10 WSG Wargame

Irrational - Norgannon - Alliance - ret pally

Calculations - Norgannon - allaince - disc priest

SÍne - Blackwing lair - Horde - desto/aflic lock

Exponent - Blackwing lair - Horde - guardian druid

Logarithmic - Blackwing alir - Horde - disc priest

(i would prefer to go horde, but i can go alliance if we are lacking people)
Dcm - Holy Paladin - Argent Dawn - Horde
Ðcm - Frost Mage (CC mage) - Argent Dawn - Alliance
killerkeeman-disc priest-ap-horde
imthedude-hpal-ap horde
bowchamp-any-misha ally
Flÿnn - Frost/Arcane Mage - Aerie Peak (Horde)
Kaigé - Disc Priest - Aerie Peak (Horde)
Flÿnne - Surv Hunter - Aerie Peak (Horde)
Rizá - Rogue - Aerie Peak (Horde)
Esteé - Resto Sham - Aerie Peak (Horde)
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Bigtoni-Monk Brewmaster-Aerie Peak (Horde)
Bossboss-Druid-Boomkin-Aerie Peak (Horde)
Firework-Rogue-Combat-Aerie Peak(Horde)
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Yeah I guess I'll just fill any role on any faction . I have bis ret,rogue,hunter,arms,balance, enhance for dps on ally . On horde I have bis arms, rogue, balance, feral,guardian, ele, ret , hunter ,Mage, lock, enhance

i hve hve every healer class bis on horde and a Druid an priest on ally. Every single one of them is bendandcough in some variation . Still count me in I'll fill in where ever needed .
Idk If I can but just in case.

Shaman ( elemental)
Warrior ( I can tank if ya want)
Hunter ( bm or surv )

[MENTION=18878]AlbinoCow[/MENTION], can you start making a list on the first page of everyone who is interested?

Also, this is to EVERYONE who has signed up - you should definitely have your skype ready for January 3rd. That will make everything a /lot/ easier.

Skype is extremely easy to download and, since you won't be hosting the call, has very little effect on your bandwidth.

AlbinoCow, can you start making a list on the first page of everyone who is interested?

Also, this is to EVERYONE who has signed up - you should definitely have your skype ready for January 3rd. That will make everything a /lot/ easier.

Skype is extremely easy to download and, since you won't be hosting the call, has very little effect on your bandwidth.

Honest question, why do people use Skype and not Mumble?

One of my good WoW friends (who has posted in this thread as interested, btw) can play fine with Mumble running but gets terrible latency and gets dropped out of the game when using Skype.
I've got a list up, just deciding who should go where and so on. Skype will be the primary communication program used, mumble is just as good, if not a lil more convenient for these premades. However, skype is more popular than mumble so at first we will definitely be using skype. Expect the rosters out by friday latest, also organizing 29 wargame wsg and preparing for 19 premades.

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