Experiences yet? Class/spec viability 29, scaling and whatever

My experience has been a highly mobile, high spread dmg, decent off-healer, with good sustained damage to a target that doesn't run out of range. This comes at the expense of getting fucked by feral druids and shadow priests.

ye it seems balance cannot really do shit vs ferals atleast.

i got this recording yesterday where i 1vs2 2x 29 twinks, the balancedruid being from GSC.
might be he just suck, but if you watch it, i cant really see any way he could have won it.

Jagarock - 29 feraldruid twink vs 2x 29 - Twitch
I don't know about other enchants but Crusader is the only one not being affected to my knowledge by scaling, so it gives 100 strength at lvl 1, thats only 4 less then Dancing Steel at max. My Fury Warrior is having lot's of fun <3
I don't know about other enchants but Crusader is the only one not being affected to my knowledge by scaling, so it gives 100 strength at lvl 1, thats only 4 less then Dancing Steel at max. My Fury Warrior is having lot's of fun <3

gonna level a warr any time, and i see the new spell shield charge.

does this practically give you 4 charges in total? (if you go double time ofc)

also how are the 3 specs compared to eachother in terms of damage and survivability?
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gonna level a warr any time, and i see the new spell shield charge.

does this practically give you 4 charges in total? (if you go double time ofc)

also how are the 3 specs compared to eachother in terms of damage and survivability?
Well only 10yd range on Shield Charge :/
I swear it's a conspiracy, as soon as I hit lvl 18 it turned into Shield Block, I was looking forward to having 4 charges but no deal. Maybe it's just my incompetence at finding it or something, but seriously they sold me a dream.

To cologne:
I can say that in my experience Fury feels so much better then arms in terms of raw damage numbers. Having 100% hit rating is what makes it so good, the white hits aren't noticeable but they do a huge chunk of damage. Bloodthirst hits like a noodle since its only for rage, but Wild Strike and Whirlwind damage make up for it.

Prot's shield slam is worse then a raw icelance, similar to bloodthirst its only for rage, other then that I know nothing of it's viability

Arms is meh to me, don't like rend that much, too slow when feral druids are pummeling on dat booty, plus not having double crusader just overall makes it weaker in my opinion.
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enhance is too much fun. good damage (not feral/arms level) lots of utility with peels, purges, windsheer.

im sure its alot of fun in random bgs, with random people.
but how do enhance fare vs the other classes if not played by a random scrub?

will you not be kited to death by hunter?
stunned->death by feral?
ambushed->evasion->death by rogue?
simply outdpsed by warrior?

what 1vs1 can you win, if you think that yourself/someone with equal skill as you, is playing the other class?

im guessing you have a good chance vs shadowpriests actually?
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im sure its alot of fun in random bgs, with random people.
but how do enhance fare vs the other classes if not played by a random scrub?

will you not be kited to death by hunter?
stunned->death by feral?
ambushed->evasion->death by rogue?
simply outdpsed by warrior?

what 1vs1 can you win, if you think that yourself/someone with equal skill as you, is playing the other class?

im guessing you have a good chance vs shadowpriests actually?

i only play skirms & duels, i've been playing enhance for two days so i'm by no means great.

-hunters aren't a problem, easily los'ed. i can basically flame shock them to death while pillar humping for heals.
-ferals aren't bad, i can usually force them to play defensively if i use cooldowns in the opener.
-rogues can be an issue, but can still be kited pretty easily once sprint is down. i think dps is pretty on par between the two specs, maybe favoring the shaman a bit.
-warriors aren't an issue elemental force/flametongue just eats them up. just gotta kite the crusader procs.

1v1 rets probably give me the most trouble. They hit like a truck, have great defensive cool downs, heals and gd hoj.
i only play skirms & duels, i've been playing enhance for two days so i'm by no means great.

-hunters aren't a problem, easily los'ed. i can basically flame shock them to death while pillar humping for heals.
-ferals aren't bad, i can usually force them to play defensively if i use cooldowns in the opener.
-rogues can be an issue, but can still be kited pretty easily once sprint is down. i think dps is pretty on par between the two specs, maybe favoring the shaman a bit.
-warriors aren't an issue elemental force/flametongue just eats them up. just gotta kite the crusader procs.

1v1 rets probably give me the most trouble. They hit like a truck, have great defensive cool downs, heals and gd hoj.

I think rets probably the best 1v1 spec in the bracket right now. Best healing output of any class, including healers and one of the only two classes to have an on demand stun (windwalker and ret).
Beat a Ret tonight as Moonkin and some 29 feral/disc team. I'm liking it ;P, but I haven't tried Feral yet so it's time to test it out :)

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No, it isn't.

Start by using 2x EF enchants on weps, get rid of torturing and get BoA, you'll figure out the rest.
Hi, you must be new here. I was being sarcastic about my gear mate =P as you can see its got a shit load of grandfathered gear on it. Ill get my gear up to date soon enough.

Nice to meet you and thanks for the help! Sub is best spec? BoA sword is best for hemo spam? What stats should i prioritize? Stam still strong? Or should i go for AP/Agi? Thanks again :)
Hi, you must be new here. I was being sarcastic about my gear mate =P as you can see its got a shit load of grandfathered gear on it. Ill get my gear up to date soon enough.

Nice to meet you and thanks for the help! Sub is best spec? BoA sword is best for hemo spam? What stats should i prioritize? Stam still strong? Or should i go for AP/Agi? Thanks again :)

Yeah, i'm new here, nice to meet you too.

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