Some things everyone should keep in mind when it comes down to the scheduling the premade and such. Just because it is set for 8:30 (theoretically) most certainly doesn't mean the premade will be happening then. MAKE SURE you have either the whole night or 3-4 hours from when the time is set for the premade. With perfect sync que's, everybody focused and on point, it will still take ~1hour to get a sync pop for everyone, if not longer. There are bound to be mistakes, and each mistake can cost 1/2 hours or more. Looking into the past, this is what caused these types of premades to fail, so if u can't devote a few hours of ur time to getting this started, do not participate please. Also understand that there are at least some restriction to available comps and each premade MUST be horde v ally. So if you have to be on the wait list don't whine and flail your hands, wait your turn and be an adult.